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A New Plan

Tulan Canyon, Playa

Heid plopped down on the chair in front of Vym's desk. "Only eighty-two Nova colonists have joined my crew. The rest show no interest whatsoever in joining the fight."

"Do you blame them?" Vym glanced up from the computer screen in her desk. "They've faced death and survived. They deserve to enjoy a normal life. We can't force them to fight. We made it clear: every torrent is a volunteer."

"I know," Heid said with a sigh. "It's just that the CUF outnumbers us ten to one."

"A hundred more would make little difference. In fact, a hundred more could hurt us if their hearts weren't into the Campaign. The difference will come from the grassroots torrents who stand for their rights in each of the colonies. That's who will win the Campaign." The old woman pursed her lips. "News of your trip to Nova Colony has already made the headlines."

Heid tried to suppress a grin, but failed. "I saw them."

Vym raised her brows. "Did you really have to destroy every single CUF drone you came across?"

Heid held up her hand. "I didn't destroy the drones. The Nova colonists pulled the triggers." Her smile grew wider. "But it was rather fun."

"Your fun escalated the Campaign. From what I hear, the CUF is cracking down harder on every colony now. We've recalled the specters from Darios and Spate."

The younger woman waved her off. "The CUF is looking for any excuse to bring down more pressure."

Vym wagged her finger in a motherly scold. "You and Critch both excel at giving them excuses. I hear Parliament hired private firms to rebuild the Ice Port space docks. Evidently, they're feeling the loss of rilon production in their pocketbooks."

Heid's eyes widened. "What if they discover Tulan Base? This dock isn't that far from Ice Port."

Vym's gaze narrowed. "Believe me, I'm not letting any citizen get their grubby hands on Ice Port. I lost Ice Port once. Never again. Those private firms are going to discover Playa is becoming a well-armed planet with drones of its own."

Heid straightened, a look of shock crossing her face. "You've been building drones? When are you launching them?"

"They're already in orbit. Your scanners didn't pick them up because they're made out of pure rilon, and their electronics are shielded. I learned a thing or two from my time as a stationmaster."

Heid laid a hand on the desk. "Incredible." She eyed Vym. "The moment the first shot is fired, the CUF will know our base is here. They'll bring the entire armada here."

Vym's door chimed and Jed Baptiste entered. He strode over, smiled warmly, and clasped Heid's hand in both of his hands. "Gabriela, it's been too long."

"You look great," Heid said. The older man walked with a limp from his time spent as a prisoner in the Citadel. If he didn't have the limp, Heid could've sworn she was looking at new man. He'd put on at least thirty pounds, and had shaved his beard. At his age, she'd never expected him to recover from imprisonment. She'd also had the same thought about Vym, who'd proven her just as wrong.

"Your timing is perfect, dear," Vym said. "We were just going to talk about Terra."

Jed leaned against Vym's desk. "Excellent. Don't stop on my account."

Dear? Heid had known that Vym and Jed spent quite a bit of time together, but she'd assumed their time was spent in managing all the printing operations and refugee camp. As she saw the pair together now, the attraction was obvious, and Heid smiled. Clearly, the old CUF commandant and the Ice Port stationmaster had found time for themselves as well.

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