Chapter 12

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Your P.O.V

I kept getting more scratches as I walked through the forest. It was quiet and the only things I heard were my feet crunching the grass on the ground and the bugs making noises. It was the definition of peaceful. Minus the distant screaming of death and peril coming from O'Khasis.

I was running for my life, but I was also worrying like crazy.

I really really hope Aphmau's okay! What if she didn't make it?! What if she got captured?! Or worse?!

I was sweating from stress and sprinting. It was really painful, along with the cuts and bruises all over my body.

They were all bleeding out, and I was getting super dizzy. I was literally leaving a trail of blood.

I found myself in a small clearing when a massive headache struck me, and I fell to my knees. The bleeding was too much, and I didn't know how to treat a wound. I was getting extremely dizzy, and the pain was all over my body.

Spots started to cloud my vision, and I knew I was hallucinating when I saw an old woman with tree-like beings behind her walk up to me.

Right when she crouched in front of me, I passed out.

???'s P.O.V

When the girl fainted, I caught the top half of her body from hitting the floor.

"You've been through quite a lot child." I said to myself before turning my attention to my familiars.

"Don't just stand there! Hold her and take her to the house." I commanded. The closest familiar came up to me and delicately held the girl while we walked back to my home.

When we got to my bedroom, my familiar set the girl down on my bed. I walked over to a cabinet and grabbed some potions and bandages.

After removing her cloak and taking off her shirt, I saw cuts and stab wounds all over her body.

I gasped and started to treat her as quickly as I could. I outlined her injuries with potions and wrapped up non fatal scratches. When I was done, I realized that she would be asleep for or a while.

After setting her clothing down on a table next to the bed, I walked downstairs, only to see my familiars crowding around something in the front yard.

I sighed and walked outside with my staff. "What is going on here?!" I asked/yelled. When my familiars moved to the side, I saw a woman with tan skin and brown eyes with a mask covering her face, and a man with a mustache and a look of wonder and curiosity.

"Huh?" The woman said while looking at me. She started to introduce herself, but I cut her off with my staff. "I needn't stay here for such annoying conversation. Men, throw them out." I said before turning around. "Wait! We need help!" The woman said while taking her disguise off.

My eyes widened.

I can't believe it.

Is it really? No. It can't be...

I turned around and walked towards the two. The woman took a step back, but my familiar pushed her closer to me. She looked worried as I got close to her face to see her features.

Black hair, tan skin, brown eyes, sweet smile, it could be...

I shook my head.

"Forgive me for my incompetence! Please! Come in!" I said with regret. She looked taken aback by this, and I smiled. "I'm sorry, you just look so much like someone..." I trailed off. She nodded and followed me inside my home.

After making tea and sitting down, me and the woman, who's name is actually Aphmau, started to talk.

In the middle of our conversation, we heard glass breaking.

Your P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of shattering glass. I looked around and realized that I wasn't in the forest. I was in a bed. My scratches were either healed, or bandaged. I felt my eye and realized that it had an eye patch on it. I also realized I was shirtless.

I felt myself heat up before looking around and seeing my shirt on a nearby table. I quickly grabbed it and shoved it on my head.

Once I felt my legs again, I got out of the bed and walked to the stairs. After very slowly walking down the steps barefoot, I hit the bottom step, and held onto the wall as I walked to a kitchen.

There was the old woman I hallucinated and another woman with black hair. I couldn't see the other woman's face because her back was turned to me, but the old woman saw me leaning against the doorframe.

"Oh, you're awake!" The old woman said. The other woman turned around to see me, but I recognized her the second I saw those brown eyes.


She ran up to me and hugged me. "Oh my Irene! I thought you were dead!" She said. I scoffed. "Are you kidding me?! I was worried sick!" I said before slowly returning the hug. She pulled away and noticed my injuries.

"What happened?!" She asked with concern. I let out a nervous laugh. "Some jerk started to fight me. Last mistake her ever made." I said. Aphmau laughed before someone barged into the house. It was a man with a mustache. "Your familiars are incredibly powerful miss!" He said. "It's Chad." Aphmau said. I nodded and he didn't even notice me as he ran back outside.

I made my way into the kitchen and saw the woman who helped me. "Thank you ma'am." I said and she nodded before pouring another cup of tea and handing it to me.

"You took quite a beating child. Be more careful next time." She said while sipping her tea. I shook my head. "You've got it all wrong miss. I let him do that!" I said with a smile. She almost choked on her tea. "You let a barbarian harm you like that?!" She said with shock. I nodded.

"I let him think had the upper hand." I said as I finished my tea. The woman hesitantly nodded and took my dish to a sink.

"Just don't let your enemy hurt you that badly." She said with seriousness. I gulped and nodded. "Good, now go help your friend." She said before motioning towards Aphmau trying to pry Chad off of one of the woman's familiars. I sighed and laughed before leaping off my seat and walking outside to help Aph.

Thanks for reading!:)

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