Chapter 20

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Your P.O.V

When I came out on the other side, I landed on my feet and stumbled a bit. My hood was still on and dangled on my head for a bit before stopping and I looked around.

It was the same as before.

There was lava everywhere, and it was extremely hot. Pigmen were holding their golden blades and trudging

Glow stone was littered on the walls and a little on the sky, and ghasts were everywhere.

I started to fan myself because of the heat and I continued to walk around the demonic realm.

A small hell rat ran up to me in an attempt to bite me, but I kicked it down and stepped on its throat until it suffocated to death.

I kicked it's carcass away and continued walking.

I was turning a corner when I bumped into something. Its skin scorched my face as I made contact with its flabby body. I looked up and saw giant horns and incredibly sharp teeth.

It's a fire ogre.

"Oh shi-" I didn't finish my sentence because the monster already raised his club and was ready to strike. He brought the hammer down, but I dove out of the way in time.

I got back on my feet and ran as fast as I could. The ogre was pounding on the ground with his furious stomps as he got closer to me.

I leapt across a small river of lava in an attempt to lose him, but I was incredibly bummed when he simply walked through.

Oh yeah, he's made of fire.

I smacked my forehead and continued to run for my life.

I heard his footsteps getting closer, and I whipped around a corner at lightning speed.

I was still running when something grabbed my arm and covered my mouth. I was yanked into a cave like area and held against somebodie's body.

I was about to fight back when I remembered the ogre. I decided to take my chances and I stayed quiet. Once I heard its heavy footsteps start to fade away, I whipped around to see who had either captured me, or saved my life.


Green orbs.

No, it can't be...


He was right there.

"How did you-" He cut me off. "What is your problem?!" He asked. I looked at him in confusion. "What's wrong with you?! Why have you been ignoring me for no reason?! What did I do?! I can't seem to recall me doing anything wrong! Why won't you just talk to me?! Why are you even here?! Didn't you talk to me about how much you hated this place?! Why are you doing this?!" He yelled all these questions at me.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"What?" He asked with a hurt expression.

"Shut up you oblivious jerk!" I yelled as I pounded my fist on his chest.

Tears started to fall from my eyes and I clenched them shut because of my fury.

"Can't you tell?! Can't you tell that I'm broken! I can't think straight anymore! I'm torn apart between this world and yours! Am I a demon, or a human?! I don't know! And what have you been doing?! You've been flirting with Isabelle! You're the one who's ignoring me! You've been falling in love with her, and pushing me aside! And the only reason I haven't spoken to you, is because I'm trying to protect you! If my dad ever knew about you, he'd kill you! I'm hurting and falling apart, and you're not even noticing my struggle! And no one cares about me! They're all leaving! I have no one! But you can't get that through your thick skull! And do you want to know the worst part?!" I paused and took off my hood, revealing my crying eyes.

"The worst part is that I still love you! I still fell in love with your white hair, green eyes, and just... you!" I said as I continued to pound my fists on his chest and sob.

I finally gave up and sunk to the floor. I held my face in my hands and cried into them. I was on my knees, and my tears were evaporating when they touched the blazing hot floor.

I heard Travis crouch down in front of me. I looked at him in confusion.

I stayed still as he held my hands.

"Why do you think that I love Isabelle?" He asked. I felt my breath get caught in my throat.

"I saw you hug her and she started leaning in. I saw you guys in the woods." I replied as I looked away.

"Then I guess you didn't see the part where I pushed her away and said no." He said. I felt my eyes go wide.

"And I have noticed that you're upset! Heck, I've been trying to talk to you forever, but Isabelle has been wanting to talk and hang out with me almost everyday! I can't get a break! Your so much more important than our little playdates, and I'm just trying to be nice to her! The only person I'm in love with..." He paused.

"Is you, (Y/N)." He said. My heart started beating like crazy. My face was red again, and my mind just stopped working for a second.

I looked back up at him, and felt something.

On my lips.

He's kissing me.

I felt my eyes widen at first, but I slowly fluttered my eyes closed and kissed back.

It was a sweet kiss, filled with emotions I didn't even know existed. His lips were soft, and it was if he had done this a million times before.

You little player.

When we pulled back, my tears were still running down my face.

"Me and Isabelle, we're just friends, but I really do love you (Y/N)." He said. I nodded and slid my forehead on his chest.

"Thank you..." I muttered. I could feel him smile. "Anytime." He said as I drifted off into a slumber, seeing as how I had become quite sleep deprived.

But something was different.

The voice wasn't there, and I had an undisturbed, peaceful slumber.

Because, for the first time in forever, I felt safe.

Thank you for over 600 reads and for reading!

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