Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey guys! So this is kind of a crossover episode with Kat and 1D from my story Twins! I hope you enjoy!

Kat's POV

Alright okay
Alright okay
Alright okay

I listened to the bridge of the song and started rapping along.

Return of the Mack, get up! what it is, what it does, what it is, what it isn't
Looking for a better way to get up out of bed
Instead of getting on the internet and checking a new hit me
Get up! Fresh out pimp strut walking, little bit of humble, little bit of cautious
Somewhere between like rocky and cosby sweatergang nope nope y'all can't copy
Yup. Bad, moonwalking, this here, is our party, my posse's been on broadway,
And we did it, our way.
Grown music, I shed my skin and put my bones into everything I record to it
And yet I'm on~
Let that stage light go and shine on down, got that Bob Barker suit game and plinko in my style.
Money, stay on my craft and stick around for those pounds,
But I do that to pass the torch and put on for my town
Trust me. On my I-N-D-E-P-E-D-E-N-T sh*t hustlin',
Chasing dreams since I was 14 with the four track bossin' halfway cross that city with the backpack, fat cat, crushing

Labels out here,
Nah they can't tell me nothing
We give that to the people
Spread it across the country
Labels out here,
Nah they can't tell me nothing
We give it to the people,
Spread it across the country.

Kelli stared at me when I finished the rap. "What? You've never seen a Scottish girl spitting rhymes before?" I asked. "I haven't actually. I didn't know you could rap like that!" She laughed. "Why thank you." I smiled and continued singing.


"We're here!" Kelli grinned. "Okay!" I smiled and got out of the car. I was tackled to the ground by a short brunette girl. "OH! KELLI! Thank god you're here! Get a paintball gun and find a station please!" She panted. "Saphira! I'm over here! And what's the rush?" Kelli laughed. "We're going to kick Harry Styles' arse! C'mon!" Saphira squealed. "Why?" I asked. She told me he insulted her and made her cry. "Then let's do this!" I yelled and grabbed a gun. This was going to be really fun!

Saphira's POV

Kat seemed like a very nice girl! And since she's Liam's adoptive sister, Harry can't lay a finger on her! 1D Paintball Slaughter is going to be better than I thought!

I suddenly ducked as Kira and Niall came into view. "I love you Nialler!" She smiled. "I love you to Kira!" He smiled at her. Barf! "Shoot!" Billy hissed. "But it's Niall!" I told him. "Think about it, do you really want to be related to 1/5 of One Direction?" He asked. "No!" I cried and shot just as they were leaning in to kiss. Kira screamed and I shot again. This time a few rounds hit Niall in his Lucky Charms. Kira caught a glimpse of me and Billy. "I'm Sorry!" We chanted over and over again. "YOU SHOT MY BOYFRIEND! SORRY DOESN'T EVEN TOUCH THAT! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GROW UP AN STOP ACTING SO IMMATURE SAPHIRA!?!??" She screamed and stole our guns.

"That was.. AWESOME!" Billy and I yelled in unison. "Pinch Poke! You owe me a Coke!" He said. I mocked him. "Let's see how the rest of them are doing!" I smiled. "Hang on. There's something I have to do." He told me.

Then, he did a James Bond across a sheet of ice and stole our guns back. "Run!" He yelled. I lit off across the snowy ground, and didn't stop until we got to Kelli and Kat's stations. "How's everything going?" Kat asked me. "Nialler's been shot in the Lucky Charms. Kira's really angry. How about you?" I whispered. "Still no sign of them." She muttered. "We're either dealing with a retreat, or a surprise attack." Kelli sighed.

A snowball hit the house right above our bush. "Surprise attack." She nodded. I fired my gun and it hit something. I heard a scream and a mop of brown hair fell into the bush. "I'm Okay!" He smiled and popped back up. "Hello Liam." I giggled.

"Have you come to join us?" Billy said in a posh accent. "I guess so! Get me a gun!" Liam grinned. "Billy and Blake only have so many paintball guns! Stop requesting them!" I groaned. "Well don't you have one?" Liam asked. "No. I have a bb gun, a slingshot, and a pellet gun. I don't think any of them would work for 1D Paintball Slaughter!" I told him. "What do you do with them then?" He questioned. "Gallop my dad's horse Red across the cornfield next to my barn as fast as I can bareback, shooting at targets I hang in trees." I shrugged. "Oh my god! You're crazy!" Liam gasped. "Trust me, that's not even half of the crazy things she does!" Billy told him. "You mean there's more?"

"Please. My sport is crazy. The level I show at is Advanced. That has 4 foot fences, 6 foot drops, 11 foot dictches, and 32-40 efforts. That's only in Cross Country. There is 3 phases." I informed him. He stared at me. "Kat. You are going into jumpers only." He asked his adopted sister. "Nope! I'm going into Grand Prix! That's 5'!" She grinned evilly. "What am i going to do?" He sighed.


Well, we had officially won 1D painball slaughter. I shot Harry off the roof! Well, i actually shot him and he rolled off the roof dramatically. Man up! It's only a paintball! Jeez!

I said my farewells to Kat and Kelli and prepared to face an angry Kira. Instead, i faced my angry father. "What was that?" He asked. "Um. 1D paintball slaughter?" I said hopefully. "No. If you pull another stunt like that, your are grounded. We are supposed to have fun in the snow! Not hunt your sister's boyfriend." He told us. Then we Kira walked out of the room, He whispered to me: "Although, I'm gonna let this one slide. That was really funny to watch from the window!"

He highfived Billy and I and walked away. "WHAT?!!" My mother screeched from upstairs. "Oh" i started. "Crap." Billy finished. "SAPHIRA AVERY MOLLOY AND WILLIAM BRENT UNGER! GET UP HERE NOW!" She screamed. "Run?" "Yeah!" I answered and raced out the door.

"New game. Hide from my mom!" I squealed as i started climbing a tree as big as the house. "Wait for me!" Billy started climbing after me.

"Hey Billy! Saphira! What are you doing in the tree?" Blake asked. "Hiding from mom! I shot Niall in the Lucky Charms with a paintball gun. She's livid. I'd get up here now." I stated. He ran over to me and started climbing the tree.

"Did you get it on video?" He asked when he joined us. "I did!" Billy laughed. We sat in the tree, laughing at the video over and over again. "Saphira!" My mother yelled. "May i help you?" I asked. "Get down from there!"

"No. Because I'm taking Satan to our first CCI** next week and i would like to live to see it." I protested. "I'm not going to kill you! I just want to know why Niall is sitting in my kitchen with a bag of frozen green beans on his... You know." She demanded. "I was just stopping them from a makeout session which would land your daughter all over the social media." I yelled. "Oh. That's it? Then come down here! Good job!" She smiled. I sighed in relief but i had to face another problem.

How on earth are we going to get down?

A/N: Okay! Here's your update! Enjoy! When this chapter gets to 10 votes and 10 comments, i will update!

See ya oranges!


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