Dominance X Dean Winchester (Smut)

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"What the hell, Dean?!" You shout at him.

"What else could I do?"

"You're such an idiot, Dean!" You throw up your hand to slap him, but he catches it and pushes you against the wall. You breathe heavily at his closeness.

"You wanna try that again, sweetheart?" He whispers in your ear. You roll your eyes even though your heart is racing.

"Dean, if you're gonna fuck me, just get it over with." Dean stays in place for a while.

"Maybe I will." He grabs your wrist and throws you to the bed.

"Dean?" You ask, scared and slightly turned on. He crawls up on top of you.

"Your call, princess." His nose is inches away from yours.

"I-" You stutter, your eyes fluttering from the sexual tension.

"Fine, I'll make it for you." Dean's lips crash onto yours. His hips grind against your body. You let out a slight moan, feeling his growing erection against your clothed sex.

"Dean..." You moan. You can feel his cocky smirk touch your lips.

"Do you want me, baby?" He coos.

"Y-yes. I want you Dean." Dean smiles and grinds a little bit more, turning you on to another level.

"Tell me how much you want me, (Y/N)."

"I want you so bad, Dean," you breathe.

"Would you do anything to have me?"

"Dammit Dean, stop teasing me!" He places his finger on your lips.

"Nuh uh. I'm the one who makes the rules tonight." This authoritative attitude was seriously turning you on. You reach down to fix your pants, and Dean smirks as he notices.

"Dean, please. I can't take this teasing." Another grind makes you groan.

"Then answer me. Would you do anything to have me?"

"Yes, Dean!" You practically scream. "Anything. Anything at all."

"Then call me sir." You scoff.

"Dean, I'm not gonna call you-" You're interrupted by another grind, this one harder.

"Are you sure?" You whimper slightly.

"Please fuck me...sir." Dean's right side of his lips turns upwards.

"That's more like it. Clothes off." He starts to unbuckle his pants. You slide off yours and pull off your shirt. You start to take off your bra, but he stops you.

"No no no. Bra is my job." He tears off his shirt and throws it across the room. He pulls you into him and starts to unhook your bra. He kisses your neck while he undoes it. You let loose another moan. His kisses are so soft against your neck. Dean was always one to be gentle, but you want fast tonight.

"More..." You groan. His teeth graze your neck as he smiles at your submission. He throws off his boxers and presses his hard member against your sex. You moan, desperately trying to get off your panties, the only thing standing in the way of pure pleasure.

"Oh, (Y/N), I'm gonna make you feel so good, you'll be screaming my name." He slides himself inside of you, making you shift and groan. He starts off agonizingly slow, teasing you.

"Dean!" You whine.

"You want me to go faster?" He crows.

"Y-yes!" You mutter.

"Too bad." He moves slower now, making you twitch with anticipation.

"D-Dean! Please!" Every slow thrust inwards fills you from top to bottom, but it's not enough. You crave more. A sudden shot of his arm scares you, but he just places it on the headboard.

"Are you ready?" You nod, completely submissive to whatever is coming. His abrupt speed makes your breath hitch. His speed quickly increases, making loud moans escape your lips. You throw your head backwards, your eyes flutter shut, and your back arches, bringing your bodies closer together.

"Oh, fuck! Dean!" You scream as he speeds up. He's never gone this fast before. His grunts and groans turn you on so much. Your climax approaches along with Dean's increasing speed.

"Dean, fuck, I'm so close. D-Dean! Oh my-" Your eyes roll up into your head as he forces onto you like he never has before. His force and speed is so overwhelming. A scream erupts from your lips as you finally cross that threshold. You come with such power that it makes Dean along with you. Your grunts and moans become one as you both come together.

"Oh my-oh my god, Dean. Oh my-" You hesitate as you let out another moan, calming yourself down. That was the strongest sex you've ever had in your life. 20 minutes later, you were both dressed for bed and cuddled up next to each other.

"Let's do this again," Dean whispers, before you fall asleep in his arms.

Part 2 coming soon!! 

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