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Silver-Coated Problems


The six men separated into their two groups after they left the docks. Critch's team had the more dangerous job, and he wouldn't have it any other way. His team was headed to Genics Corp's Smithton warehouse, where the organization stored its incoming and outgoing inventory near the space docks. Heid's Founder friend believed the fungicide was being stored there.

There were far too many unknowns in this plan for Critch to be comfortable. They had only an address to go on. No map of the place, no intel on security procedures. Hell, he didn't even know if this warehouse had a night shift. The way he saw it, they were running into a potential cluster fuck with their eyes closed and both hands tied behind their backs.

Nonetheless, if anyone could pull off two concurrent heists within the heart of Myr, these two crews could. He, Chutt, and Birk had worked alongside one another in close quarters for years. He trusted them and knew he could count on them to follow his lead.

Critch noticed how stiffly the older man moved now. But he knew Demes would be safe, because he had Sixx there to look after him. Critch had sparred with the runner back on the Honorless and found the man had the heart of a pirate. Critch knew he could count on him as long as he paid him well—and he promised to pay him plenty to keep the young tech safe.

He worried more about the risk of Reyne selling them out to the CUF. Critch clenched his fists, thinking about the man he would've gladly given his life for at one time. Vym had asked Critch to give his old mentor another chance. Critch had given his word, but that didn't mean he'd trust the runner.

He pulled up his collar against the damp winds blowing in from the sea. The sidewalks Birk led them down weren't busy at this hour, lowering the risk of someone noticing them as off-worlders. They walked a dozen blocks, past silver skyscrapers that pierced the sky like swords, until they reached the address they were looking for. The narrow, four-story building bore no logo.

"This is the one," Critch said quietly but loud enough for Birk to hear. Years spent as a pirate taught him that when someone downplayed their property, they were intentionally trying to avoid attention. That was the property he'd always go for first. The same was no different tonight.

Birk gave a quick nod and led them to the alley between the buildings across the street. Once in the shadows, Critch held up a hand to silence his men while he ran a scan for sensors. Several moments later, he let his hand drop. "Alley's clear."

He nodded toward the Genics Corp building. "They have motion and audio sensors at all windows and doors on the ground level. Looks like they don't want company coming in from the street."

Chutt smiled. "I'd say. Let's drop in."

Critch looked up at the roof. "My thoughts exactly."

The trio spent the next two hours breaking into the taller building next door and sneaking through hallways and up elevator shafts to get to its roof. From there, they shot a zip line over to the roof of the Genics Corp warehouse.

As Birk retracted the line, Critch scanned the roof to double-check for sensors. "It's clear."

He walked casually to the roof access door and was surprised to find it unlocked. He almost laughed at the ease of entry. The Myrads were too cocky for their own good. Sure, they had a space barrier, but he was still surprised no one on the surface felt like becoming a thief—or even a vandal—for the hell of it. He imagined Myr's police forces were likely focused entirely on catching runaway tenured.

"Easy pickings," Chutt said from behind Critch.

He turned to face Chutt and Birk. "Warehouse personnel are likely all tenured, so they won't put their lives on the line to protect inventory. Still, there's no need to draw any attention our way."

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