Chapter 20

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Whoa. There's a ton of people here! I'm so nervous. Like. Whoa.

"Uh Saph? Are you okay? You're kinda red." Billy laughs. "Just peachy!" I fake smile. "How do you stand this?" I ask. "Been doing it for years, also the fact I'm secretly SPIDERMAAAAAN!" He yells goofily and strikes a pose. "Nerd." I mutter and open my textbook.

My phone starts blaring some Greenday song and I pick it up. "Oranges? Hey Blake." I smile. "No, Billy hasn't made me insane yet. Although he did admit to being Spiderman." I laugh. "Well be safe. Love you!" He sings and hangs up.

The fans scream again and I groan and look at Billy who's playing the air guitar to some heavy metal music. "They are so loud!" I complain.

"They are what makes us famous!" He replies. "Okay fine. But they need to shut up before Lilly comes out!" I reply and start rubbing my temples.

"You'll survive. Are you okay? You've been kinda moody." He asks. "I think I'm coming down with something." I sigh, my accent making it sound funny.

"If you are too sick we could always cancel..." He trails off. "NO!" I respond too quickly. "Okay then. Wait. No kisses?" He asks with puppy eyes. "This could be a little cold or full blown Swine Flu. Unless you want to pass it on to the 100 or so people who love you, I don't think so." I giggle.

"@Saphy_M: Who's ready to see @BillyUnger and I at Navy Pier? 🎡🚣⚓️"


"Saph! Wake up!" Billy shakes me. "Pineapple?" I shout. "Meet and greet starts in 5 minutes! Let's go!" He pulls me off the couch. "I'm so nervous!" I exclaim.

"I'm nervous too actually. You get used to it after a while." He chuckles.

We walk out to this terrarium thing and I'm already scratching my arms. Great. I'm breaking out in hives!

I slip my leather jacket on and sneak a bit of Benadryl. I look over to see the security guard taking selfies with Billy!

He takes a picture with both of us and goes back to his post.

A few girls in, and the meet and greet is officially started.

A girl comes up wearing the cutest kitty tank top! "Hi!" She says in a shaky voice. "Hi! What's your name?" Billy asks. "Avery." She replies shyly. "Nice to meet you!" I smile and shake her hand.

Guess I'm not the only one breaking out with the hives!

We sign the pictures and take a picture with her. "Nice shoes!" I whisper as I catch a glimpse of her magenta Sperry's. She thanks us and walks away to her mom, in a bit of a dazed state.

"Did you see the biceps on that kid?" Billy asks. "Unbelievable." I reply with a smile.

The next kid comes up crying and shaking. We got her right out of it though and took a picture with her.

"Billy. You scare people." I say in a teasing voice. He scoffs and bursts out laughing.


"There is nothing on TV!" Billy grumbles flipping through the channels. "Stop! Stop! Stop! North Woods Law is on!" I grin.

"Look who's Saphiraing again!" He jokes. "You did not just turn my name into a verb!" I scoff playfully and throw a pillow at him.

"It's on now!" He smirks and knocks me in the head with a pillow.

I jump to the part of my bed closest to the wall like a fort and hunker down. The battle rages on for about 10 minutes.

I pull out my little marshmallow gun a fan gave me and nail him right in-between the eyes. He crosses his eyes and falls to the floor dramatically.

I snap a picture and walk up to him. I nudge him with my foot. I shrug and start walking away. He grabs my foot and yanks me down next to him. "Never turn your back on the enemy!" He says in a goofy voice and kisses my nose.

"You are all kinds of evil Unger." I giggle. "Well so are you Shorty." He replies. My phone rings and I pick it up. "Pomegranate? Hi Taylor." I smile. "Hey. We have a bit of a situation. Adam kinda sorta decided to ride Satan today and he fell off. Really hard. I can't get ahold of anyone so I called you." Taylor says.

"Are you serious?! Is anything broken?" I ask. "Not that I know of. But his wrist looks a bit funny." She replies. "Look. Do you have any more lessons?" I ask again. "No. I was in the middle of teaching Hannah and he asked if he could ride Satan. I told him I would walk around with him when I got done. He tacked him up and started riding anyways. We all were yelling at him to get off and trying to catch him, then Satan bolted at something, let out a few bucks, and Adam fell on a jump." She explains.

"Just take him to the hospital I'll try to ring my mom. Keep calling everyone else. Who was supposed to be there with him?" I tell her. "Blake. But he got called in to his job, so I said Adam could hang out until someone else could pick him up. I'll take him over there right now, but he wants to talk to you." She tells me.

"S-Saphy?" Adam's little voice stutters. "It's me Adam. What were you thinking?" I snap. "I was bored and I wanted to ride Satan, but he went crazy and I fell. My wrist hurts really bad." He sobs. "Okay. Whatever. Just next time pay attention to Taylor. She's going to take you to the hospital and take care of you. I'll call mom and I'm coming home tomorrow. Love you! Bye." I hang up.

"Are you okay?" Billy asks. "Adam fell off of Satan and did something to his wrist. I don't want to talk about it." I hiss. "Okay. Do you want to do something really fun?" He asks. "What are you thinking?" I reply.


"This is amazing!" I exclaim and look at the sunset. We are currently standing in the sky deck of the Sears- Excuse me, Willis Tower. "Don't look down." Billy stutters. I laugh. "Would you like us to take a picture for you?" An old lady asks. "Sure! That would be wonderful!" I grin and give them my phone.

We take one cute picture and before I can do anything Billy kisses me. I pull away, thank the lady, and turn back to him.

"If I'm sick in the morning, you'll be too!" I laugh. "Totally worth it." He smiles. I roll my eyes and we take a cab back to the hotel. "Oh my god! Are you Billy Unger from Lab Rats? My daughter LOVES that show!" The cab driver exclaims. "We just did a meet and greet at the Pier today. I wish they had put it out there more." Billy smiles.

"Could I have a selfie with you?" He asks. "Sure." Billy laughs. They take a picture and he autographs something. We get out of the car and back to the hotel. "Do you have the key?" I ask Billy. He goes pale.

"I thought you brought it." He gasps. "Are we seriously locked out?" I ask. "No! Haha! I tricked you!" He sings, pulling it out of his pocket. I flick him in the nose and unlock the door.

"Chicago is interesting." I sigh and flop on my bed. "So are you." He replies. I open twitter and see a picture of the same girl with the huge biceps and the cute Sperry's. I end up stalking her twitter, and finding the most recent tweet.

"@acc286 Read this fan fiction NOW! You won't regret it!"

No. I shouldn't do this. Agh! The temptations!

I click on the link and start reading.

"What are you doing?" Billy asks, grabbing my phone. "The Bionic in the Basement A Lab Rats Fan Fiction." He starts laughing.

"Oh my gosh this is good!" He says and keeps reading. "Give it back! I need to find out what happens!" I scream and pull it back. We start fighting over who gets to read it first.

"Wow." I sigh when I finish reading. Billy's completely absorbed into it.

Who would've thought that an 18 year old boy would be so obsessed with a Fan Fiction?


Chapter dedication to @opensaturn, because she's totally awesome!

Chapter Question: Favorite food? Mines Oranges if it isn't obvious! 😂😂🍊



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