Chapter 34-

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Pretty soon I hear police sirens. "Well. That would be the cops. Do you want me to take you back to the studio so you can pick up your truck?" Billy asks. "Sure." I reply. "But first let's watch them try to round up all of those girls!" He exclaims.

We watch from the living room window, as 2 officers desperately try to corral the 22 screaming girls. "Hey I made popcorn!" Eric says, standing beside us. I start laughing as one girl punches the cop. She is handcuffed as the other cop calls for backup.

So, to make a long story short, they stunned half of the girls and the other half ran away. Billy takes me back to my truck. "Thanks Unger." I smile and hug him. "No problem Shorty. I'm just glad you're okay." He grins, kissing the top of my head. My heart flutters as he relinquishes me. I get in my truck and wave as he drives off.

Dag flabbit I'm still in love with him.


The morning before the Halloween party is psychotic. Currently, Mom is flying around the house attacking the décor.

"Saphira can't you help me?!" She asks. "Do I have to?" I groan. She stops and glares at me. "Yes." She snaps. "Mom the house looks fine." I smile. "You really think so?" She asks. I nod.

"Then come help me in the kitchen." She says and skips into the kitchen. I moan in agony and follow her. She throws a box of cupcake mix at me. "Alright. Let's get to work!" Mom smiles.

I pout and start making the batter.

"Can i help?!" Adam yells excitedly. "Sure." I say, shoving the box at him and patting him on the back.

"Saphira." Mom warns. "What? I have to clean my room. I actually have a social life you know." I smirk. She rolls her eyes and waves me off.

I dash upstairs and wince. My room is disgusting. I throw all of the clothes in the laundry basket and take the dishes downstairs. I make my bed and survey the scene. "Meh. Good enough." I say to the air.

There's a bang and I see none other than William Brent Unger, dressed as an I have no idea at my window. I open it and look him over. "What are you?" I ask. "You don't know?!" He asks in a hurt tone. I shake my head. "Well Molloy, you're just going to have to figure it out." He smirks and skips off.

Why is he in my house?

I shake my head and go to get changed.

I walk downstairs and Billy looks at me. "Oh hi little red riding hood." He grins. Adam runs beside me as Dr. Fluke. "Dr. Fluke reporting for duty Mike-Ro-Wave." He salutes. I laugh. "Where's Cal Pal and Smash?" I ask. "Coming!" Blake yells. He stands beside us in his smASH costume.

"KIRA!" Adam screams. A flash of green and yellow comes up beside us. "Well." She huffs. "What are you?" Billy asks. "I make a lot more sense than you Earwax!" Blake retorts.

The doorbell rings as Fiona from Shrek walks in. "Hi Saphira!" Nick says. "Is that you Nick?" I ask. He nods. "Come on in! I love the costume!" I smile. "Thanks Mike-ro-wave." He grins. "SEE? HE GOT IT!" I yell at Billy.

Billy rolls his eyes.

Kelli and Spencer head in next. Adam gets to them before I can so I just kinda leave...


I run up to my room and just start playing Fifa on my xbox. Billy waltzes in and crashes beside me. "What are you doing?" He asks suddenly, making me jump.

"Fifa." I reply. "Why?" He asks again, causing me to jump again. "Has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?" I ask, pausing the game. He rolls his eyes.

"Can we go downstairs? Your mom has the music playing." He pouts. "It's 80s music isn't it?" I ask. "Nobody down there likes All Time Low." He sighs. "Let's go crash the party. Go get your guitar. I'll get mine." I smirk. He looks at me happily and runs off. He's back 5 minutes later.

"Which one first? Holiday or If These Sheets Were The States?" He asks. "I don't know. Let me call Blake. He's the one who'll play drums." I laugh.

"Why not For Baltimore?" Blake asks us as soon as he walks into the room. I shrug and look at Billy.

"That should be the big finale. We'll do ITSWTS, then Holiday, Walk, then I Miss You. Lastly For Baltimore." Billy says. Blake and I nod.

We walk downstairs and set our instruments in the living room. Billy starts the music and I smile, following in. "I'm lost in empty pillow talk again." Goes the first opening line.

Adam walks in and plops himself down in front of us. "If these sheets were the states and you were miles away I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me." Kelli walks in and sits next to Adam. I smile into the music.

We finish the song and I nod to Billy. "I don't think we should do holiday. My mom's in the other room and she hates Green day man." I tell them. "Amnesia?" He asks. "Amnesia." I grin.

I sing through the song with mixed emotions. Just as we're ending I start crying. Billy looks at me strangely and stops. He shakes his head and starts the riff for a song I've never heard before. He gives me a crumpled sheet. "I found this in my room a couple nights ago. Just sing it and see what you think!" He smiles.

Everyone pools in. "Don't talk let me think it over. How we gonna fix this? How we gonna undo all the pain?" I sing awkwardly. Pretty soon it's the chorus.

"When I close my eyes and try to sleep I fall apart and find it hard to breathe. You're the reason the only reason." I take a breath. It's the song.

Erin gives me a look of shock. I return it. "I'm just going to go talk to Erin." I say and run out of the room with Erin.

"Why would he have me sing it?" I ask. "He remembered what happened to him last night. I gave him the lyrics." She sighs. "He remembered!" I squeal. She laughs. "Just give him some time and we'll see what happens. He might ask you out." She smiles.

I squeal and run back in. I strum the first notes of For Baltimore. "Saph can I sing?" Billy asks. "Okay?" I reply. Blake sings a little throughout the song too.

Billy walks up next to me. "You say, shut up and kiss me now." We sing together. He stops singing and leans in. He presses his lips against mine. My eyes widen in shock. Erin starts cheering. The whole room joins in. He pulls away. "But I carry on." I sing.

"We'll uh. Let's go." Nick says awkwardly and the room clears.

Billy sits next to me on the ground. "So." I start. "So." I smile. "I remembered." He says. "I remembered last night... Every thing we used to do."

"You did?" I ask. "I regret everything." He sighs. "I do too." I murmur. "Do you want to go get some coffee with Snickers and I tomorrow? It's the start of the month. Let's start fresh." He asks. "I'd love that." I smile.

He hugs me and grins. "Aw how cute." Blake says from his box drum thingy. I turn around and scowl at him. "Shut up Blake." I growl.

Billy gets up and leaves as my mom turns on the 80's music again. I roll my eyes and get my aux plug.

I flip through my music, trying to find something that isn't Greenday. "How about Blink?" Billy asks. I nod and press I Miss You.

"Care to dance Mike-Ro-Wave?" Billy asks. "Sure uh... I still don't know what you are." I laugh. He pouts and puts his arms around my waist. I put my arms on his shoulders and start swaying.

The song ends and Metallica comes on scaring everyone. "SAPHIRA!" Mom yells. "I uh... RUN!" I shriek and run out the door.

Nothing is scarier on Halloween then my mother when she's angry!

A/N: OMFG I am tired. Anyways, who wants to hear about the fake boyfriend incident, in which, Michael Clifford is now my "boyfriend." (I WISH!).

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Question: Who watches the music awards shows? (ex: VMAs, BBMAs, AMAs)

My Answer: I DO I DO!

In Love With My Best Friend (Billy Unger)Where stories live. Discover now