Chapter 5

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Previously on In Love With My Best Friend (Billy Unger):

"Hey Saphira?" He asked. "Yes?" "I think I love you."

He looked back up at me. I looked at him for a minute out of shock i guess. He loved me. William Brent Unger, my best friend loved me. I opened my mouth to tell him how much i loved him, but then he got a call. "Okay. Alright, Fine. Okay, I'll stop in tomorrow to meet her. Bye." He hung up the phone. "Who was that?" I asked. "Management. They said i needed a new girlfriend. I have to go meet her tomorrow." He sighed. "Tomorrow. Okay, Cool. I'll be at the show tomorrow schooling. Maybe you can bring her over so i can meet her!" I smiled, but on the inside i was crushed. I was finally trying to tell him i loved him, but now I'd never be able to!

"Yeah. That's cool. I'll take her by the grounds tomorrow." His eyes shining with pain. "Goodnight Billy." I said and walked back to my house with Diggs following.

I started writing a song when got to my bedroom. There was a knock at my door. "GIT OUT." I growled. Blake opened the door. "I'm sorry Saffie! I shouldn't have dared him to kiss you." He sat down next to me. "Whatever." I sighed. "Are you sure you are okay?" He asked. "Yes Blake, now get out." I snarled. "Okay." He droned on. I glared at him and he ran off.

Pretty soon there was another knock on my door. "BLAKE! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GO AWAY!" I screamed. "It's just me!" A little voice shrieked. "Come in Adam." I lowered my voice. Adam slipped in and sat on my bed. "Are you okay?" He cuddled up to me. "Yeah. Just upset." "About what?" He asked innocently. "It's just something Billy did. And I'm really angry at him." I tried to explain. "Oh. If it makes you feel any better, I'm going to ride Satan!" He said proudly. "Awesome! But how about you start with Daisy, you little daredevil!" I giggled. "Okay!" He squeaked.


"Saphira, this is Penny. Please don't kill her." Billy begged. "Okay." I groaned. "So what do you do?" Penny snapped on her gum. Right away i wanted to choke her. "Horse riding as if it isn't obvious. This is my zorse Satan." I told her. "He's ugly and fat." She snarled. "You too. And you can't ride."

"ALRIGHT! THAT DOES IT!" I growled and grabbed my riding crop. I ran towards her and prepared to do battle. Sadly, before I could have the pleasure of rearranging her face, my friends Hannah and Stephen grabbed me and held me under restraints. "INSULT ME, I CAN LIVE WITH IT. INSULT MY RIDING AND HORSE, RUN B***!!!" I hollered. I started kicking out and struggling to get free. "Bring it!" Penny snarled. I wiggled out of Hannah's grasp and tackled her to the ground. She let out a wimpy scream as Billy, my trainer Taylor, Blake, Hannah, Steven, Adam AND the whole rest of people in the aisle which was about 8 people tried to drag me off of her. I screamed and started lashing out as they secured me in Satan's stall.

Billy's POV

I watched in horror as i saw Saphira take a battle stance with her riding crop. "Oh. S***." I muttered. Things were about to get ugly. Her friends Hannah and Steven grabbed her just as she lunged. Saphira started yelling threats at Penny. Pretty soon she started kicking and struggling.

Once she wiggled free she practically killed Penny. Not that I cared a whole lot, but still! It took Me, Hannah, Blake, her trainer Taylor, Steven, Adam, AND 8 other people that happened to be in the aisle to drag her off of Penny. Then, Hannah and Blake tied her up in Satan's stall. "What the h*ll Billy! My sister already has a broken heart because of you! She doesn't need you to torment her with that... that THING! Go! Get her away right now!!!" Blake yelled at me. I sighed and walked away with Penny. "Goodbye Penny Pasta!" I heard Saphira taunt as they untied her. I screwed up big time now! I have to make things right! But first i have to get rid of Penny. And I had a plan...

Saphira's POV

After Billy took Scummy McTrashbag away, I rode Satan and went home. Tomorrow was the dressage.

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