Chapter 8

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Your P.O.V

Aphmau left today. It was a little unexpected, but she was already gone, so there's no use in complaining about it. Travis and I decided to stay behind for a day, just to say proper goodbyes and grab a few things before we left for the island again. I was walking around, saying my goodbyes to Logan's family, and finally to Levin and Malachi. After a final wave of my hand, I was walking back out the gate and towards Lucinda's large home. I found myself at the set of four houses when I noticed something strange. I was picking up a strange scent. It smelled like... lavender and blood. I turned my head to the direction the scent was strongest. I found myself looking at a tree that was a little beyond the wall. I squinted my eyes to see a glimpse of reddish, pink hair. The same hair I saw on the island! I decided to let this person think that they had the advantage, and pretended to think that it was nothing by shaking my head in disappointment. I walked down the hill that led to Lucinda's house, but made sure I was out of her view when I took the detour closer to her.

I was officially behind the female, and saw that she had a special spell that made her see farther. "Where did she go?" She asked in an annoyed voice. I got up right behind her, and whispered in her ear. "Boo."

She let out an ear splitting shriek and fell to the ground.

While she was dusting herself off, I laughed my head off. "Oh my Irene! You should've seen your face!" I tauntingly said. She scowled and gave me a death glare. "Eesh. And here I thought you'd be happy to see me. You were looking for me, right?" I asked with a smirk. "Hmph. So you did see me." She said. I nodded. She sent me another glare. "If looks could kill..." I trailed off. She gave me a smirk. "So, what now?" She asked. "Are your going to kill me?" She finished. "Depends. What are you here for?" I asked. She let out a small chuckle before I saw the handle of a blade appear on her chest.

What the-

She quickly grabbed the handle and slowly pulled on it. A large sword came out of her chest, and materialized. I felt myself sweat drop. "What? Are you scared?" She asked with a cocky smile. I grit my teeth. "You are just as annoying as you sound." I said as I made a small ball of magical energy in my hand. "What, are you going to tickle me with that thing?" She asked with a cackle. I smirked and let the ball form into a slim katana. "Define tickle." I said with a smirk. The blade was composed of nothing short of dark energy, and it was incredibly sharp. It could cut stone right in half and not bend, dent, or break in any way. She looked a little freaked out, but quickly regained her composure. "So, are we going to battle, or what?" She asked. "I don't know, you tell me." I said. She gave me an evil smile. My eyes widened. That's not a smile. That's the face of a murderer. "You're insane." I said. "Thank you for noticing." She said. "I'm really bored, so I should at least try  and have a little fun. You're gonna be pretty easy to beat, so I might as well a get a little fun out of you. So, what do you say? Do you accept?" She asked. I sighed. "I don't have a choice, do I?" I asked. She laughed. It was a psychotic laugh. "Nope!" She said while popping the 'p'.

With a grunt and a spit to the side, we were both charging with power. She swung for my neck, and I backed up just in time, her sword barely grazing it. When I got my footing back, I charged for her stomach. As I almost hit it, she brought up her leg and roundhouse kicked me in the stomach. After backing up a bit, I let myself cough up a little bit of blood. She smirked. "If you get on all fours and beg for your life right now, I might consider sparing it. One time offer." She said. I spat at her. She scoffed and charged again. I was standing as she swung for my waist, and I used my sword to block it. A wave of magic energy was seen as dirt and dust was blown all around us. She took a leap backwards and used the toes on her back foot to come at me the same time I charged at her.

Our sword clashed, and we sat there struggling for a few seconds before swinging again and holding each other still. She gave me a smirk as I gave her a look of hatred. We both stepped back and got on one knee. Her sword got a darker shade of black as a dark aura started to surround it. I felt my eyes widen. It's literally making dark energy on its own! What kind of sword is that?! As my thoughts pondered, she and I charged at the same time. All the dust around us covered everything that was happening, and I tried to block as many hits as I could.

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