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Barrett Anders awoke with the feeling he was being watched. He reached to turn on the light, but a hand grabbed his wrist. He swung out with his other hand, only to be blocked.

"Don't fight," a male voice said.

The pressure released from his wrist, and Barrett pulled his hands back. The light came on, and he found a man covered in black from head to toe, save for his eyes. His irises were as dark as the assassin's garb he wore, and focused intently on Barrett.

Barrett sat up. "You're here to kill me," he said matter-of-factly.

The man watched him for a brief moment before saying, "No."

Barrett's gaze narrowed. "Why are you here, then?"

"I'm called Ranger." He pulled off his face mask. "I'm here to talk with you about the Founders..." 

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