Chapter 24 : Death

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Hey guys ! :)

Chapter 24 is here ! I hope the story is going well, coz I don't know what are you guys thinking of and I would love to hear your comments !

And. OMG. 2.5 K ?!!!

Thank you so much guys !!! :') (tears of joy)

Enjoy the chapter ! ;)

-Emily <3-


Chapter 24 : Death

Collin's POV

I am now waiting for Maria's arrival in my office like I told her on the phone a few minutes ago. Now that my plan isn't working well, I''ll have to ask someone else to do it. I heard heals clicking on the floor and I knew someone was coming. I was facing the large glass window, taking in the beautiful sunset scenery. "Sir, Miss Maria is here." Rachel my secretary informed me. I turned around and looked at her, she was wearing a white long sleeve blouse that made her lacy black bra visible, with a black pencil skirt that hugged her curves which made her looked even more gorgeous.

"Send her in. Meet me after I'm done with her in my office. It shouldn't take too long. Call the cleaners up too, things might get a little messy after this." I said adjusting my tie.

"Yes, Sir." Rachel said with a little grin then walked out of my office with her hips swaying slightly. I couldn't help but stare a little before turning away. "Good Evening Collin." Maria said closing the door.

"Its 'sir' in my office." I said eyeing her. She immediatly dropped her head and said "Sorry. I mean good evening Sir." timidly. I walked over to her with my head cocked to the right side. I straightened up and said "So, I see you failed the job." I said talking a seat beside her on the red velvet sofa. I poured two glasses of wine and took out a packet of powder drug from my pocket. I ripped the packet open softly and poured every single bit of it into the glass of wine. I grab the glass with the drug and handed it to her. "Thank you." She said accepting the glass.

"You still haven't answered my question Maria." I said sternly.

"I-I know. I didn't see it coming. I swear." She said still holding her glass of wine that hasn't been drinked yet.

"Alright. I understand, calm down. Remember I told you I'll handle it on the phone just now ? Now relax and enjoy some wine." I said trying to sound shoothing. Her tensed shoulders relaxed right after I said those words. "Cheers ?" I asked smirking, holding out the glass.

"Cheers." Maria forced a smile on, I can tell when its fake. Once the glass clinked, both of us down the whole glass of wine. I watched her drinking it slowly, the wine flowing down her oeseophagus slowly. The sound of her heartbeat quickens, her pulse got faster. The drug is working efficiently and fast. Which is obviously good. I smirked at her. "Want more ?" I asked.

"N-No. I'm g-good." Her words begin to stutter."

"Are you alright dear ? You seem jitterrish." I faked out some concern towards her.

"I-I just n-need to u-use the bathroom." She said clutching her stomach squinting her eyes, trying to bear with the pain.

"Oh, no. You're not going anywhere." I sneered at her. Her eyes went wide and she lifted a weak finger and pointed at me whispering "Y-you p-poisoned me." I stood up and kneel next to her going closer to her face and whispering "No one ever lives without accomplishing the assignments I give." I touched her cold cheek, sliding it down slowly. Too slowly. Her eyes started to droop. "Have a sweet death, Maria." I give her a kiss on the cheek. The sound of the glass shattered beside me as she let the glass slipped out of her hands. The cleaners immediately came in and rush to the scene and cleaned up the mess. I stoop up and walked away.

Chelsea's POV

"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship, zooming through the sky-"

"Chelsea ? Are you okay ?" William asked with concern.

"I-uh yeah ! Of course ! Haha. Just a little, you know excited." I did weird expressions with my hand which I have no idea what I'm doing.

"Okay then. Do you wanna grab something to eat ?" William asked pulling the luggages.

"Oh, god. Yes. I'm starving." I said rubbing my stomach.

"Great. Let's go." He smiled at me and we walked side by side. It was a little awkward when he's walking so close to me. I feel weird. But not so weird, because he's hot. Hehe.

"So what was the song you were singing just know ?" William asked with curiosity. Ah, crap.

"It's a kids show theme song called little Einsteins." I said looking down embarrassed.

"Oh. Is it the one with four kids that consists of two girls and two boys ?" He asked. I looked at him surprised. He watches little Einsteins too ?!

"You watch Little Einsteins too ? Holy shit ! You are so awesome ! I watch it too, like every week !" I exclaimed. I am over thrilled because never in my life have I met someone who watches Little Einsteins at my age.

"I don't watch it on regular basis, I've only watched a couple of episodes with my baby sister." He said putting the luggages at the side of the table, as we both took a seat.

"You have a baby sister ?" I asked looking through the menu.

"Looks like you don't know lot things about me." He grinned. I looked up to see his handsome face staring at me. We looked at each other for a few seconds then turned away at the same time. I purposely coughed to make the situation not so awkward.

"I guess you are right. Wanna play 20 questions ?" I asked with a smile.

"Sure. You go first." He said while handling the menus to the waiter and gave him our orders.

"Okay. Why did you pick this job ?" I asked.

"First one is always the tough huh ? Anyways, I picked this job as a part time job. I still go to college. So I want to earn money at the same time I go to school." He explained. "What's your favorite movie and why ?" He asked.

"My favorite movie would be Thor, because he's HOT." I emphasized the word 'hot' while grinning. He chuckled and said "So everything is about hotness huh ?"

I blushed and then we continued to play till the food arrives.

| After Dinner |

Oomph. So full !

"Do you want some gum ?" William handed me the packet of chewing gum as we sat down in the seats on the airplane. I patted my stomach to show him I'm full. He nodded and lay back on the seat, trying to get comfortable. The pilot spoke through the speakers informing us that we're about to take off. I buckled up and lay back down on the seat closing my eyes. The planes engine roared to life and it moved forward and suddenly I felt a slight pain in my ear and I knew we were going up to the sky.

Once the pain was gone, I opened my eyes. Finally, the pain is over. I grabbed the chewing gum from Williams pocket and took one out then put it back in his pocket. I looked up to see his face. Why, he's asleep. He looks so peaceful sleeping. It's makes me wanna sleep too.

I took out my iPod touch and scroll through hundreds and hundreds of songs to search for the song 'Royals' by Lorde.

I played it and quickly fell asleep.


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