My Best Friend's Possessed by Who? Part 3 X Casifer (Smut)

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"(Y/N), I..." Dean trails off.

"What Dean's trying to say is..." Sam tries.

"I didn't know he had such power over you."

"Has," you say.

"What?" The boys say at the same time. It's about the first word you've muttered in a while.

"Has. He has power over me. Even now, I...I can hear him calling to me, whispering in my ear, and it's taking everything in me not to listen."

"(Y/N)..." Sam steps towards you.


"(Y/N)..." Lucifer's voice sings in your head. "Come to me. I know you want me. I'm waiting for you. Leave the bunker and you'll know where to find me. I'll be waiting."

You clutch the sides of your shirt, your face getting hot.

"(Y/N)? Your face is getting red."

"I have to go," you say, feeling Lucifer's grace starting to circle you. You grab your coat and start to walk out the door, but Sam grasps your wrist before you leave.

"Is it him?" Your desperate look gives you away and he calmly releases you. You pace out the door and climb into your car.

"Just follow your heart, sweetie," Lucifer laughs. Your face gets hotter as you pull out of the pavement. Your mind doesn't know where you're going, but your hands seem to do all the work. A few minutes later, you arrive at a dark building. Lucifer's grace is stronger now, making it hard to walk.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" You shout into the dark. The wide doors slam behind you, making you jump.

"Hello, sweetheart. I knew you'd come." Lucifer chuckles.

"Only cause you stick yourself in my head!"

"That's not the only place I'll stick myself." Your face heats up.

"Just stop. Let me go."

"You came to me, hun. I wouldn't have this power over you if you didn't love me so much."

"No, you're doing something to me. I can't really feel this way about the devil!" He appears behind you and strokes your cheek, making you tense.

"Oh, but you can (Y/N)," he says, walking away. "I promise I'm not doing anything. Scout's honor."

You scoff. "Scout's honor my ass."

"I mean," he turns, twirling his fingers. "I am doing this." His grace slides up and down you suddenly, making you fall back into the doors.

"But your love for me? That's all you sweetheart."

"How can I-" you pause as his grace washes over you again. "How can I know that for sure?"

"You can't." He appears behind you and wraps his arm around your neck, pulling you into him. You moan at the sudden pressure.


"Be a good girl for me, would you? Don't make Daddy go get the belt."

"Lucifer..." He takes his free hand and starts circling your horny spot on your hip bone, making you squirm.

"What?" He asks, moving his hand lower and touching the fabric of your jeans that protects your lower lady parts. "Afraid to get dirty?" He drags out the last word, whispering it in your ear.

"Oh..." you moan, gyrating your hips.

"Yes. Be a good girl for your archangel."

"I-" His fingers glow blue, your spot becomes 1000 times more sensitive, and your moan echoes throughout the warehouse. His touch is so arousing, and his hot breath is crawling up and down your neck.

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