Ghostfacer Encounter X Sam Winchester (Fluff)

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Ghostfacer Encounter Sam Winchester X Reader

"(Y/N)!" Your brother yelled from the kitchen.

"What the hell do you want, Harry?" You shout, annoyed that he's interrupting (favorite TV show (sorry, not Supernatural XD)).

"We found a haunt!" You groan and push yourself up from the couch.

"Didn't you learn your lesson from last time? I thought those men that you met told you to stay away from this crap." You sassily lean against the doorway.

"You don't understand, (Y/N). This is an opportunity. We could be rich!"

"YOU could be rich. I don't get anything." Harry walks up to you.

"But you could, little sis! This is our big break."

"Yeah, big break of bones."

"You're no fun."

"You almost got killed last time, and you're saying me not letting you go is 'no fun?'"

"Yes!" Harry and Ed say simultaneously.

"Ed, no one asked for your opinion!"

"Isn't it cute when my little sis gets all flustered?" Your face heats up and you storm off.

---Time Skip---

"I tried to tell them we shouldn't-" You are interrupted by rustling.

"You again?" You shout, referring to the two men from Texas. They both turn to look at you. The taller one's expression seems to soften for just a moment.

"(Y/N), right?" The shorter one asks.

"Yeah, that's my name." The way the taller one looks at you makes you blush and you slide your hair behind your ear.

"(Y/N)!" The shorter one yells your name a split second before everything goes black. You think you passed out, but you're not asleep. You're just in a really dark room. You blink, trying to adjust your eyes, but it's still pitch black.

"Hello!" A small girl's voice startles you.

"Who's there?" A light shines on a little girl with blonde pigtails.

"I didn't mean to scare you. Those big scary Winchesters scare me. That's why I brought you down here!" The little girl held out her hand.

"What's your name?" You ask.

"Emily." Reluctantly, you grab her hand. When you do, a shock wave sends through your body and you fly backwards.

"Stay away from my daughter!" A voice hisses. You groan as you push yourself up. You see Emily holding her mother back, whose face is disfigured and burned.

"Mother, she just wants to be friends with me, she won't hurt me!" The once beautiful woman hisses.

"She wants to hurt you! Didn't you learn the last time someone wanted to be your friend?" The mother takes her eyes off of you just long enough so you can slip away. You hurry up the stairs, breathing heavily. You trip halfway up, making a clunking sound. You curse and keep running. The door flies open. The tall Winchester holds out his hand.

"Come on, (Y/N)!" His encouragement pushes you harder. You reach out for his hand, but are grabbed by something below. You scream, kicking and fighting as the mother's nails dig into your leg. Your fingers barely scrape his as you are dragged back into the basement.

"(Y/N)!" You hear him say, before the door slams and you continue to be dragged, only now in total darkness. Her nails go into your other leg, and you feel something being injected inside of you. It fills you with a burning pain. You scream, and faintly hear your brother call for you.

"Mother, stop!" Emily begs.

"Never!" The mother screeches, digging her nails even deeper, which emits another scream from you.

"She's getting killed!" You think you hear everyone arguing from up above, but the pain is just too much. She takes her nails out of your legs, and just when you think it's over, she forcefully stabs your back. You scream again, this time loud enough to make all the conversation stop. You hear the door burst open and rustle of shoes on the stairs.

"Duck!" You hear someone say, and painfully roll to the side. A gunshot goes off and you hear the mother scream.

"(Y/N)!" Harry runs to your side. "I'm so sorry, little sis."

"We need to get her-" The voice cuts off as you pass out. When you wake up, your mid-section is wrapped up, as well as your legs. You groan. Shortly after, a chair squeaks.

"Are you okay?" It's the tall Winchester.

"Define 'okay.'" That makes him chuckle.

"My name's Sam, by the way."

"Nice to meet you." You push yourself up.

"(Y/N)!" You turn to see Emily appear. Sam reaches for a gun, and before you can protest, shoots Emily.

"Emily!" You scream, as she fades into dust. "What did you do to Emily?"

"Who's Emily?" Sam asks you.

"The little girl you just shot in the face!"

"Isn't that the ghost who attacked you?"

"No! She was trying to save me from her mother!"

"It's okay, (Y/N). I'm here." Emily appears next to you.

"Sam, don't shoot her. Where's your mother, Emily?" Emily looks worried.

"I don't know. I can't locate her." She grabs your hand. "I'm scared. She's never been this angry."

"Where's your brother?" You ask Sam.

"Out burning the bones. But we didn't know there was two."

"(Y/N)! There's something happen-" Emily is interrupted by a flash of flame. When the flame is gone, so is Emily.

"What happened?" Sam looks guilty.

"That's what happens when you burn the bones. I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY DAUGHTER?!" The mother's voice shakes the house. Books start falling off the bookshelves. The mother appears in front of you. You scramble back, scared. Suddenly, the mother screams and disappears in a flame. Sam picks you up, princess style, and carries you out of the house.

"Thanks, Sam," you say as he puts you down.

"No problem." He smiles at you.

"One last thing," you say, before pulling him down into a kiss. "I'll see you later." You walk away, trying not to look back, smirking.

---Time Skip---

Sam reaches into his jacket and feels something strange. He pulls out a piece of paper. Confused, he opens it up to reveal your number.

"What's that?" Dean asks.

"Just something I need to get around to doing," Sam says, smirking and putting it back into his pocket.

THANKS FOR READING!!! It was first imagine, so thanks for the support! See you in the next one! :)

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