Chapter 15 : Beginning

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Hello my lovely readers !!

Just want to thank all of you again for supporting my work and making the reads go up higher.

Love you guys to the max always ❤

-Emily 😘-


Chapter 15 : Beginning

I feel blessed right now.

Having a hot man beside me.

I forgot to mention, that the hot man is also my boyfriend.

Here we are in the shopping mall, walking hand in hand into a lingerie shop.  

Yes. A lingerie shop.

I need to buy a few sets of lingerie, since my old ones are getting older.

I pulled him into the shop and when he realized he was being pulled into a 'women shop', he stopped and said "Can I... Uh.. Wait outside ?" He scratch the back of his neck. Haha. He's so cute when he's nervous.

"Nope. You're gonna help me pick out my lingeries." I winked and motion him to come in. He looked down and shuffled his feet before entering. I walked to the panties section and I saw lots of patterns and material. I pick up the red laced one. This one looks good. I thought. I wonder if he'll like it. I turn around holding up the panty saying "What do you think ?" Showing him the panty.

His eyes went wide at the sight of the panty. He blushed a little and said " Yeah. Uh. It's.. Nice."

"Is that all you can say ?" I raised an eyebrow and wiggled the laced panty in front of him. I have never thought that Xavier would blush.

He gave me an annoyed look and looked away. I laughed and shook my head and pick out a few panties.

After we were done with the lingerie shopping. We decided it was time to fill our stomachs with joy. After arguing what should we have for lunch, we decided to go for Chinese instead of Korean. The place was nicely decorated. Chinese style definitely. It has antiques and bamboo decorations at the sidewalk and there's a small fountain beside it. It kinda reminds me of the word 'zen'. Although I have no idea what the heck that is.

The waiter greeted us and lead us to our seats and hand us our menus. He handed me the menu with a wink and gave me a perverted look. I can hear a ragged breathing, which was probably Xavier's. He looks mad. Or may I say fuming. His nostrils are flaring and his fists are clenched. His face is so....... Hilarious !

I laughed so loudly the other customers looked at my direction but I didn't give a shit. I clutch my stomach so hard I think I pinched myself. My laughs begin to die down and I wiped away the tears from my eyes. Good lord, I haven't laughed like that in ages.

"What's so funny ?" He grumbled.

"You." I smirked and the same waiter that gave me a wink came back with out drinks and this time he didn't looked at me at all. Xavier was giving him the death glare, he was so frightened by his scary face that he looked away and scrambled away.

Ooooo. Scary.

I took a sip from my green tea and let the warm, refreshing liquid flow down my throat. "Ahh." I said refreshingly. It's a really good feeling. I put the cup down and took out my phone from my bag.  

"Can we take a picture ?" I asked him.

"No." He glared at me.

Gosh, he's acting like a child.

I frowned. "Why the hell not ?"

He just gave me the "stop asking so many questions" look and turned away.

"You know you really need to chill yourself." I commented.

"Why ? Is there a problem with my attitude now ?" He challenged me.

"Yes. Yes there is. You. Are being way to serious. You also need to stop being so unfriendly and give people the ugly stares. Oh. What happened to 'Xavier the cocky boy' ? When we first met, you were all cocky and shit, now your cold as hell and I can even feel the icy feeling from here."

"That's because you're sitting on the opposite side of me." He said flatly.

Then it hit me. Ugh.

"I mean not now, like the whole time." I tried to defend myself.

"Really ? Even the kiss was cold as hell ? I thought it was pretty heated there." He smirked.

I blushed and smack his arm playfully. Hah. Take that.

"But seriously, you need to talk more. Make more friends. I seem to be your only friend, you know." I smirk.

He snorted and said "Please, I have tons of friends back home."

"Well. One day, if I get to go there I want to meet them." I stated.

His eyes go wide and then changed back to the normal size quickly then narrowed his eyes. "Why would you want to meet them ?"

I swear he changed his eye's size 3 times. "Why not ? It would be nice to get to know your 'friends'." I still think he doesn't have any friends.

"I DO have friends. So stop judging me." He huffed and crossed his arms like an immature child.

"Fine. But you have to learn to be more sociable. You're living in the 21st century, you know. Not in the time where you have hairy beards and a bad breath like a caveman and communicate like animals. Or worse, you DON'T communicate at all."

He ignored me by scrolling stuff on his phone and tapping lots of things. I wonder what is he typing.

The waiter came back with our food and I started digging in. I ordered the Chinese noodles with some minced pork on top. Xavier ordered the infamous chicken rice.

Me being the hungry pig, which already finished the bowl of noodles in 10 minutes, wants to steal some of Xavier's chicken rice.

"Can I have some chicken rice ?" I asked him.

He frowned and said "Don't you have your own noodles ?"

"I finished it already." I shrugged.

"And you're not full ?" He asked shocked.

"Nope." Popping the 'p'.

He grumbled something under his breath and put some rice into my bowl and a few slices of chicken.

"Where's the sauce ?" I complained.

He huffed and said "Sorry." Sarcastically.

He poured a little on my rice and chicken. I am a happy kid.

"Thanks !" I said cheerfully and took a mouth full of rice.

He chuckled and shook his head, and continued eating his lunch.

This is really a good start.

A new beginning.


I know its short ! Sorry !! My exams are starting on October 2nd and I am studying really hard now ! I need to concentrate on my studies for these few days. So, forgive me !

My exams will be over on the 9th of October.

So after that I'll be updating more frequently !!

Love you guys !! ❤️❤️

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