Chapter 27

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"Hiya noodles!" I exclaim, sitting next to Billy. "If you can hear me, I got a letter into the mail today. I wanted to read it to you." I say, taking a deep breath.

Reading to my comatose ex-boyfriend isn't exactly easy.

"Dear Miss Molloy,

You are invited to the 2015 Rolex Kentucky 3 Day Event.

Thank you for participating in our event!" I read.

His heart monitor speeds up a little bit then slows down. "6 months." I sigh.

"6 months until I show." I repeat. "Look I've got to go. I have to babysit for my neighbor's kids. Mrs. Darcy, you know her! Anyways. I love you and I'll see you when I see you." I grin and walk out of the room.

I head to my car and check my Twitter.

That thing has been crazy since Billy went into the coma.

"@Saphy_M: Guys Billy is fine, he's very stable. He just needs time to recover. xx"

Time to get on the road.


"Hi Saphira!" Mrs. Darcy exclaims. "Howdy stranger!" I joke. "Okay. The kids are watching TV. I'll be gone until 8 tonight. If you need help, just call me!" She smiles. I nod weakly.

She leaves and I walk to the den. "Hi kiddos!" I grin. "Ugh. What did the cat drag in this time?" Jimmy spits. "So what do you want to do today?" I ask, ignoring Jimmy's remark. "Let's make fun of Lab Rats!" Jessie exclaims.

Yep. I'm babysitting the kids from hell.

"Sure! We can do that, or, we could do your chores so they're out of the way?" I suggest. "Get out." Jimmy shoos at me. "Let's start with your rooms." I grin. "Go away." Jessie rolls her eyes. "What do you want for lunch?" I say. What comes out of their mouths next shocks me.

Like they are 8 and 10! Where do they come up with those words! CENSORED!!!!

That does it.

I get up and turn off the TV. "Listen up guys. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Now, go clean your room. I'll help." I hiss. Instead I get a shoe thrown at me. "I'll tell your mom." I growl. "Don't bother. You'll only get this." Jessie giggles and turns to the wall.

"Mummy! She was so mean to us! Make her pay!" She moans. "You're grounded! Go to your room." Someone shouts. I turn to see Mrs. Darcy herself. Relief washes over me and I wrap her in a bear hug. "Thank god you're here!" I sigh.

"Thank you Saphira for you're time. I know it's been 9 minutes but you can go home now. I've decided to stay home and ease out some kinks in my parenting skills." She says calmly. She gives me a $10 and smiles. I hand it back to her. "Keep it. Thanks for having me over!" I smile and gather my things.

"Who stole my wallet?" I ask in a panic. I look to see Jessie emptying it out. "Oooh! Who's this? Your boyfriend?" She smirks, holding up a picture of Billy and I. "Yes." I reply. She rips it in half. My face turns red and I use all my will power not to slap the child. Instead, I snatch my wallet out of her grubby little hands and storm out of the house.

I made sure I had everything in there before I left.

I sit in my car, shaking and breathing heavily. Breath Saph. It's only a picture. I turn on the radio.

Time Bomb by ATL comes on! Yesss!

The cars in front of me stop and I sigh. Rush hour. Wait. Rush hour at 11 in the morning?!

I groan and bang my head on the horn.

"Hey keek. What's up. There is freaking rush hour traffic at 11 in the morning. I. Hate. You. LA! Oh my god are they doing a Chinese fire drill?" I ask, turning the camera to the 14 people jumping cars.

"Ugh. Teenagers these days!" I groan and shut my camera off.

When the cars drive away, I run 3 red lights to get home.

"Rough day?" Blake asks as I make a whale noise. "You have no idea." I sigh. "I saw your keek. Anyways, will this help?" He asks. I give him a funny look and open the package. "Wait. We're going to watch the boys in Chicago?" I ask. "Kira sent us tickets." He grins. "Well then..I guess I'll go pack..." I trail off. "Oh no. We're doing a full on road trip!" Blake grins.

"What?" I groan. "All 28 hours." He beams. "Wait. There are 3 tickets. Who else is coming?" I ask. "ME!" Adam shrieks, running in with Mom and Dad.

"You guys don't mind right?" Mom asks. "Well. 28 hours with Adam and Blake. I mean, I'm not complaining, but why?" I ask. "I did find really cheap plane tickets." Dad smiles. The thought of lugging Adam through an airport is even worse.

"Okay. What about you Saph?" Blake asks. "I guess we could fly to Chicago. I just have to tell Billy." I smile. "Sweetie your flight leaves at 4 in the morning tomorrow." Dad says. "Then I'll have to have Erin deliver the message." I beam and send a quick text.

"Okay Adam. Go pack. I'll help you." Mom smiles. Dad turns to us. "Thanks you guys for doing this over our anniversary. I want to surprise her with something special." He smiles. "No problem Dad! Unless Adam falls off the Sears tower. Then you are getting blamed mi amigo." Blake pats his shoulder.

"Well I guess we should pack really quick." I say to Blake. He nods and we run up the stairs.


"Adam wake up." I whisper. He stirs and groans. I wrap him in his blanket and carry him out of his room. He's in his sweatpants and a sweatshirt already so we're good.

Blake grabs the bags and we turn to Mom. "See you in a few days mom." I grin. She hugs me and kisses Adam. "Love you." She whispers and we all group hug. I wink at Dad and hug him. "Good luck." I smile.

He waves and we head out to the car. "Who's driving?" Blake asks. "Not it!" I yell. "Aw man!" He exclaims. I smirk and load up the car.

I sit shotgun and Blake starts the car.

As we're pulling into the airport Adam wakes up. "Are we in Chicago yet?!" He asks. "We're at LAX." Blake tells him. He happily looks out the window until we can park and get our luggage together.

We head in to get our plane tickets, then to the security checkpoint.

Adam takes one look at the metal detectors and starts bawling. The security guard gives him an angry look. "Alright. Walk through." She snaps. He shakes his head and keeps crying. "Adam. If you walk up to the nice lady, through the metal detectors, I will get you a stuffed animal..." I bribe. He looks at me, then to the lady.

Then he marches through the metal detector. I pull a victory fist and walk through myself. Blake is desperately trying to control Adam.

"Adam! Put your shoes on! Please pay attention! No! Get over here!" Blake cries. I sneak up behind Adam and grab him. I start tickling him and he squeals. "Will you put your shoes on and listen to Blake?" I ask. "Y-Yes!" He giggles. "Good. Now, what's the gate number?" I ask.

Suddenly Adam goes tearing off into the crowd. I sigh and run after him. This is going to be a long trip.






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