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An Unexpected Gift

Torrent Headquarters, Terra

Reyne rushed down the dock the moment the door to the Honorless opened.

When he saw Critch assisting Heid down the ramp, relief flooded him. She'd survived. The crazy, harebrained idea of faking her and her crew's deaths by letting Ausyar destroy the Arcadia had worked. The Campaign had lost its greatest asset, but at the same time had secured the safety of over three hundred lives.

He walked over to greet them. When he reached them, he embraced Heid. She immediately tensed as if she hadn't ever been hugged, but then wrapped an arm around him. He took a step back. "You pulled it off. I never thought I'd say it, but I think you're crazier than Critch here."

She grinned. "It definitely was easier in theory than in practice."

He grew concerned. "Your crew that flew with you on this mission?"

She winced. "We lost six."

He closed his eyes and lowered his head for a brief moment. "The eversea has gained six brave souls." While six was a low number for such a high-risk mission, he would've been happier if there'd been no deaths. He turned to Critch. "And your crew?"

"Without a scratch," Critch replied.

He exhaled a sigh. "Good. Today, we had a major win against the CUF, thanks to you and your crew." When neither spoke, Reyne motioned. "Come. Seda wants to meet Gabriela."

The trio headed to the hangar to find Seda working at his desk.

Heid cocked her head. "I honestly never thought I'd meet the Aeronaut."

Seda came to his feet and held out his arm. "Welcome, Baker. However, I believe you go by your real name now you're no longer associated with the Founders."

She clasped his forearm in salutation. "It's a pleasure, Seda."

He nodded toward her injury. "You should get that looked at."

"I will," she said and took a seat.

Critch walked over to the bar and poured himself a whiskey. He downed the glass and refilled it.

Seda watched Critch. "Did everything go as planned?"

Critch nodded. "Exactly as planned."

"Except we lost two escape pods," Heid added.

Seda frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure they were good people."

"The best," Heid said.

A chime sounded. Seda opened the drawer and pulled out a tablet that only a few people in the Collective knew about. "I don't believe it," he said. "It's Mason."

Shivers coursed over Reyne. He strode over, closed the door, and then leaned against the wall.

Seda furrowed his brows. "What is he up to?" He shook off the expression. "Let's find out, shall we?"

Seda transferred the call to the wall screen, and Mason—also known as Gabriel Heid—appeared. While everyone in the room could see and hear Mason, Mason could only see Seda.

"Hello, Aeronaut," Mason said.

"Mason," Seda said, following suit. "To what do I owe this call today?"

"First things first. How's my daughter?"

Seda kept his poker face. "I'm afraid Corps General Ausyar launched an attack against the Arcadia earlier today. All souls aboard, including your daughter, were killed."

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