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New Beginnings

Nova Colony, Space Coast

"Congratulations, Seda, or should I call you, President Seda?" Reyne said, and then broke into a grin.

Seda shook his head. "Never call me that. I've always hated pomp and protocol."

"Oh, I think you like it better than you let on."

Seda pinched his fingers. "Maybe just a little, but don't tell anyone."

Reyne looked around the living room as he took a drink. There wasn't much décor and furniture, but what there was looked to be of the best quality—and definitely not cheap. "You know, this is my first time in Critch's residence. It's exactly what I expected."

A woman emerged from what Reyne believed to be Critch's bedroom. She strolled in, wearing only a robe, and grabbed a glass of water. She smiled warmly at the two men as she strolled seductively through the room. She ran a hand along Seda's shoulder as she walked by. "Coming back to bed?"

He reached out and kissed the back of her hand. "Soon, Layla. Soon."

Reyne smirked. "And that's not something I expected at all."

Seda smiled but said nothing.

"So, what will you do, now that you're the first president of the Alliance of Free Colonies?"

Seda's humor drained from his face. "Good question. There's so much work to do, I don't even know where to start. This isn't like starting a new company. We're talking about establishing governments for four independent worlds, at the same time. And, the Collective is not going to make any of it easy. Any delays in shipments or cost overages, and we'll be facing trouble with the CUF. Winning the war didn't end our troubles, not by a long shot; it just opened up an entirely new set of problems. We've still got to get colonists back to their homes, a memorial built on every world"—Seda took a long drink—"and then there's Critch..."

Reyne winced. "Yeah, how'd that conversation go with Etzel when you fed him the story about Heid hanging himself rather than facing shame back home?"

Seda chuckled. "He didn't buy the story for a second. He surprised me, though, when he didn't push it. I think he was glad he didn't have to deal with Heid again." Seda blew out a breath. "Critch is going to find himself back on top of the CUF's Most Wanted listed at the rate he's going."

Reyne grunted. "I think Critch has had that spot nailed for twenty years and counting."

"Cheers to that." Seda held up his glass, and they toasted.

After they drank, Seda spoke. "So, what's your plan after all this is done?"

"You mean, after the Matador ships?" Reyne shrugged. "I'm old. My bones ache. Maybe I'll retire."

Seda shot him a dubious look. "I don't see you retiring. It's just not in you."

"Well, I've considered going back to running mail."

Seda watched him for a moment. "Or, you could help me build the Alliance of Free Colonies. There's plenty of work, and I need leaders I can trust."

Reyne shook his head. "I'm not sure I'd be much good at politics."

"We need Playa's rilon production. We're rebuilding Ice Port, space docks and all. You grew up at the fringe station. Here's your chance to be a stationmaster at the new one."

Reyne watched him for a long while as he considered Seda's words. After a length, he spoke. "I'd consider it."


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