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Distant Dreams

Reyne pounded on the door to Critch's quarters in Tulan base.

"Hold on, for chrissakes," came a voice from the other side. After the sound of shuffling, the pirate opened the door.

"Pack up," Reyne said without any sort of welcome. "Baker replied. The meeting's on. The Gryphon is launching within the hour."

"The Honorless will lead the way." Critch slammed the door shut.

Reyne scowled at the closed door before heading to the control room, where he left instructions for the torrents who were remaining on the base. He then pinged Sixx on his comm. "Wake up, sunshine. Get to the ship for immediate departure."

Sixx mumbled something Reyne couldn't make out but assumed was a verbal nod. He wasn't about to go looking for the man. Sixx had slept with at least two of the torrents already, and who knew where he'd slept last night. Evidently, now that they weren't all cooped up on the ship together, Sixx found them far less annoying.

Throttle, Boden, and Doc all stayed in their bunks on the Gryphon, none yet trusting Critch's crew or the torrents at Tulan Base. Reyne broadcast to the ship as soon as he stepped on board. "Heads up, crew. Prep the ship for departure. We're heading to the Coast."

The first person to enter the hallway was one of Critch's crew, hopping as he pulled on his boots. A man whose name Reyne couldn't remember, not that he tried to. The pirate brushed past Reyne.

"You better hurry," Reyne said. "Your ride is powering up as we speak."

Doc's door was left open, and Reyne peeked inside to find her tugging on clothes, her hair a disheveled mess. His brow rose. "Wild night, huh?"

She gave a weak smile and pulled her hair into a ponytail. "Pirates," she said as if that single word was explanation enough.

He headed down the hallway. Since Sixx was inside the base, Reyne knew no one besides Doc had had a "sleepover" on the ship. Despite Demes' flirtations, Throttle seemed to still only have eyes for Boden, who only had eyes for sweet soy.

The man was currently in between bouts with his addiction, making him bearable to be around and a talented mechanic. When he was on the soy, that was another story. He'd lead Throttle on one minute and crush her heart the next. The guy was a bastard when he was high. After the last binge, Reyne had given him an ultimatum. Stay clean or get off the ship. Fortunately, Boden had stayed clean so far, but Reyne wasn't confident it would last.

Reyne hoped Boden stayed clean, because he had no idea where he'd find another mechanic who would be willing to work for Aramis Reyne, the fringe's most notorious traitor.

Sixx rushed onto the ship, the circles under his eyes conveying how little sleep the man had gotten the night before. "It's too damn cold out there," he said through shivers.

"Where's your coat?" Reyne asked.

Sixx gave an exasperated sigh. "Kristen was sleeping on it. I didn't want to wake her."

"Who's Kristen?"

"She's the one with purple hair."

"Ah." Not that Reyne cared. "Get back to the cargo hold to make sure everything's battened down for takeoff."

"Sure thing, boss." Sixx headed down the hallway the opposite direction of Reyne, who headed toward the bridge. Throttle wheeled out of her quarters at the same time Reyne reached her door.

"So, we're going to the Coast again?" she asked.

Reyne couldn't miss the anticipation in her eyes. "Yes. We'll be flying back with the Honorless."

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