Chapter 31

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I rub my temples and look at my Rolex paperwork. When I get a FaceTime request I pick it up immediately. I don't care who it is! THIS IS MADDENING!

"Hello- Oh my god!" I squeak, covering my mouth and trying to contain my excitement. "Hey Jack we found Michael's girlfriend!" ALEX FREAKING GASKARTH laughs. Jack Barakat comes into the view. "Y-you're Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat from All Time Low!" I exclaim.

"No we're Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat from the Mongolian berry farm in southern Luxembourg." Jack says sarcastically.

"Okay. Why are you calling my phone anyways?" I ask again. "Michael's in the bathroom. We're ransacking his phone." Jack states. "Well in that case. Nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan!" I smile. "GUYS!" Michael yells. "Help us!" Alex whispers and hangs up quickly.

"I CANT BELIEVE I MET 2 OUT OF 4 OF ALL TIME LOW!!!" I scream and start jumping around. There is loud laughter and I realize they actually didn't hang up. "Um. Just. Ignore me." I blush 50 shades of pink. "Aw don't worry. You're cute." Jack smiles. I blush even more.

I look at my clock and jump. I have to meet Billy in 5 minutes for coffee! "I have to go. Nice meeting you guys! Thanks for not making fun of me. Love you Mikey!" I grin and hang up.

I dash to my closet and throw on a pair of black skinny jeans, a Blink 182 shirt I stole from Blake, and a red flannel. I grab my black vans and my keys and I'm out the door. There is a cameraman outside. He looks about my age. "Um hello?" I ask. "H-hi Saphira. Can I ask you a few questions?" He asks. I think about it for a minute. "Okay."

"Brilliant! So is it true you and Michael Clifford are dating?" He asks. I almost choke on my own spit. "No way. We're best friends!" I laugh. He asks me a few more questions. "One last question. Can I have an autograph and a picture?" He stutters, turning 9 shades of red. "Absolutely!" I smile. I stand next to him and smile as he takes a selfie. I then sign his shirt as requested.

"See you around!" I smile and get in my car. I drive to the coffee shop, speeding a bit. Suddenly, I hear sirens and see flashing lights. B-e-a-utiful! (Ten points if you know where that's from!)


20 minutes and a speeding ticket later, I walk into the small building to see Billy sitting alone. "Hey there!" I exclaim. He looks up and smiles. "Hi."

"Sorry I'm late. I had a Skype call with half of All Time Low, then I ran into a pap, then I got pulled over by the cops EVEN THOUGH I was only going 5 over. $200 dollar fine for me!" I sigh. He just stares at me. Then he bursts into hysterics.

After his laughing fit, he looks at me and wipes his eyes. "Sounds interesting." He says, trying to act all cool. I shake my head. "So anyways, want to go walk-" My phone rings for a FaceTime request again. "For god's sake! What do you want?!" I exclaim.

I get Alex Gaskarth's giggly face. "Hi." He says and bursts out laughing. "Do you mind? I'm trying to repair my friendship with someone here!" I whisper scream. "Can I talk to him?" Alex asks.

I give the phone to Billy. "Back away... You're in grave danger!" He says. "Oh would you quit it! How'd you even get my number?" I ask, ripping the phone out of his hands. "It's leaked all over the internet. Maybe the cause of Jack and I!" He says, looking at the floor and biting his lip. "Oh when I get my hands on you two!" I growl.

"What are you going to do?" Alex teases. I roll my eyes and hang up. "Sorry Billy. That was really bizarre. They probably got my number from Mikey." I explain. "Your boyfriend?" He asks. "He's not my boyfriend. He's my BEST friend. And he gives out the best cuddles." I tell him.

"Okay. When do we meet him?" Billy asks. "Michael's on tour. I think they're in England." I tell him. I hear screaming and I turn my head. Michael's perfectly red hair comes in to sight.

In Love With My Best Friend (Billy Unger)Where stories live. Discover now