Chapter 2 : Mysterious

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Hello my fellow readers !! Hope you find my story interesting and fun ? Haha. Anyways, It might be a little short.

Sorry if it is :'(

-Emily ❤-


Chapter Two : Mysterious

The human figure stood right infront of me, it was a guy. A HOT guy.

His dark brown hair looks so soft, I feel like running my fingers through it. Those beautiful grey misty eyes that I could get lost in them. His face....... WOW. I've never seen any man who looks so perfect before. His sharp features are so clear . My eyes then went down to his chest. His t-shirt was sticking onto his body that made his perfect sculptured six-packs visible.

He looked so damn gorgeous, he looked so..... Inhuman ? Gosh I've never felt so excited seeing a man before. Damn these hormones.

A deep sexy voice interrupted my thoughts. " Checking me out, I see ? " he said. Crap ! He saw me looking.

" No I wasn't." Trying to hide the truth. " Really huh ? I wonder how did those pants of yours got wet." He smirked. I sighed. The wetness on my pants was because I spilled water during the karaoke, surprisingly it hasn't dried yet.

I rolled my eyes. " Anyways, are you the one who blindly dash across the street ? " I asked.

" Yes. Why would a little girl like you, driving around during midnight ? "

" Little ? Seriously ? Do I look that small to you ? " I asked. Stupid boy. I thought.

" By age." He smirked. What's wrong with him. He always smirk. Weirdo.

" It's not like your that old." I glared. " You never know babe." He smirked. Again.

" How old are you exactly ? " I asked suspiciously.

" Oh, I doubt you even want to know my age." He said. " You might think I'm lying too."

" Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

As I started to walk back to my car, someone grabbed my arm. " Will I see you again ? " he asked.

' Why would he wants to see me' I thought.

" How would I know. Maybe tomorrow night I'll drive back in the middle of the night and you can dash across the road again and we'll meet up. How about that ? " I said sarcastically.

He just chuckles and said " What's your name ? " he asked.

I thought for a while. Should I tell him my name ? Maybe, maybe not........ But I guess it won't hurt if I tell him.

" Chelsea."I told him. " Yours ? " I asked.

" Xavier." He smirked.

Jesus, this guy smirks ALOT. I wonder how his friends can take it.

" I'm going back now. " I told him as I started to walk back to my car.

" Yea, sure. Don't forget about tomorrow night." He said grinning. I laughed a little. I knew he was only joking.

" Bye, Chelsea." He said.

I just wave goodbye to him and start to drive back to my house.

I reached home already. I suddenly thought of my phone. Crap, I think I left it at the road there. Damn it.

I started to panick, and check my pockets. Nothing. I sighed. As I was about to open the front door, someone shouted.

" Chelsea ! " I turned to look at the gate. There stood Xavier, holding my phone. Wait, my phone ? My house ?

I quickly walk towards him. " How did you know where I live ?" I asked. " I followed your car." He said.

Followed my car ? But I just driving pretty fast just now. " How did you catch up ? " I asked again.

" I ran, obviously." He said flatly. I was shocked. If he ran he would be panting right now, as sweating. But he wasn't.

" But.. But.. How ? " I stumbled with my words. " Okay, okay. Enough with the questions. Just take your phone back, and go inside." He said smiling.

I was still shocked. But took my phone. " Thanks for bringing it back." I said. " No problem." He smiled. Gosh, I love that smile.

Then I said goodbye and went into the house.

After changing and showering. I heard my phone buzz. I went over and checked.

New message.

Unknown : [Hey I got your number ;) We can text each other now. Xavier.]

Xavier ?! How did he get my number ? Right I suppose he took my number. I rolled my eyes and climbed on my bed.

I text him back.

Chelsea : [Jerk :P]

Then a few minutes later, he text back.

Xavier : [Night, babe.]

I eyes were wide open. Gosh, this guy is so.... So... I was out with words.

Whatever. Arrogant jerk. I replied him.

Then I drifted off to sleep.


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