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Hideout Found

"What? They got Kankuro too?" Temari yelled to the ninja following her and Team Kakashi to the Entrance. Naruto and (y/n) were chasing each other still, "When will they stop?" Kakashi thought.

"Yes, Lord Kazekage was taken and Kankuro followed in pursuit." The ninjas explained to Temari, "Kankuro was poisoned by the enemy and we don't know how to neutralize it. At this rate... He won't.."

(Y/n) and Naruto stopped, after hearing what the ninja said. "Lets hurry, Temari." Sakura told Temari. "I'll take a look at him."

They went to Treatment Room 3. "Kankuro!" Temari yelled, Lady Chiyo and the rest looked the direction the voice was heard from. Sakura, Naruto and (y/n) then followed. Kakashi stopped in his tracks when he saw Lady Chiyo. "He's the White Fang of the Leaf!"

"You jerk!" Lady Chiyo shouted, running towards the grey haired male's direction. "Huh?"

"Prepare yourself!" Naruto and (y/n), who was behind Kakashi made clones of themselves and began protecting their Sensei. Lady Chiyo, blocked all the clones, and they vanished. (Y/n) looked at the Naruto and then Lady Chiyo. "What do you think you're doing?! Attacking Kakashi-Sensei like that?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, you wrinkly old prune!" Naruto added on. "She may be old, but she's good." Naruto thought.

"I haven't forgotten what you did! I've waited for this day White Fang of the Leaf, the day I wreak vengeance on you for what you did to my son." Lady Chiyo said, directly at Kakashi. "No, no, no. You see I'm not-"

"That's enough talk!" Lady Chiyo told Kakashi. Until Ebizo put a hand in front of her, stopping what she was about to do. "Take a closer look at the man, sis."

Lady Chiyo looked at Kakashi, seeing him smile, and put his hands up in defense. The twins beside him. Kakashi nervously laughed. "It's true there's a resemblance. But this one is not the White Fang." Ebizo explained. "Eh?"


"Lord Baki, a report from the Leaf Village." a ninja said, handing Baki a letter. Kakashi and the twins were in front of him. "It's from your Hokage." Baki said, handing the letter to Kakakshi. "From Grandma Tsunade?" Naruto asked. "What she'd say?" (y/n) asked. "She says that Team Gai is on its way here to back us up."


(y/n) chuckled, "Bushy Brow sensei's squad?" Naruto took the letter and read, (y/n) reading behind him. "Ha, I can't wait to see how much they all changed." Naruto said, "I even heard Neji has made it to Jonin! " (y/n) added.

"Well, alright! Since we are waiting around for them to get here, let's go after the Akatsuki right now!" Naruto explained, "okay, but, which way are you going?" Kakashi interrupted, but the twins already jolted down to the end of the hallway before he could finish his sentence. "Do you even know where they are?" The twins stopped, and sighed.

"Uhh, no..."

Kakashi looked at Baki, "if you don't mind me asking, what have been the results so far of your attempts to pursue the Akatsuki?"

Baki explained everything about how they lost track of ninjas and the Akatsuki. Oh! And Kankuro regained consciousness!


As all the Akatsuki members continued extracting all of the One Tails power out of Garra, Pakkun found the Akatsuki's hideout, that little mutt sure is a good help.

Pakkun sat with Kakashi on his bed in the room Baki had have him and his squad. Naruto slept on the floor whilst (y/n) slept on the bed - reason because (y/n) simply pushed him off.

It was early, and the twins were still sleeping, like mentioned before; Pakkun and Kakashi sat in the bed, Pakkun explaining where the Akatsuki's hideout is.

"Are you sure thats where it is?" Kakashi asked, "I'm sure, it's seems more likely because Gaara's scent was coming out from there as well."

"I see... I've got one more favor to asked you..." Kakashi said.


(Y/n) started to wake up, she was on the very edge of the bed (because it was the coldest part) and as she was moving, she fell on top of Naruto's back. "GAWH!!!" Naruto and (y/n) both yelled.

"Oh, you're up." Pakkun said. (Y/n) got up, "Oh, Pakkun!!" She said, grabbing him, and started hugging him and carrying Pakkun like a baby. "StOP!" Pakkun yelled and jumped off (y/n)'s arms.

"Right. Pakkun, you should get moving." Kakashi told him. "I'll see you around, Naruto.." Pakkun glared at the red head ",(y/n)." And with that- he flew out.

"So, does that means they found where the Akatsuki are hiding out?!"

Guys I have a bad headache atm and I'm sorry for not updating 😧 And sorry for the short chapter.. I hope you guys enjoyed it though!

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