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Playing Politics

Rebus Station, Terra

Five hours elapsed before the official negotiation meeting. During that time, the torrent leaders hashed over the talking points, Seda notified the news of the event, and Ausyar would've consulted with Parliament—and, no doubt, Mason.

The meeting was held at the stationmaster's office in Rebus Station. Seda had offered to host, as it was customary for any political and business meeting of worth to take place on land.

Out of the three captains, Seda only permitted Critch to join him in the room. The other two marshals were furious to say the least, but Seda had been planning the Uprising for years, and he wasn't going to have Ausyar's personal conflicts get in the way of independence.

Ausyar considered Heid a Collective traitor, number one on the CUF's most-wanted list, and he'd have her shot her on sight. She'd very publicly humiliated him. She was an officer promoted by him and entrusted with a warship, which she'd then stole under his watch. He'd want to personally—and publically—make her pay for her disrespect.

And Ausyar hated Reyne with the heat of a supernova, because Reyne had killed Ausyar's consort, Zara Wintsel. It didn't matter that Wintsel's death had been accidental, Ausyar single-mindedly sought to avenge her death. Seda suspected that Ausyar's pride had been stung worse than his heart at the loss of his consort.

Under Myrad law, Ausyar could satisfy his personal vendettas against Heid and Reyne without repercussions. That left Critch, aka Drake Fender, as the only torrent marshal who could be in the same room as Ausyar.

Ausyar had been chasing Critch for years, and it had to stick in Ausyar's craw that one man, basically a simple thief, had been able to evade the armada for so long. Critch and his specters had made more than one CUF commandant a laughing stock. Even now, during the Campaign, Critch drew volunteers by the hundreds, while Ausyar had to resort to drafting colonists to serve the Collective. Critch was a thorn in the corps general's side, plain and simple.

Seda rubbed his temples. Having Drake Fender—the scarred face of the torrent rebellion—in the room during negotiations would be crucial for the colonists to buy in to any peace treaty.

But hell. Torrent, pirate, whichever role Critch was playing that day, neither would contribute to good negotiations. Though, Seda had to give Critch credit. The man was an astute businessman, and a man Seda had come to respect. As a pirate, Critch had accumulated a fleet of over a dozen ships and countless properties. But pirating was a far cry from politicking, even though both were cutthroat professions.

Seda read messages on his comm panel to keep anxiety from showing on his face. Critch lounged in a chair off to the side. He looked like he was napping, but Seda knew differently. The pirate would make a damn good poker player, Seda humored himself.

"Ausyar's arrived at the station," Hari said, and Seda looked up to see her at the doorway. She'd brought with her Tax and Corbin, Seda's two most trusted guards, and the trio placed themselves around the room where they could best protect Seda and watch for trouble.

Seda didn't really think there'd be an assassination attempt today, not with the meeting being recorded and sent out to all his news sources. Parliament would no doubt have the video clipped and modified to better tell their side of the story, but that would only benefit Seda, as Vapor would post the full, unedited video online for everyone to see.

He stood and moved to the center of the room, where two chairs had been set to establish an equal platform for the two leaders to speak. Out of habit, he checked his right side to make sure the robotic arm was firmly in place. He glanced over at Critch, to see the man's gaze now rapt on the door.

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