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Finding Mason

On board the Littorio

Seda Faulk stepped out of the docking bay and into a damaged hallway. He glanced at the burn marks on the walls and had no doubt in his mind that Barrett Anders wanted him to see the damage the rescue mission had caused to the Littorio. He'd left Hari back on the New Liberty, since she was now a likely wanted criminal in Anders's eyes. Instead, he'd brought a pair of Marines on loan from Commander Fields. He knew two Marines posed little danger to dozens of dromadiers, but both Hari and Shauna had insisted.

A pair of dromadiers led Seda and his escorts first through the hallway, then up several floors in an elevator with dried blood smeared on the back. Seda had to give Anders credit—the man knew how to get a point across.

When the droms approached a closed cabin door, they stepped aside and motioned for Seda. "The captain will see you now," one said.

Seda turned to the Marines with him. "Stay here." He turned and entered.

Inside, he found Barrett Anders sitting behind a large wood desk.

"Corps General, it's good to see you," Seda approached and held out his arm.

They clasped forearms, and Anders spoke. "President Faulk, it's been too long. Though, you no longer need to address me by Corps General, as I believe the Collective has disowned both me and its colonization fleet. Parliament believes I gave them a black eye, when in fact I gave them every opportunity to embrace and champion the change."

"Hopefully, when you return, their perspective will have changed," Seda said as he took a seat across from Anders. "I saw the damage on my walk up here. How's the Littoriodoing with repairs?"

"All critical repairs have been made. We're still scheduled to fly out tomorrow, and will make the remaining repairs en route." He paused. "The damage was far less important than the loss of life. That's why I wanted Drake Fender executed for his crimes before I left this system. This week, I lost twenty-six good crew members and have another thirty-two wounded because of him."

Seda cocked his head. "Forgive my bluntness, but those lives are on you. No one would've died if you had just left Fender alone."

"No one may have died on my ship, but more will die. Violence and anarchy are all he knows. Mark my words. As long as he's out there, more lives will be lost."

"If he crosses a line, I give you my word, I'll take care of it," Seda said.

"I hope you will, as we both know he's still alive thanks to your help," Anders said as he looked at Seda from the corner of his eye.

"I do not know what you're talking about," Seda said with feigned confidence.

Anders waved a hand through the air. "Let's not talk of that man again. There's too much to finish before the fleet jumps tomorrow and not nearly enough time."

"I agree," said Seda. "All the supplies have been transferred, and I've verified the credits have been deposited, so you should be covered there."

"Yes, yes, that's all good, but you know I like to get straight to the point," Anders said. "I wanted to talk with you about the future of the Founders."

"Ah, I see."

"Nearly every Founder has joined the colonization fleet. If the Founders aren't rebuilt, there's no one to guide the Collective—and now the Alliance, of course—in a way that represents allpeople, not just those in power."

Lately, the Founders had done far more damage than they'd ever done good. Seda and Hari had debated about whether the Founders still provided value or if they were simply an echo of a once-great organization. Seda didn't voice his thoughts. Instead, he said, "Continue."

"We need a leader to guide a new group of Founders, a group capable of empowering both the Collective and Alliance." Anders leaned forward. "I'm asking you to take on the mantel of Mason."

Seda carefully considered his response. "The Founders have had enough Masons already. Rather, fresh blood requires a fresh way of thinking. I have an idea that will reimagine the Founders and what we're capable of accomplishing together. Let me share my vision with you..."


Seda returned to his ship with the Marines at his back. They went back to the crew quarters, and Seda headed to the bridge, where he found someone he hadn't expected to see sitting in his seat. "Hello, Ranger."

"I heard what you said to Anders," the Myrad said.

"You have a bug in his office," Seda said as a matter of fact.

"If what you said is true, I no longer have a place in the Founders."

Seda smiled. "Quite the opposite, in fact. I plan to leverage your unique set of skills even more."

"But you told Mason—"

"What he needed to hear," Seda finished. "He's leaving and won't return for years, and in all likelihood, never."

The assassin cocked his head. "Tell me what your real vision is..." 

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