Chapter 9

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"Good boy!" I cooed and patted my zorse. We had just finished schooling for the mini event before the big show i was doing in Akin, South Carolina. This time i was taking Satan up to CCI**

This Mini Event only went up to Advanced though, so Satan didn't have to work as hard. We were actually showing tomorrow so that means i had to take Satan back to the barn, drag him to the wash rack, and braid him for dressage tomorrow. Yay.

I wish Billy was here to assist me, but his band plays their first gig tonight. I can't believe i have to miss it!

But, sadly, i have to take care of the idiot zorse in front of me. So i put Satan in his stall and took the tack off of him. I walked into the tack stall so i could take my stuff off and change.

I put on a pair of jeans, an old t-shirt, my jacket that said Palm Grove Farms on it, then the essentials: muck boots and a rain poncho. Now, you probably want to know why i need a rain poncho if i'm just going to the wash racks that are inside. It's not even raining out! But, you should know, Satan hates baths. At the last show where i grand championed at, i had a rain poncho on too.

The first time i had ever given Satan a bath, when i came home from the barn, my hair was crazy, and i was soaked. My mother told me i looked like a drowned rat. Yeah. Don't mess with Satan unless you're prepared.

Anyways i took my zorse to the wash racks with my rain poncho on, earning weird looks from strangers. I'd like to see them bathe Satan! Then guess what happened?! My zorse sat down like a donkey in the middle of the aisle! "You little brat!" I hissed. He just gave me a very sassy look. What a prissy pony!

Then, i suddenly remembered i had an old skittles wrapper in my pocket. There is nothing Satan loves more than skittles! I crinkled the wrapper and he got up immediately. He even followed me into the washrack! "Ha Ha!" I smirked and turned the water on. Satan gave me a devastated look. I just rolled my eyes and started bathing him.

Once i was done washing my spoiled equine, i took him back to the stalls, and gave him some skittles. I turned to see Kylie and Alli standing in front of me. "Why aren't you at Billy's concert?! It starts in an hour!" Kylie asked. "Because, i have to take care of Satan?" I said, but it came out more like a question. "He looks alright to me!" Alli noted. "Sorry, but even if i was done here, i'd have to go home, shower, get ready, eat, walk Diggs..." I just kept the list going. "Well, it looks like we're going to have to call the team!" Kylie giggled and pulled out her phone. "Hello? Yeah Kim? Bring the girls. We have a girl in need!" She yelled into the phone.

"Problem solved." She smiled at me.

Pretty soon, Erin, Alli, Kira, Kylie's sisters Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe, plus Kendall, Adam, Blake, Hannah, Eric and Stephen. "Um. Kyles? I appreciate the help, but do i really need all these people?" I asked. "Yes! Alright my team of minions! Kira, Hannah, Stephen! You are in charge of the zebra!-" "Zorse!" I cut bossy Kylie off.

"Yeah whatever! My lovely sisters, you need to get this kiddo ready, and The Ungers... Uh. Stall the concert! I also want Blake and Adam on your side! Now, Als and i will be monitoring everything from HQ. Now move out! Stat!" Kylie said like a drill sergeant. "Kylie this isn't the arm-" "Don't ruin the moment."

The 4 K's as i now call them, yanked me into the car and sped off to my house. What is going on?!?

Billy's POV

I was so bummed out that Saphira wasn't going to be at the concert tonight. Especially at the fact i wrote a song for our 11 year anniversary being best friends. But, what can you do? She is very dedicated to the sport so yeah. I went on Twitter and the first tweet i saw on my feed was:

In Love With My Best Friend (Billy Unger)Where stories live. Discover now