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Truth in Words

The bombing didn't stop until long after dark, deep into the dead hours. Reyne tried to ignore the phase cannons by keeping busy, but every blast made his breath catch and his heart ache. When the bombardment finally faded, he stood and waited for more. For never-ending minutes, he waited. When hope filled him that the hellfire raining down on Ice Port was finally over, he hustled to the bridge.

Throttle was napping. Demes was busy working, and Reyne worried what secrets the tech was sifting through now, but he brushed past the pirate and to his captain's chair. Immediately, he scanned the Ice Port channels for chatter, but the smothering silence meant that the drones were still in place.

And so the waiting game began.


Three days later, the drones finally pulled out from Playa's orbit, and the static replaced the silence on all channels. Unfortunately, there was nothing but static. No calls for help, no search crews, nothing. Reyne repeatedly tried to reach Vym, with no success. He sent a message to Kason, who he hoped had stayed on Alluvia after United Day, but had still to receive a response.

The only good news was that Demes was able to get word to Critch, who would reach Ice Port in less than two days at jump speed.

And so the waiting game continued.


When the Honorless landed at Tulan Base, it filled up the expanse. For a moment, Reyne considered the possibility that the ship would never make it through the cavern entrance, but the all-black ship sailed through with a few feet to spare on each side. It taxied and parked alongside the Gryphon, dwarfing the smaller gray ship.

Demes jumped from the station he sat at in the control room and stood alongside Reyne and watched the ship power down. Reyne could sense the excitement rolling off the young pirate. "Go on, get those files decrypted."

Demes jogged outside toward the Honorless, meeting Critch and several crewmembers as they emerged. They stopped and spoke before Demes continued to the pirate ship.

Reyne waited until Critch reached the building, then opened the door. "Welcome to Tulan Base."

Critch stepped inside and looked around, and Reyne could tell the man was trying to figure out how he hadn't known that a base this size existed. He shot a look at Reyne. "You could've killed Demes and kept this place all to yourself."

"I could have, but that wouldn't fit in my plans."

"I assume the torrents I left in your care are still breathing?"

Reyne nodded. "They've been helping get this place up and running. Most of them are pretty decent workers. Right now, they're in the lower levels, freshening up the living quarters. They like to stay where it's warmer."

"They're used to worlds that have ten times the temperatures of Playa," Critch said. "It sounds like you're setting up to play house here. While I'll admit it would make an excellent smuggler's dock, what exactly do you plan to do with this base?"

Reyne motioned around him. "Welcome to the Uprising's Playa base of operations."

If Critch's thoughts matched his expression, he didn't believe Reyne. "You believe in the Uprising now?"

"Always have."

Critch watched him for a moment. "Why do I get the feeling you didn't bring me all the way here just so Demes could use his gear?"

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