Lust Part 2 X Demon!Dean (Smut)

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It was like you were being possessed, and trust me, you knew what that felt like. The inside you screams and tries to run, but the outside you takes your clothes off.

"Yes, (Y/N). Keep going." Dean purrs at you. You smile and strip off the rest of your clothing.

"No, stop!" You scream, trying to take control again, but it's hopeless.

"Just accept your fate, (Y/N)." A sudden voice startles you.

"Lofn. Let me go." The goddess laughs.

"No, young one. I know this is what you want. Just listen."

"I've been waiting for this forever," you feel your lips say.

"Enough with the sappy stuff. I just want your body." Dean, now unclothed, crawls on top of you.

"Dean, this isn't you! Please, snap out of it!" Dean would never say that. Dean was always one to take his time and truly make it amazing for you. He was never like this.

"Dean, I want you to take me."

"No! No, I don't! Not like this..."

"Good thing I'm going to then." Dean slides into you. Even though you weren't in control of your body, you could still feel everything. You moan at the feeling. You look up and even though you didn't want this, it's Dean. Sure, it's not normal Dean, but it's Dean.

This time you speak in unison with yourself as you say, "Oh, Dean, yes."

He speeds up at an accelerated rate, making your body tremble with pleasure.

"You like that, (Y/N)?"

"Yes," you moan.

"(Y/N), you in there? If you are, I just wanted to tell you that you're just my play toy. I don't care about you, and I never have." Tears are the only thing that can push through the lofn.

"Why, Dean, why?"

"(Y/N)!" Sam's voice echoes through the bunker. Oh no, you think. Dean throws on his clothes.

"Be right back." He leaves, leaving you naked and helpless. He's only been gone a few minutes and your body is already longing for him.

"(Y/N)!" Sam slides in, not even acknowledging your bareness. "Come on, get some clothes on and let's go."

"I can't, Sam."

"Yes you can," he says, hurriedly bunching up your clothes and placing them by the bed.

"Sam. Lofn."

"I know. Fight it." You put on your clothes and run out the door with Sam. Partway out the bunker, it hits you and you fall into Sam. He catches you in his strong arms.

"I don't want to fight it anymore, Sam." You give yourself over to the lofn.

"No, no (Y/N), don't-" But it's too late. Dean's thoughts fly to your brain and you punch Sam in the face.

"(Y/N)!" You try again, but Sam catches your arm and pushes you against the wall. You kick him in the groin and run off as he bends over, groaning.

"Dean!" In a flash, you two are back in the bed, door barricaded, your climax almost approaching.

In a couple of minutes, you both had came. He puts his clothes on, turns towards you, and shoots you in the chest.

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