I'm Worried About You X Dean Winchester (Fluffy Smut)

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Requested by _SuperGirl_13 ~ Thanks for requesting!!

This is my friend Mary and she doesn't want me to write smut but she still wants some action so therefore, I have created "fluffy smut". Enjoy!!

Flipping through The Selection, you take a deep breath and look at the clock. 11:42, it reads. Sighing, you focus back on the book. Aspen or Maxon, that is the question. Maxon reminds you too much of Dean though, and you slam the book shut.

Unfortunately for Dean, he arrives at that exact time.

"Hey (Y/N), we got you some burgers. We had pie, but Dean ate it all," Sam says.

"Thanks Sam," you say, your voice dark and angry.

Sam notices your tone. "I can go out and get some more?"

"No, Sam. It's fine," you respond.

"She's mad at me," Dean cuts in.

"How would you know? You weren't here when I was destroying your porn."

"You did what?" Dean yelled.

"Calm your tits. Your porn is fine. Me, on the other hand, not so much."

Sam looks at both of you, and starts to back away slowly. "I'm just gonna-"

"Oh, don't you want to stay, Sam? You'll get a front row seat to the Dean and (Y/N) Show!"

"I'd love to stay, but, uh, I got research to do."

"Yes, research for the next baddie you two hunt without me."

"O-kay, have fun." Sam grabs his salad and sprints away, running into the doorway on the way out.

"Are you still upset about that?" Dean complained.

"Damn right I'm still upset about it! You always leave me behind, like if you take me along, I'm going to turn into a damsel in distress or something!"

"That's not true!"

"Dean, it's absolutely true, and you know it!"

"I just want to protect you!"

"I don't need protecting! My father's Bobby Singer, do you think I need protecting?"

"You're adopted!"

"I was still raised by him, raised to be a hunter, raised to protect myself! You're not going to treat me like I'm just some prom date you can dump on the corner at midnight!"

"I went to hell!" Dean shouts.

"What does that even mean?" you shout back.

"I went to hell! And I went to Purgatory! And I went to heaven, cause I was shot!"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I don't want that for you!"

The room drops silent. You turn around, sit down, and pick up your book again. You flip open to the page you were on and continue reading.

"Seriously?" he asks. "You're going to read? Now?"

You ignore him and read the next page. "Ugh, Celeste is such a bitch," you say out loud.

"(Y/N)(L/N), do not fucking ignore me."

"Why not?" you answer, your face still in the book.

"I care about you, that's why. I don't take you on trips because I don't want you to get hurt."

"How do you think I feel?" you scream, throwing your book across the room.


"You think it's different, just cause I'm a girl? Why don't I keep you home cause I don't want you to get hurt? Why are we living like girls can't do anything, and boys can?"

"That's not what I mean."

"But it's how it is. You can't make me stay home, just cause you're worried, because you don't understand" -your voice cracks as tears well up in your eyes- "how much I worry. You don't think I worry about you? The great Dean Winchester isn't always so great. Just like you said, you went to hell. And Purgatory."

"(Y/N), I never said it wasn't okay to worry about me."

"I didn't say that either! Dean-" you took a deep breath and pinched the top of your nose.

"I'm sorry."


"Really. I'm sorry."

Dean walks up to you and kisses you. You want to act surprised, but really, you saw this coming. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. Your kisses get more passionate as he pushes you up against the wall.

"Dean, not now."


You smile as he pulls you into him and sits down. He puts Netflix on.

"You can come on the next hunt."

"The next hunt?"

Dean laughs. "Fine. All hunts. You better be a good hunter."

"Damn right I'm a good hunter."

"Good." He kisses your head. You fall asleep in his arms.

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