Chapter 2

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Travis' P.O.V

"How can we trust her?" Laurence asked. Aphmau held her hand up, signaling for him to calm down. "She just needs to get off the island. That's all we're gonna do. When we dock at Phoenix Drop, we'll give her some food and send her on her way." Aphmau said. I pouted. Katelyn sighed. "What is it Travis?" She asked. "She's really cute though." I said. Katelyn hit me on the back of the head. "Every girl you meet is 'really cute'. Who says this girl is any different?" Katelyn said. I just shrugged and she shook her head in disappointment. Aphmau let out a small giggle. "We'll see when the time comes. For now, I think we're all really tired." She said with a little yawn. We all nodded in agreement and boarded the ship.

Your P.O.V

It was really dark. I couldn't see anything. It was only black for a moment. A scene then started to materialize in front of me. I was small, and it looked like I was in an alleyway. I was running from something, I didn't know what, but I knew it was bad news, so I kept running. All the alleyways were basically a huge maze. Any turn around a corner could possibly be my last. I realized that I was starving. I was running on adrenaline and fear alone. I was sweating like crazy and my breathing was heavy and fast paced. I turned a corner and tripped on a rock. I scraped my knee and felt the absolutely lovely feeling of burning on my knee and blood dribbling done my leg. I tried to get up, but someone grabbed the back of my shirt collar. I choked a bit before getting shoved to the ground and hitting my head on the corner of a discarded, moldy, old oak table. "So brat, where's your daddy?" The man asked as he picked me up by my hair. Blood was streaming down my head and now left streaks on my face. I was clenching my teeth and tears were pricking the corners of my vision. "I-I don't kn-know." I replied, fear shaking my voice. The man grunted and flung my so that my back hit a brick wall. All the wind was knocked out of me, and I couldn't breathe. He grabbed my arm and raised it in the air so that I was now face to face with him. I was so close that I could smell his breath.


I was choking on the air as he started to talk again. "Wrong answer." He said as he kicked me in the gut and sent me sprawling across the alleyway. I skidded to a stop and started to cough up more blood. "Now I'm gonna ask again kid," the man said as he picked me up by my collar. "where's your daddy?" He asked. I shook my head. He smirked. I saw something shiny behind his back. Within seconds, I felt the shiny object enter my body and cut through my flesh. I let out a scream of pains and crumpled to the floor before throwing up blood and clumps of Irene knows what. "Die kid. Don't worry, your daddy will join you soon." The man said before stepping on my face.

Everything went black. I shot up from my bed. I was in a pool of sweat and I was shaking. Aphmau, Katelyn, Laurence, Travis, and the masked man were all staring at me. I grabbed the sides of my head in terror and forced myself to calm down.

It was a dream. It was a dream. It was a dream. It was a dream...

I kept telling myself that over and again. But I eventually realized the truth. It wasn't a dream. It was a flashback. I lifted up my shirt just a little bit and saw the scar the man gave me that day. I sighed, knowing that that day was in the past. I was still horrified though.

"Are you okay?" Travis asked. I gulped "Uh... yeah. I'm f-fine." I managed to spit out. Aphmau and Laurence gave me skeptical looks. "Just a dream." I said with a weak smile. "About?" Laurence pressed on. "N-Nothing." I replied. They looked like they wanted me to continue, but I kept my head down, refusing to look them in the eye.

If only you knew.


We finally docked at their village after a trip of awkward silence. Phoenix Drop was basically just a few general houses, a small plaza, and a huge tree that was basically a community living area and storage unit. It was cute. I liked it here. The ship came to a stop and a small bridge-like thing was thrown into the side of the ship. Aphmau walked on it and got onto the docks. I didn't bother and leapt over the side of the ship and landed on my feet on the dock. I continue walking around Phoenix Drop before I came across a gate. On the other side was another village. The one on the other side looked more run down and deserted. I asked a guard on the wall to open the gate. It was a girl. She had light pink hair and pretty brown eyes. "My names Alexis!" She called out after I was walking out of the gate. I entered the old village and started to walk around. I found a set of four houses. One was incredibly pink and the other three looked pretty standard. One had rose bushes growing all over it and pretty gold lanterns decorating both sides of the door. The other had a wood sign that was covered in vines and almost cracked in half. It looked like a library. I walked inside and looked at some of the books they had. One of them caught my eye. It was about a very powerful demon known as Alexander, or Alex for short. He was basically a less powerful version of the Shadow Lord. I decided to read a bit;

Alexander goes by many different names. The soul ripper, the blood master, and the boogie man, but nonetheless he is a very powerful demon. He can destroy an army with the the snap of his fingers. He was killed by Lady Irene centuries ago but his ghost can still be summoned.

By drawing a star about five feet wide on the floor out of a virgin's blood, and chanting this incantation in a dark room while wearing only clothing crimson red or midnight black, he will come and ask if you want to form a deal. If you agree, you cannot break free from the deal, and it must be carried out or you will forever suffer a life of sadness and loss. If the process is done incorrectly, the person who attempted to summon the demon will burn to death right there on the spot.

There is a way to protect yourself against Alexander. The salt taped to this page can harm Alexander by burning his ski-

I couldn't finish reading because I accidentally touched the salt that was taped to the page with the palm of my hand. I flung the book across the room and yelped in pain. I took a look at my palm, and saw the burn marks the salt left. My hand was on fire and starting to blister. I sighed before putting on my gloves to cover up my wound.

I angrily walked out of the library. I wasn't mad at the salt for burning my skin. I wasn't mad at the situation I had put myself in. I was mad at the book for being so wrong and inaccurate. I gritted my teeth together as I remembered the phrase;

'He was killed by Lady Irene...'

Father wasn't killed by Lady Irene. He's still alive.

For now.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🤘😜

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