Chapter 12

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November flew by and soon it was Thanksgiving! I still hadn't spoken to Billy since he kissed Kelli.

But i guess I'm going to get my chance because my idiot mother decided to invite the Ungers over for Thanksgiving. So now, i was setting the table for my ex boyfriend and his family. *growls* Thanks Mom! I love you too!

I'm finally riding Satan again, and slowly making progress! We walk, trot canter, and Taylor wants me to start jumping by next week! Even better, I can now sort of walk on my prosthetic, but I'm improving!

"Saphira! Go get ready!" My mom called. "Okay mommy!" I yelled back and ran to the stairs. I saw my dad sitting in the living room so i walked in. "You okay dad?" I asked. "Yes. It's just, you're growing up so fast and pretty soon you'll be leaving me. I guess, after you broke up with Billy, i realized you'll be gone soon! I just don't want you to leave." He sighed.

"Dad, I'm not going to leave yet! I still have a few more years at home before i have to go." I smiled. He nodded then told me to get ready.

I put on some jeans, my geek sweater, a black beanie, and a little makeup. I refuse to fix up for the person that cheated on me. I walked downstairs and my mother didn't protest. Thank you god!

My phone buzzed and i looked at the text from my new friend Bryce. Bryce just moved to my barn from a small town in Ohio. He doesn't mind my prosthetic leg and helps me tack up occasionally. He has a very tall black Thoroughbred mare named Acacia Love, aka Acacia. Bryce himself is very tall, and handsome with blonde hair and brown puppy dog eyes.

I like him a lot, but just a friend for now.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Saphira! Get the door!" Mom called. "No." I yelled back and texted Bryce back. "SAPHIRA AVERY MOLLOY! GET THE DOOR THIS INSTANT!" She yelled. "Fine." I hissed.

I got up and greeted Mr. and Mrs. Unger followed by Erin and Eric. When Billy tried to walk in though, i slammed the door in his face and locked it. I then sat down beside the door. "Saphira. Let me in." He sighed. "I'll think about it." I laughed and walked away. Erin finally let him in and i limped to the living room.

Adam was watching the Thanksgiving Charlie Brown special on ABC. I sat down next to him and stroked my fake leg. It's amazing how much bad luck I've had these past couple weeks. I lost my lower leg, Billy cheated on me. Those aren't a lot, but they have extreme value. My lower leg is part of my body, but now it's gone. Billy was my best friend, but now he's gone. I feel like a part of me is missing after i dumped him. That, or it could just be the fact i literally have a part of me missing. 😜

"Saph! Adam! The whole point of having company is to interact with them! Now get out here!" Mom called. Grumbling, We drug ourselves out of the living room and into the dining room. I slumped down at the table and zoned out. "Isn't that right Saph?" Erin asked. "Orange?!?!" I snapped back into reality, greatly alarmed. "My mom was wondering how riding is going, so i told her you were now starting to jump again." Erin told me. I nodded.

"Yeah! Riding is going great! I'm going to start jumping next week when i have a lesson! I also made a new friend a while ago." I smiled. "Spill!" Erin giggled. "Okay. His name's Bryce. He has a horse named Acacia. He helps me tack up and is super sweet. There isn't a mean bone in his body!" I gushed. "Description?" Erin asked as if it wasn't obvious. "Well, he's got brown puppy eyes! And blonde hair! Oh! And he's really tall. 6 foot actually." I told her. Everytime i released a detail she squealed.

I saw Billy roll his eyes in the background but i ignored him. Instead Erin and I talked about Bryce. Pretty soon dinner was on the table and we were all eating. Billy kept sneaking glances at me but i gave him look and he stopped.

In Love With My Best Friend (Billy Unger)Where stories live. Discover now