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Rebus Station, Terra

Seda had a feeling of déjà vu as he waited in his chambers for the new corps general to arrive. Critch sat in the same chair as he had last time. The only difference was, this time, Reyne sat in a chair next to him.

"Thanks for staying," Seda said to Reyne.

Reyne gave him a look. "When this is done, I'm still leaving. What happened last night doesn't change my mind."

Seda gave a tight nod. He couldn't blame Reyne. Where Critch was vengeance and Heid had been determination, Reyne was conscience. Seda was the negotiator, a neutral hand to lead the colonies to freedom. It was his failure that they'd hid the blight from Reyne. And Seda feared that failure would come to haunt him. Seda had resources and understood politics, but Critch and Reyne understood military strategy. They needed each other if the colonies were to achieve a true independence. And what Seda saw today was that they were falling apart. First, Heid's death. Now, Reyne's imminent departure. Without strong, united leadership, how could they maintain a unified fringe?

Feeling the weight upon his shoulders, he took a seat at his desk to monitor the CUF envoy. They'd pulled up outside the stationhouse and were now entering the building. Seda turned on the video for recording in case this new leader was even worse than Ausyar. Seda nearly chortled. Someone worse than Ausyar? Couldn't be possible...could it?

He stood as the CUF officer entered the room with his entourage. The man was easily twenty years younger than Ausyar, and an Alluvian where Ausyar was a Myrad. That distinction alone gave Seda hope. Alluvians were much easier to talk to.

"Hello, Stationmaster Faulk. I'm Corps General Barrett Anders." The man held out his hand.

Seda gripped his forearm. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Corps General. I recognize you from when you accompanied your predecessor here to discuss negotiations." He motioned to the two empty chairs, and they each sat.

"Yes," Anders said. "It was unfortunate more progress could not have been made that day."

"I agree," Seda said.

"Before we begin," Anders began. "I'd like to offer you my condolences for Gabriela Heid. Gabi and I studied at the academy together, and I was shocked to learn of her choosing the colonies over the Collective." He paused. "In the Forces, it's considered an honor to go down with one's ship. At least she had that."

"Yes, she had." Seda's eye twitched when Critch muttered something behind him. "She was an admirable marshal and respected captain. Her death was a waste and completely unnecessary."

"The Collective Unified Forces code of conduct would have me disagree." He sighed. "But I'm only human, and I mourn her death, nonetheless."

"As do we all," Seda concurred. "Let me offer my condolences for the death of Corps General Michel Ausyar and the crew of the Unity. What happened was truly tragic."

"It was," Anders said, leaning in. "It took me some time to convince myself that something as truly evil as the blight not only still existed, but that there were those who still found value in its application."

Seda forced himself to not glance in Critch or Reyne's direction. He focused on the corps general who sat before him. "As I said. I found the event to be a tragedy of the highest order."

Anders eyes narrowed. "I've found myself in a dilemma when it comes to you and to what happened about Rebus Station on that fateful day. If you didn't condone the use of the blight, then I can only assume that you have no control over the torrents, and negotiations with you are then null and void." He lifted a finger. "However, if you did condone the use of the deadly fungus, then I can only assume you find no value in the life of your enemy, and I worry how many innocents could die in your quest for independence."

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