Vending Machine X Dean Winchester (Smut)

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Requested by dean_daryl_derek ~ Thanks for requesting!!

"God! Damn! It! Why! Won't! You! Work!" You kick mercilessly at the machine in front of you.

All you had wanted was a Reese's Cup. Instead, you got a one-on-one match with a vending machine. You kick it one more time before you hear a man's voice behind you. You freeze, thinking it's security.

"I'm sorry, officer, it got jammed," you say, before you turn around and see a young man in a leather jacket looking at you, concerned.

"Officer? That's a nice compliment, but I'm just Dean." He grins at you. "Dean Winchester."

"Dean Winchester? You're famous."

His smile fades. "Who are you?" he asks, reaching towards his waist.

"Don't worry, I'm not a big bad. I'm a hunter too. I heard you stopped Azazel. Name's (Y/N)(L/N)."

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)(L/N). I've heard of you too."

You sit down, and he joins you. It seems you've forgotten about your wrestling match entirely. "You have?" you ask, intrigued.

"Yes. Aren't you the one who took out an entire vamp nest on your own?"

"Oh," you say, feigning disappointment. "That's my second cousin."

There's an awkward silence before he realizes you're joking and laughs. "Very funny. What you did was really impressive."

You scoff. "You saved the world from being controlled by demons, I think I'm a little lower class than you."

"So," he says, not-so-subtly changing the subject, "why were you beating up that vending machine? Did you think it was a monster?"

You laugh. "No, I wanted a Reese's Cup and it wouldn't budge. I guess Reese's Cups are it's favorite candy. It didn't want to give it up."

"Would you consider a drink instead of a Reese's Cup?"

"It depends on what I get out of it."

"You get a drink and you get to hang out with Dean Winchester. " He says it like it's some kind of title.

"Okay, fine. But you're driving."

"Didn't you drive here?"

"Yes," you say, grinning, "but you have a 1967 Chevy Impala."

He grins back. "Are you sure you're not getting a drink with me just so you can ride in my car?"

"I'm absolutely sure that that's exactly what I'm doing."

Dean laughs. "You're funny, I'll give you that."

"Oh damn. I can't go with you anymore."

His smile fades. "Why not?"

"Everyone knows that a guy can't find you funny at first. That guarantees you'll be his BFF, nothing else, ever."

His smile returns. "So now you're saying you're coming with me not because you enjoy my company, but because you want to ride in my car and be more than a BFF?"

"Wait," you say, blushing. Your plan backfired on you.

"Oh no," he says, grinning like an idiot. "Don't be ashamed. Be proud of your flaws. Like the fact I can't smile at you without your knees wobbling a little bit."

"Dean, we're sitting down."

"Doesn't stop your knees from moving."


He interrupts you by pointing at your right hand. "See?" he says.

You're picking at the armrest nervously when he says this. You pull away and stand up quickly. He casually gets up from his seat and smirks at you.

"Are we going or what?" you ask, the words flying out quicker than usual, due to your anxiety.

"Shall we?" He puts out his arm and gestures toward the door. You try not to look at him as you pass by, and you notice by looking in the mirror that Dean is checking out your ass. You blush harder, hurrying out the door.

~Time Skip~

A couple of drinks later, and you are close to being wasted. Dean seems to be perfectly fine, which is pissing you off.

"You're a lightweight, huh? I wouldn't have guessed."

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Dean Winchester," you respond, trying to hide how drunk you are.

"Like how good you are in bed?"


"No, I'm not trying to take advantage of you just because you're drunk. I just find it funny."

"Find what  funny?"

"How you act so cocky and confident and then we get a little bit of alcohol in you and all that goes away."

"I'm sorry I don't drink my problems away so much I've become immune to the effects of alcohol," you snap.


"Sorry." You regretted it as soon as it left your mouth.

"It's fine. You wanna get out of here?"

"Sure, let's do it. Trust me, I'm still sober enough to make my own decisions."

~Time Skip~

Dean throws you onto the bed. You glance up at him.

"You know, when I asked if you wanted to pop in a movie, this isn't exactly what I was thinking of."

"My brother won't be home for a while."

"I'm fine with that."

He climbs on top of you, throwing his shirt off. You kiss him as he lowers himself. He pulls away from you to pull off your shirt, pants, and his own pants. You two kiss passionately for a bit longer, hands searching every inch of each other's bodies. Your eyes lock as he unhooks your bra and takes off your underwear. You pull down his boxers, and the kissing becomes more heated.

He enters you, slowly and softly, while kissing you all over. He places soft kisses on your breasts, thrusting into you. Your moans spill out of your mouth as you grip the sheets. You both push each other until Dean comes. Something about the way he was grunting and the new warmth you felt pushes you over the edge. You come as well, moaning and breathing Dean's name. You pass out soon after.

When you wake up, there's a Reese's Cup sitting next to you on the pillow, along with a Post-It. You pick up the Post-It.

Don't worry, I didn't ditch you. Enjoy the chocolate, I'll be back with burgers in a bit.


You smile and open the Reese's Cup, laughing at the irony.

"Fantastic," you mutter, before collapsing back onto the bed.

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