Chapter 10

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My blood thundered through my veins and i took Satan to the last jump, the coffin. He really wanted to jump higher today and i knew it. He jumped it with a whole stride taken out and got his front legs caught on the log part. The 1600 pound 17 hand zorse flipped over the jump and landed on top of me. I heard a terrible sound of something being crushed and pain seared through my leg. Then before i could process what had just happened, everything went absolutely black.

Billy's POV

"Go Saphira!" I smiled from my spot where i was waiting for her at the last jump.

We were at the mini event where she was doing the Advanced level. She did really well in dressage and stadium jumping, so if she finished this last jump, she would win it. Satan doesn't have to work as hard in this one because it only goes to advanced, but you could tell he wanted to jump higher.

Suddenly, he jumped with a whole stride taken out and got his front hooves caught on the jump. I watched in horror as he flipped and landed on top of my girlfriend. "Saphy!" Adam screeched but Allison held him back. (Allison is Saphira's mom).

The jump crew, Blake, and i ran out to the jump. By now, Satan was trying to get up, but he had the reins stuck around his leg, causing him to freak. He stepped on Saph and continued to panic. I crinkled the wrapper of the skittles i bought for after the show and he came to a complete stop.

I unbuckled the reins and led him out of the water. Saphira's mom held the zorse and i ran back over to the scene. The paramedics were pulling an unconscious Saphira out of the water. They laid her on the stretcher and everyone watched in silence for the moment of truth.

"She has a pulse!" The woman cried. I think i took my first breath since the accident happened. "We need to get her to the hospital stat. Who is going to ride with her?" She asked. "Her mom will." I said. Blake nodded. "No. I'll take care of Satan and make sure he's okay. You two go make sure Saphira's alright. Keep me posted. Here, take Adam with you too. I think he's having a panic attack. " Allison said firmly.

We nodded and i took Adam with us. The poor kid was in hysterics. He was sobbing so hard i though he was going to cry up a lung or something!

Blake stayed silent through the whole ambulance ride. This must be tough. His sister could die at any second because a zorse landed on her. Even though she's 5 minutes younger, he still is really protective of her. Like when he found out we were dating. They had to stop shooting Lab Rats for a week because of that black eye.

Anyways, the ambulance rolled to a stop and we walked out to the waiting room. Now all we have to do is wait. For hours. At a time. I'm glad i brought my phone to keep Adam occupied.

It's still making me crazy that i chickened out of singing my song to her. Now she might never hear it!

Blake's POV

We've been sitting here for like 6 hours. Being in the ER is very depressing. So many people are sitting here, hoping to get news that their family member is okay. Oh wait. That's Me. Finally a doctor came out. "All for Saphira Molloy." He said. Adam, Billy, and i got up.

"Follow me." He told us. We followed him to a room where Saphira was laying. "Sit please. Where is her legal guardian?" He asked. "Making sure the zorse is okay." I told him. He nodded.

"She has a pretty bad injuries list. When the horse landed on her, he broke a few of her ribs and gave her a pretty nasty concussion. She also has a lacerated liver that we repaired about half an hour ago and we had to remove her right kidney. But the one thing I'm most worried about is her right leg. All of the impact went into her lower leg. She might end up losing the leg, but we can't tell for sure. I can tell you that it is shattered, and we are going to try to operate tomorrow to see if we can save it." He explained. "Thank you." I smiled politely. "I'll leave you alone now." He said with a nod of his head and left.

"Okay. Who wants to start calling people while the other occupies Adam?" Billy asked. I glanced over to Adam who was screaming his head off and sobbing at Saphira's bedside. "Rock Paper Scissors?" I asked hopefully. He nodded.

"Rock Paper Scissors, shoot!" I said. I picked Rock and he picked Scissors. "Aw Man!" He whined and attempted to drag Adam out of the room. I laughed at his pleads and picked up my phone.

Billy's POV

"NOOO!! I'M NOT LEAVING HER!" Adam screamed and clung to Saphira's bed. "Don't you want to get flowers for Saphy?" I asked. He nodded slowly. "What's it gonna take?" I sighed loudly. "PIGGIE BACK RIDE!" He squealed. I laughed and put him on my back.

We went to the flower shop a few blocks away from the hospital, me carrying Adam the whole time. He went in and disappeared.

"Can i help you?" A lady asked. "No. I'm just looking at flowers for my friend that's in the hospital." I smiled. I called Saph my friend because i didn't need that paps finding out about our relationship. I have too much on my plate already.

"Aw. I'm sorry! What happened?" She asked me. "She was at a horse trial when her horse tripped and fell on her. She's got quite a list of injuries and might lose her lower leg. I'm here with her little- Adam!?!" I was cut off as Adam ran over to me. "Billy! Billy! I found the perfect bouquet!" He smiled. "Okay then. I think we found our flowers!" I laughed as the kid drug me across the store.

The bouquet was bigger then Adam, with all kinds of crazy flowers. "She'll love this!" I grinned. Adam tried to pick it up but struggled because of it's size. I grabbed the flowers and we picked out a little stuffed pony to go along with them. Adam and i also negotiated about balloons. He wanted a huge balloon, but i told him it would lose helium to fast. So we decided on a mini balloon that you stick in the bouquet. "All set?" The lady at the desk asked. I nodded and set the stuff on the counter.

After i paid, we walked back to the hospital. The room was filled with people and flowers by the time we got back. Erin, Eric, Spencer, Mateus, Kelli, Tyrel, and the rest of the cast, plus Saphira's family. "What did you do?" I asked Blake. "Um. Word got out?" He said, but it sounded more like a question.

Just then, the door opened and the Simpsons walked in. "Wow." was all i could say. There must've been like 25 people in the room. Alli ran up to Blake and kissed his cheek. "Is there something I'm missing here?" Cody and i said in unison. "Blake and I are dating." Alli told us, while Blake got into the tornado drill position. Smart move buddy. Smart move. With how protective Codes is about Alli, he'd be better off running.

Cody prepared to smack him but Saphira's Aunt Edith came to Blake's rescue. "Do you mind? This is a hospital room, not a WWE smack-down arena!" She huffed. At this point, she couldn't be more right.

I just hope Saphy wakes up soon.

A/N: Short and a cliff hanger... You probably all hate me... 😁😁😁😱😱

Sorry guys! I was on a roll!!


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