My Best Friend's Possessed By Who? X Casifer (Smut)

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You peacefully hum to yourself, waiting for Cas.

"(Y/N)? I'm here." You turn around.

"Cas! There you are. I thought we could watch a little Netflix. You know, to keep our minds off of Amara."

"Of course. Do you have-"

"Popcorn? Why wouldn't I?" Cas squints at you. "Last time you were watching Netflix, you were watching, 'Orange is the New Black,' right?"

"Uh...yes." 20 minutes in, Cas turns towards you.


"Yeah?" You ask, not taking your eyes off the screen.

"I haven't been completely honest with you." You look at him.


"I'm not your best friend." Those words hit you like a ton of bricks.

"Well, um-"

"I think I'm in love with you." You freeze.

"What?" You try to ask, but are cut off by Cas' lips. You jump off the couch, blushing furiously.

"What's wrong?"

"Cas, I love you too, but-" You're interrupted by Castiel laughing. "Cas?"

"Wow, I can't do this anymore." You notice a shift in his voice.

"Castiel? What's going on?"

"Oh, (Y/N), I'm not Castiel." The way he's looking at you seems familiar and you gasp as you realize.

"Lucifer." You back yourself into the wall, almost tripping over a chair.

"Remember me, sweetheart?"

"All too well." You notice a knife sitting on the counter.

"I wouldn't, (Y/N). I won't treat you nicely if you stab me."

"I couldn't care less." You thrust the knife into his chest. His reaction is similar to Cas' reaction when you first met him, and Dean shoved the demon knife into his chest. There was one word to describe it: amusement.

"Oh, (Y/N), you're really gonna regret that." You try to run but he shoots out his hand. You go the other way and his other arm traps you in. There is only one way out now: kick his privates. Before you could even think about doing that, he starts to kiss your neck. You try to hold down the pleasure, not wanting to fall for that again.

"Come on, (Y/N). Relive the glory days with me." His arrogant voice jerks you back to reality and you shove your knee right into his privates. His hands slip away from the wall, as he kneels over, groaning in pain. Good to know archangels have human weaknesses, you think, right before you halt in place. You can't move.

"Dammit," you whisper.

"You're mine, (Y/N). Don't ever forget that." He circles you. "I know you're in love with me. I could see your face when we were down in Hell. You couldn't take your eyes off of me. You even gasped when I got hit. Admit it. You're in love with me." He leans close to your ear and whispers the last bit.

"No," you say, gritting your teeth. He just smirks. You can feel your muscles relax as the spell is broken.

"Then run. Run away and tell the Winchesters that I'm possessing Castiel. Or," he says, kissing you, "you could stay with me." His hands start tracing your body.


"I remember where it is," he whispers, circling your horny spot. You bite your lip.

"Leave me alone, Lucifer." He suddenly throws you on the couch and leans over you. Your breathing becomes erratic.

"Are you sure you want me to?" He kisses your neck, and slightly bites at your ear. You would cover your mouth, but you can't so you accidentally let out a small moan. Lucifer smiles triumphantly.

"Tell me to leave and I'll leave." You keep your eyes closed for a moment and then you put a hand on his chest, slightly pushing him away. He watches you as you struggle to force the words out. Ah, fuck it, you think, and rip his trenchcoat off. He crashes onto you and starts leaving hickeys down your neck. He picks you up and throws you onto the bed.

"I hate you," you say, sliding off your pants and shirt.

"You sure have a way of showing it." He takes off everything but his boxers.

"God, what the hell am I doing?" Realization hits you and you reach for your clothes.

"Oh, no (Y/N), we did not start just so you can skimp out." Your clothes burn away, along with your bra and panties.

"You're evil," you whisper as he crashes onto you. He immediately sticks a finger inside of you while kissing your neck. You release a moan.

"All the evil ones are the best lovers." He puts two more fingers inside of you, speeding up.

"Fuck, Lucifer." You bite your lip and try to hold in your moan.

"Let it out, (Y/N). You love me and you know it. Otherwise you would be doing this with me again."

"Your arrogance is really turning me off."

"Well, we're just gonna have to fix that then, huh?" He sits up, takes off his boxers, and moans. Loudly. Out of nowhere. Just hearing his moan almost makes you moan in response.

"God, Lucifer." He suddenly shoots into you, placing his cock in your entrance so fast you almost scream. He goes extremely quick, building up your orgasm so fast, you don't even realize how close you are. Until he stops. He just stops, making you gasp from the sudden drop in pleasure. He waits for a few minutes.

"Lucifer, come on!" You shriek.

"Begging for it, (Y/N)? I didn't see you as the submissive kind." His smirk drives you nuts. You pull his neck down and kiss him passionately.

"Fuck me. Now." He smiles at you for an agonizingly long time.

"Say it."

"Say what?"

"You know what."

"God, Lucifer, I-" He starts back up again, extremely fast, making your breath hitch.

"Say it. Scream it."

"I-I love you, Lucifer!" Your body explodes from your orgasm. You moan incredibly loud, your body trembling from the pleasure. Lucifer comes soon after. You don't remember much after that. You wake up the next morning, everything aching, Lucifer gone.

"Fuck," you mutter.

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