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Full Circle

Reyne and Critch sat in silence in the pirate's office at Nova Colony. A light on the panel blinked when the data coin's contents finished copying onto Critch's system.

"I'm no tech," he said. "But I know that if I upload this data to the Net, there are techs out there who will know what to do with it."

They had no guarantees the information would make it to the Collective news. Most citizens would likely never see it. But, if enough colonists saw it, the Uprising would have a chance.

"The fungicide should be dropping on Sol Base right about now," Reyne said. "With a show of good faith like that, coupled with the data, the fringe will band together against Myr. I only hope it will be enough to stop Ausyar."

Critch moved to press the upload button.

Reyne grabbed his arm. "Wait."


"It's missing one thing." He reached into the neck of his shirt and lifted out the medallion he wore.

Critch's lips curled. "How right you are." After several keystrokes, he flipped the screen so Reyne could see the cover added to the data file. It was a simple gray cover, blank except for a single torrent raindrop on its center.

Reyne leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. "Now, it's ready."

The pirate tapped a button, and the word UPLOADED appeared over the file.

"It's done." Critch leaned back.

"Good thing Demes was smart enough to make copies of the data," Reyne said.

Critch nodded. "Demes was a good tech."

"He was a good pirate," Reyne added.

"He was a good torrent," Critch corrected.

Critch reached into a drawer and pulled out a bottle of bourbon. He then pulled out two glasses and filled them both. He slid a glass over to Reyne. "Here's to two old torrent marshals taking on the universe."

Reyne watched him for a moment. "I knew you'd finally get it through that thick skull of yours that I wasn't a traitor."

Critch winked. "I may be hardheaded, but I also know when I've been wrong."

"Seriously?" Reyne asked. "That's the worst apology I've ever heard."

Critch shrugged. "I don't think I've ever apologized to anyone before."

"I'm not surprised."

They clinked their glasses, and each took a long drink.

"I received a message from Heid," Reyne said. "She wants to join forces."

"I received the same one."

Reyne thought for a moment before speaking. "I think she's earned the right to wear the raindrop."

"You sure about that?"

"What's your gut tell you?" Reyne countered.

Critch took another drink. "That we should meet with her again." He swirled the drink in his glass. "But, if I find out she had anything to do with that Alluvian shitstorm we were thrown in, I won't hesitate to drift her and take her ship."

"I know," Reyne said. "But if she didn't betray us, having an Alluvian captain and her warship on our side speaks volumes to the Collective."

"It sure won't hurt," Critch agreed.

After a contemplative moment, Reyne spoke again. "The blight. Was it real?"

"Yep. Idiots had it in the same type of crate as the one shown on the news."

"Why'd you take it?"

"Because a pirate always prepares for the worst."

"Would you have used it?"

Critch looked over his glass. "What do you think?"

Reyne narrowed his eyes as he examined the other man. "I don't know."

"There's your answer."

"What'd you do with it?"

"Saving it in case we ever need a Plan B."

"Was it only that one vial?"

Critch never answered. After waiting another long moment for an answer, Reyne pursed his lips, and they drank in silence.

Critch drained his glass and set it down. "It's safe to say a new Uprising has begun."

"Uprising?" Reyne's jaw tightened. "No, we just started a war."

*** END OF PART 1***

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