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Changes in Seasons

On board the New Liberty

"But you said you thought scars were sexy," Sixx whined.

Bree scowled at him. "Scars are, not corpses. If that blaster shot was one inch higher—"

"Good thing it wasn't, huh?" Sixx smiled.

"Can I see it, Dad?" Lily asked.

"Sure," Sixx said, caught Bree's disapproving look, and added, "when the bandage comes off."

Lily crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. "I've seen worse, you know."

Sixx's features tightened. "I know, Snookum."

Bree wrapped an arm around the girl. She and Sixx shared a knowing glance, then she spoke. "Lily, there's been something we've been wanting to talk to you about."

"Is it about Simon?"

Bree flinched. "How did you know?"

The eight-year-old rolled her eyes. "You two aren't very quiet when you whisper."

Sixx cocked his head. "What'd we tell you about eavesdropping?"

She shrugged. "Well, it should be okay if it's about me."

"It's not okay, anytime," Bree said.

"Unless you're getting paid to do it," Sixx said with a wide grin. Lily laughed. Bree nudged him, and he grimaced.

Lily sobered. "Don't make me go live with Simon. I want to be with you." Tears welled up in her eyes. "If you don't want me anymore, I can go away, but please don't make me go with him."

Bree embraced the girl, and Sixx reached out and held her as best he could while confined in the hospital bed.

"We love you and never, ever want you to go away. Not ever," Bree said.

Lily sniffled.

"You're my daughter," Sixx said. "I will do everything in the galaxy to keep you safe. If you want me to make sure that Simon Tate never comes after you, I can make sure of that."

A small smile formed. "You'd shoot him for me?"

"You bet, Snookum."

Bree's lips thinned. "Sixx, remember how we talked about being good parental examples."

"Maybe just in the foot, then," Sixx offered.

Lily's smile broadened.

"Do you like Nova Colony?" Sixx asked Lily. "That's one place Simon can't go."

She nodded. "It's warmer than Playa. And I like playing in the tunnels."

"Ah, so we've got ourselves a tunnel rat," Sixx said.

Lily showed her two front teeth and held up clawed hands, mimicking a rodent scurrying around.

"Then Nova Colony it is," Bree said. She furrowed her brow and turned to Sixx. "But Reyne—"

"Will understand," Sixx said. "He'd want me to live with my wife and daughter."

Her frown deepened. "But—"

Sixx smiled. "Why not make it official? We could get married and adopt Lily—I mean, at least the adoption would be legal in the Alliance, even if the Collective ignores it."

Bree raised a brow. "Is that your idea of a marriage proposal? Because if it is, that's got to be the worst one ever."

"We're going to be a real family, not just a make-believe family?" Lily asked, her eyes wide.

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