Chapter 35

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"GET UP FATTY IT'S THE BIG DAY!" I shriek and jump on Blake's bed. He moans and rolls over. "BLAKE! DO YOU WANT TO BEAT THE ROCKETS TODAY OR WHAT?" I yell. He sits up in bed. "If I get up will you stop jumping on me?" He asks. "YES! NOW GET READY. WE ONLY HAVE HALF AN HOUR BEFORE COACH WANTS US THERE." I say and he flies out of bed. I run to my shower to get ready.

I jump out, blow dry my hair, and get into my under garments. I slip on the gold under armor shirt, then my jersey on top of that. I count all of my pads to put into my pants. I'm missing one. Then I see the trail of glitter. "Adam! Give me back my pad!" I hiss. He comes in laughing and hands me the piece of foam. I pull on the pants and throw my socks on.

Once i have my phone and duffle bag, I run downstairs. "BLAKE COME ON!"



He stomps downstairs. I roll my eyes at him, throw him a protein shake and some GU and run to the car. Blake drags himself into the front seat. Why is he so crabby?

He falls asleep during the car ride there. "Alright princess, we're here." I say sarcastically. He wakes up and gets out. I grab my bag and walk to the field. "Molloy you're late." Coach Unger snaps. "It's Blake's fault. He's been lethargic all morning. Sorry." I tell him. "Just get on the field." "Yes sir."

I start doing jumping jacks with the rest of the team. Blake joins me. "Alright guys, let's go to the tree and back." He yells. We start running. He randomly throws a football at me and I catch it.

"Good!" He calls. I walk over to him and throw the football at Frank. He squeals and falls over. I bend over, my laughing muffled by my mouthguard.

"Can it peg leg!" Frank yells. I stop and glare at him. He dusts himself off and starts walking back to the line. "DOG PILE!" I shout. The team starts cheering and one by one tackles Frank and lays on him. I being the last one. "Alright kids, that's enough sweet revenge. Onto drills. Molloy you start." Coach Unger tells us.

I start walking forward. "The other Molloy. Where's my Quarterback?" He asks. There's a muffled scream. "Aw Terrance get your butt out of my face!" Blake whines. "Get your face out of my butt!" Terrance retorts. "Swift! Get off of him!" Coach Barks.

"I so wish we had this on video."


"And starting off your 2015 West Hollywood Cougars roster is Number 1, Blake "The Destruction" Molloy." Blake runs through showing off and high fiving a few girls, making them swoon. I roll my eyes.

More player run through and I get ready.

"Number 24 Saphira "The Comeback" Molloy!" I start running through the lineup and Brittany sticks out her leg. "Not this year!" I holler and do a back handspring over her leg and keep running. "Saph that looked like a clunky whale doing a backflip, but still pretty epic." Blake laughs.

"I know Blake, thanks for noticing." I say sarcastically.

The roster finishes and the game starts. The coin toss starts and our team gets defense. Good.

I stand on the sidelines shivering. It's november in southern California. You'd think I'd be at least warm!

The quarter ends and so far the score is 0-0. "Molloy get in there!" Coach yells. Blake starts running in. "Not you! The other Molloy!" He yells. I start running. "Haha just messing with you. Go!" He laughs, swatting Blake on the butt and he shoots off.

He hikes the ball and they pass it off. I hold my arms open and they toss me the ball. I catch it and start running. The fans start screaming and I keep running. I land in the touchdown zone and everyone cheers. "Thank god." I sigh, tossing the football to the ref. "Touchdown Cougars!" The announcer says and they cheer. I run back to the line to do it again.

They pass it to the other wide reciever who throws it to me before he gets tackled. I start running and before I know it, BAM! I grunt and land on the ground with the other team's player on me. Blake and Stanley come help me up. "Good job Saph." Blake says. I nod.


The score is currently 49-19, with us winning. It's the fourth quarter and we're playing defense.

The Rockets hail mary the ball and Blake and I somehow end up in the end zone. I catch it and Blake starts running for the other end zone. I throw it again just as the time starts ticking down. 3...2...1... He catches the ball just as the clock runs out. We explode into cheers.

"And the Molloy twins finish it again!" The announcer yells. Blake runs up to me as our team floods onto the field.

"Three years in a row baby!" Alex exclaims, doing a victory dance. "Now we get to go to the fancy steakhouse this year!" Frank squeals. We look at him. "What. I like steak!"

I roll my eyes and walk off the field, collapsing on the bench and waiting for the meeting. "Saphira you forgot the awards ceremony!" Coach yells. I scramble to my feet and go stand in the lineup.

They present us with the medals, then the trophy. Then all of a sudden, instead of a fight song, instead of a regular awesome song, they put on the song that they always play at the end of Dora the Explorer.

We look up at the booth. There's Mr. Lab Rats himself, hanging out the window laughing his arse off. "YO BILLY! WOULD YOU PLAY A REAL SONG?!" I yell.

"Long live the Reckless and the Brave I don't think I wanna be saved, my song has not been sung, so long live us!"

"THANK YOU!" I yell back. He shakes his head. 


AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. We are #4 in Billy Unger in case you didn't notice! *Does dorky celebratory dance, then trips over a frozen haybale. Yeah it's really cold! 

Question of the Chapter: What is the current temerature outside?

My Answer: 1 degree Fahrenheit. Yay.



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