Chapter 8

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Saphira's POV

It's been almost a month and my house is done. I am currently making my bed and blankets. I also taught Dexter how to sew. He's pretty good about it except for the fact he likes to fling the needles. Silly monkey. But my thoughts were interrupted by the strange rustling noise coming from the bushes. I grabbed a spear and stepped closer. The rustling stopped and a skinny, unkempt boy fell out of the bushes.

"Saphira?" He asked. I fell back. This was awkward because i hadn't seen a human for 1 whole month. "Who are you?" I asked. I don't believe i remember him. It must've been a while, but it also could be the fact Dexter finds it funny to drop coconuts on my head. Again, stupid monkey!

"It's me Billy!" He said desperately. "Your boyfriend?"

"B-Billy?" I asked. He ran up and hugged me. "I missed you." I started crying into the crook of his neck. "I missed you too! Wha- I thought you were dead!" He rested his head on my shoulder. "I did too! Are the rest of them alright?!?" I demanded. "Kelli, Spence, Tyrel, and Mateus made it but the crew didn't." He frowned.

"Even Fred?" I asked. "Even Fred." He answered. I was choking back tears. We cried in silence for a minute before he asked "I don't mean to be rude, but what are you wearing?"

"Well William, i made this because it was like 400,000,000 degrees out." I replied emphasizing the 'made' part. "It looks nice. And don't call me William!" He laughed. "So. Where's the rest of the crew?" I asked. "A far walk from here. We'd have to leave now to make it by sundown." He sighed.

"Well, give me a second to grab my things." I ran into my house. I grabbed 4 of shorts for the boys and a skirt and top for Kelli. The i grabbed Dexter and walked out.

"So lets start walking." He grabbed my hand. "No. Wait." I stopped and did a wild call. Instantly Alaric and his band were in front of us. "Get on one!" I smiled. "Are they okay?" He asked cautiously. "Oh yeah! I broke them out a week ago." I laughed. He climbed on misty and we took of cantering.


"Kelli! Spence! Tyrel! Mateus!" I cried. They stared at me. Finally Kelli ran up to me and hugged me until i couldn't breath. "I'm finally not the only girl!" She laughed. I handed her the outfit which she gladly accepted. She ran to get changed. I handed the clothes to everyone else as well.

They thanked me just as Kelli came back, now wearing an outfit just like mine. Except the top was tiger print.

I suddenly hear a helicopter above. I fired one of the flares I found in the luggage that washed up.

Here's the miraculous thing.. It landed on the sandy beach!! We ran to the helicopter just as it landed. A man hopped out and started asking us questions. "Who are you guys?" He asked. "I'm Billy, and this is Kelli, Saphira, Mateus, Spencer, and Tyrel." Billy introduced.

"Hey! You guys are the actors of Lab Rats that crashed a month ago! Get in Quick!" The man smiled.

Everyone piled in but i sat there looking at Alaric and Dexter. "I'm going to miss you Larc. You too Dex. But, this is where you belong now. I love you guys. Thanks for helping me survive." I embraced both of them. Alaric nuzzled me and Dexter clung to me like a wool sweater. I kissed Alaric one last time and he cantered away with his band. I waved and ran to the helicopter. Dexter jumped in at the last second. "Well, looks like you're coming with me!" I smiled. I dug out the lock of mane i cut from Alaric's mane. I started making a bracelet out of it the whole way back.


I woke up in my own bed with Billy sitting beside me on my beanbag with rubber ducky pajamas on. "Nice PJs." I laughed. "Hey Saph." He smiled. "Hi." I giggled. "So i got a call from management saying that lab rats is going to have a full season with you being a new lab rat instead of a movie." He told me. I could tell he was hiding something. "They also want us to go public." He blushed. "Aw.. Is wittle billy nervous about going pubwick?" I teased. "No. Now, do you want to go walk the dogs and go on a Starbucks run or what?" He asked. "Yes! I'll leave Dexter here so he doesn't annoy us." I told him. "Okay. Now hurry up and get dressed. I'll see you in 10." He ran out of my room with his 50 rubber ducks.

I changed into jeggings with my gap hoodie and red converse. Dexter climbed onto my shoulders and messed up my hair just as i did it, so i gelled his back. He stuck his tongue out at me. I put my hair in a pony tail again and we walked out of my room. I got Diggs ready and we waited for Billy to show up. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah!" I smiled and we got into his car. The car ride there was a pleasant silence.

We walked to the Starbucks hand in hand and After Billy got our drinks we walked around with the dogs. "Michael want's lots of PDA. I don't know why, but he does." Billy rolled his eyes. "So like this?" I asked and kissed him in the middle of the sidewalk. He wrapped his arms around my waist and i wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away and laughed. "Exactly like that."

A/N: Hey! Writer's Block is done! I'm sooo glad! I hated thinking about deleting it! So i pondered a little but and decided to continue. Like i couldn't sleep all night i was typing so long! Thank you for supporting me through that guys! Okay! Bye!

-AC 🐴

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