This Has To Be A Dream X Evil TFW (Smut)

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Inspired by a dream.

"Guys?" you call out. You walk around the bunker, searching for the boys. You had stepped out for just a minute to grab burgers. You drop the paper bag on the counter and explore more.

"Boys? I got the burgers." There was no response.

Well, this is it, you think. All the wincest shippers' dreams have come true.

You get to the giant table and see Cas sitting there. "Cas! What are you doing here? Where are the boys?"

Cas slowly looks up at you, grinning. Your smile fades and you step away from him, but something blocks your way. You spin around, and see Dean standing behind you, his eyes black. You gasp, almost tripping trying to get away from him, but you bump into something else. It's Sam, but you don't think that it's really him. You scramble away from all of them, sprinting down the hallway. You run into your bedroom, slamming the door and grabbing a gun. You stand in front of the door, gun aimed.

You hear footsteps and then you feel a burning sensation on your hands. The gun is becoming incredibly hot. You drop it, wincing in pain. The door bursts open, and the three of them stand outside.

"Get the fuck away from me!" you shout, fists up, ready to fight.

"Oh look, she's ready to fight us," Sam coos.

"How adorable," Cas responds.

"So," you say, trying to figure things out, "you're Demon!Dean, and you're Sam when he was soulless, and you"

He smiles as you realize who he is. "Yes. In the flesh."

"No," you repeat, backing up against the wall.

It's Lucifer. The one person who scares you so much, your knees start to wobble. You're not technically scared of him, but of what he does to you. You've had a lot of previous battles with him.

"Did you miss me?" he grins and steps forward.

If you were pressed up against the wall anymore, you'd be in it. "Get away from me."

"I don't like what you're wearing. Let's fix that, shall we?"

Lucifer snaps his fingers and suddenly you're in your bra and panties. Today was the worst day to wear your black, lacy lingerie. You were hoping to have some time with Sam tonight, but it seems you have company. They all approach you, making you back up and accidentally fall onto the bed. You try to scramble off before they take advantage of that, but suddenly your hands are tied onto the headboard.

"Wait," you complain. "Wait, no."

Lucifer sits on your right side, while Dean sits on your left. Sam stands at the end of the bed, smirking down at you.

"Wait, stop," you say again.

Sam leans down, moving towards your lower area. Your breath hitches. You can feel his hot breath through the fabric. Your hands are released and you grip onto the nearest thing, Cas's trenchcoat. Lucifer grins down at you. You feel Sam's strong hands hold down your thighs, which makes you gasp.

"Do you need some help down there, Sam?" Lucifer asks, snapping his fingers and removing your panties.

"Wa-" you try to say again, but Lucifer kisses you deeply. You moan into his mouth, caught off guard. You can feel Dean kissing your neck on the other side. The sexual tension is driving you crazy, until-

"Oh!" you cry out, as Sam's tongue connects with your clit. He moves it around, making your hips buck. You bite Lucifer's lip as hard as you can, partly to deal with the immense pleasure, partly to hurt him. He pulls away from you and just laughs. Dean is now leaving hickeys on your neck, but you reach down and pull on Sam's hair. He groans, which only makes more vibrations.

Lucifer grabs your hand and pulls you back into him, kissing you hard. You can feel his tongue exploring your mouth. You moan louder, muffled by his mouth. Dean continues to kiss you, but moves up and down your body, mostly focusing on your neck and your ear. Lucifer starts to pull away and you whine, pulling him back towards you. Sam has stopped, but is now kissing your thighs all over, biting slightly at sensitive spots.

"What?" Lucifer grins. "You didn't want me, but now you can't get enough of me? Trust me baby, you will want me to leave."

You pull him back in for another kiss, held down by Sam's strong and muscular hands. You tug him into you, making him fall over a bit, and you hold his head down, kissing him passionately. You grab his sensitive spot, making him moan. He pulls away quickly.

"No. I'm in control here, sweetie. Sam. Enough. It's my turn."

Sam sits where Lucifer was sitting and kisses your neck, just like Dean. You bite your lip. Lucifer leans over, staring you in the face as he traces your thigh with his finger. It glows red, and your hips buck wildly as a strong, new feeling comes rushing into you. You moan loudly, shifting your body like crazy. 

"Look at you. You're such a strong and confident hunter, but get you in bed and you're the most vulnerable person I've ever seen. It's adorable."

"Screw. You," you gasp between moans.  

"Isn't that what we're doing?" he chuckles. 

Slowly, the burning sexual pleasure fades and the only feeling you feel anymore is the sexual tension of Lucifer being so near your lower area and the kisses and bites that trace your neck. Breathing heavily, you look up at Lucifer. He's smirking down at you.

"What is it, (Y/N)? Are you okay?" he mocked.

"I-" you try to speak, but you can barely breathe.

"Okay, it'll be over soon."

He places his fingers inside of you, and you see them glow red before he does. Pleasure erupts from inside and you orgasm, hard. Your moans echo around the room. Sam's strong hands keep you from bucking too hard.

After you come down from your high, the boys pull away from you.

And then your eyes open.

"(Y/N)! I made breakfast, come on!" Sam's voice comes through.

You slide out of bed, relieved that was just a dream, but as you pass by the mirror on your desk, you notice something. Heart racing, you walk over to the mirror and move your hair to the side.

Hickeys cover your neck everywhere they possibly can. You gasp, and just as you do, you see something out of the corner of your eye. Lucifer winks at you. You whip around.

But there's no one there.

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