Chapter 11

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Saphira's POV

I sat in the chair next to Billy. He was staring at my unconscious body. That's right. I'm still in a coma. But that doesn't mean I'm hanging around.

I rested my head on Billy's shoulder as he talked to my body. "I miss you Saphy. Everyone does. Satan is pretty beat up. He had a few bruises and some pretty nasty cuts. It's kind of depressing. He's lost the spark in his eyes. They are dull now. Not that really light blue, almost white color. You need to come back. It's been at least a month. Lab Rats was put on hold. Saph. If you can here me, Come back to me Shorty!!!" He let a few tears fall. Then he grabbed my cold hand and held it for a while. I kissed him and i wished he could feel me. "And management wants me to find a new girlfriend." He murmured. My eyes widened.

I need to go back!

Billy's POV (1 week later)

Well. Today was the day they were fitting Saphira's leg with the prosthetics. That's right. She lost her lower leg. They realized it was completely shattered once they went to operate. The prosthetic looks exactly like her old leg, and not much different. It moves like a regular leg, it is the same size of her old leg, so she doesn't need a special riding boot, an you can even paint the toenails. I honestly can't tell the difference.

After the people had left. Saph's hand twitched. I thought it was just her deep in her coma, but her eyes fluttered open. "Billy?" She asked.

I was shocked. Then i leaned over and kissed her all over her face. She scrunched up her nose and giggled. "I missed you." I laid my head on her arm. "I missed you too!" She giggled. "Ah! Got an itch!" She pulled the blanket off her right leg and screamed.

"What the holy h*ll?" She asked feeling the prosthetic leg. "Your lower leg was shattered. They had to amputate it. I'm sorry Saphira." I sighed. She traced the fake leg and stared at me, tears welling up in her eyes. "I-I'm a freak." She stuttered out. Then she started crying.

"Saph. You aren't a freak! You can still ride! And i love you more than anything. We can get through this!" I smiled. "But what about the Rolex? What about the Olympics?" She panicked.

"It'll be fine. Sades can jump Rolex. He won't hurt you on purpose!" I told me.

"Okay. Can i get out of here yet?" She asked. I chuckled and went to find the nurse. Saph was back!

Saphira's POV

A few hours later, i was finally allowed to leave. But when i got up to get changed, I tumbled into a heap. "You might want these." I heard. I looked up to see a smirking Billy, holding a pair of crutches. "You are still 5'2" right?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay good." He handed me the crutches. I can't believe i lost my lower leg, just by being flipped over a jump. What the what?!?

And the worst part is the fact it was only Advanced. How embarrassing! But i guess stuff happens.

After mentally cursing myself, i crutched to the bathroom to get changed.

I took off the awful hospital gown and changed into skinny jeans, a shirt, Uggs, and a ice blue hoodie. "Ready to go?" Billy asked when i crutched out. "Yeah. Where's my mom?" I asked. "Um. Well, that William kid from Adam's daycare is terrorizing him again. She said she'd be home soon." He told me. I thought something was wrong, but i played along, like i didn't suspect anything. "Do you want to get some coffee and go home?" Billy asked. "Sure. Good for those spies to know I'm awake. Maybe they'll stop trying to sneak into the hospital." I said bitterly. He just rolled his eyes.


"SURPRISE!!" Everyone screamed. I about jumped out of my skin! "Aw! Thanks you guys!" I smiled. "Oh honey! I'm so glad you're okay!" My mom enveloped me in a bear hug. "And I'm so glad you're taking me trick-or-treating tonight!" Adam smiled. I raised an eyebrow. "Um. Surprise? It's halloween tonight!" Blake shrugged. "Wait. I don't even have a costume! How is it Halloween?" I whined. "Well, to be fair, you got knocked out on September 28. It is now October 31st." Kylie said, earning a jab from Kira.

"As for the costume, we got you this." Alli gave me a package. It was a beautiful light pink dress with a tiara and shimmering wings. "Thanks guys!" I smiled.

"Now. You probably want to know where the rest of the costume is. Well. Look in the back yard and you'll see." My mom told me. I ran to the back yard and i saw Satan standing there looking at me. He had a big horn glued to his forehead, making him look like a real unicorn. Well, a striped unicorn!

"That's adorable. Tank you so much!" I smiled, my accent popping out of nowhere. "Since when were you Irish?" Cody asked. "Since i was born? I've done that good of a job with my American accent?" I asked. He nodded. "The name Molloy is about as Irish as you can get you know." I told him. He just shrugged.

After we all decided my true accent was the best, I had to help Adam get ready for Christmas. Oh Crap. I mean Halloween. Jeez! I must've had a very nice concussion!

Adam is going to be a knight for halloween. He is also taking Daisy who is going to be a princess. It is precious!

"Saphy! Bring my armor!" Adam yelled. He's decided to call me his page. You know, like the knights had back in the day. He is so spoiled!

Rolling my eyes, i grabbed his costume and helped him get it on. Then i went to get myself ready.

I put on the outfit, along with my riding boots. Then i curled my hair and crutched downstairs. I went to the kitchen and got a bottle of water. Then I limped to the living room. Billy was in a crazy rock star costume sitting on my couch. I just stared. "What happened to you?" I laughed. "This is my costume!" He smiled. "Okay then? I guess I'm going to collect Adam then." I sighed. I was really expecting him to be Prince Charming for halloween. Darn it.

"Saph! Wait! Lab Rats is having a halloween party. Do you want to come?" He asked. "Maybe. If i feel like it. Now if you'll excuse me. I need to go put a pony in a princess costume." I hopped away on one leg because i forgot my crutches in the kitchen. I heard Billy cracking up as i left.

"SAPHIRA! I NEED YOU!" Adam yelled in my ear. "Holy S*** Adam! Don't scream in my ear!" I howled. He just stared at me. "Sorry. I try to control my potty mouth!" I told him. He looked at me with such a parenting look, i just died laughing. "No more swearing. Now come help me with my pony!" He scolded and walked away. "Yes father." I said sarcastically and followed him. Brothers.


"Ready to go to the party?" Billy asked. I glanced at Adam who was passed out on the couch. "Sure. Just let me get my things." I told him and walked upstairs.

I changed my riding boots to flats and grabbed Dexter. I put him in his Prince Charming costume and he jumped on my shoulder. Then i gave him a tiny little pail to collect bananas with, but quickly took it away because he kept hitting me on the head with it.

Then i ran downstairs and left with Billy.

Everyone is at this party! Kelli, Tyrel, Spencer, Mateus, etc. Dexter is getting along great with everyone! Especially the cast, most likely because when we got off the island, he was there.

Anyways, i got done talking to Spencer and Mateus, when Dexter mysteriously jumped off my shoulder. I chased after him, only to see Billy kiss Kelli. He pulled away and noticed me standing there. "Saph! It's not what it looks like-" He started but i slapped him hard and crutched out. Curse you prosthetic leg! I wanted a dramatic exit!

I heard another slap and soon a small, furry, Prince Charming was at my side. I herd Billy coming after me but i kept walking. I called Blake and had him pick me up.

Blake didn't say anything, but got the notion. I walked up to my room and refused to cry. Crying is for the weak girls! I will NOT waste my tears on him! Then again, that's what I always say when something goes wrong.

I got ready for bed and took my leg off, (I know, that sounded disgusting.) and laid in bed, Replaying all that happened. Why am i having such bad luck? Is something coming for me at the end of the tunnel?

A/N: Here's the update! I decided to stir up some drama! It'll get better soon! I promise! Anyways, Happy belated Halloween!


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