Chapter 9

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Your P.O.V

As I entered the campsite, I realized that most of the people there were already asleep. Aphmau and Aaron were sharing a tent but were very apart, and Katelyn and Laurence were in separate ones. I saw Travis on a hill not too far away, so I decided to go see him.

"Hey, there you are. Where have you been?" He asked before noticing my appearance. "Oh. What happened to your old clothes?" He asked. I made a fakely offended face and put a hand on my chest. "I didn't know I looked that bad." I said with a hurt face. "No no no no! I didn't mean it like that! I just meant-" I cut him of by chuckling. "I'm kidding you spaz." I said between little laughs. He breathed out in relief and chuckled a bit too.

"But seriously, what happened?" He asked. "I fought- fell down a hill." I said with a nervous laugh. I don't want him to worry.

He nodded with a suspicious look. I looked away and he looked up. "So, how's life?" He asked. I sighed and flicked his ear. "Ow! What was that for?" He asked. "Life just got better." I said with a smile. He scoffed and put a hand on his chest to look fakely offended. "My agony is your entertainment? How dare you!" He said. I laughed. "I guess so." I replied.

He plopped down on the ground and I did the same. "You know, I used to be just like you." He murmured.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, I used to not fit in. I didn't trust anyone and I was really lonely. No one liked me either. They were all too scared." He said with a faint smile. "But then I met Aphmau and her friends. I was happy." He finished. I looked up at him to se his eyes. His... emerald, grassy, glowing green eyes. Okay I need to stop. He looked down and I looked away as fast as I could. But I think he saw me, because he laughed. After playfully punching his shoulder, I walked away.

Laying down wasn't helping, and I was still wide awake after half an hour, so I decided to take a walk. I made sure not to get too far away from the camp, and walked around the forest. I heard a faint whimper and tilted my head in confusion. Aren't we the only people on this island?

I held my ear out in all directions until it seemed more audible in the southeast. I set off on a fast walk and let the noise guide my feet. The crying wasn't that far now, I just had to keep going.

After a few more minutes, I found the source of the crying. There was a little boy stuck under some rubble.

"What happened?" I asked as I yanked rocks off the child's bruised and crushed feet. He started to sniff and calmed down as the pressure on his legs was lifted.

"I was crying, and, and, the rocks fell off the big hill!" He said in between sniffs. "Why were you crying?" I asked him. "B-Because the bad guys were chasing me!" He answered with fear in his voice. "Where are they?" I questioned. He hesitated and his eyes widened. "Behind you."

I whipped around and saw three grown men surrounding us. At lightning speed I whipped out my sword and stepped in front of the kid.

"Run northwest, I'll try to catch up to you." I told the boy. He nodded with trembling hands and bolted to the right direction.

"So, who do we have here?" The shortest one asked. I didn't answer. "A mute, huh?" A fat one said. I stayed quite. "No you idiot she was just talking to Eliot." The short one said, and that made me chuckle a little. So, his name was Eliot. The third man just slapped his forehead in disappointment and looked away from the two idiots.

"So, did you know that kid?" He asked. I shook my head, my sword still raised. "Then why'd you help him?" He asked me. I sighed and stayed quite. "Fine." He said. "Look boss, she's really cute, I think we could make some money off her!" The fat one said with excitement. "Hmm. She's definitely worth more than that kid... alright, I'm sold." The tall one said. Jerks.

They all charged at me at the same time. "I bet she doesn't even know how to use that thing!" The short one said with cockiness in his tone. As soon as they were all a millimeter away, I leapt high in the air and watched with a smirk on my face as they all crashed into each other and fell to the floor.

They were still on the ground when I landed on the fat ones head and the tall ones back. I quickly jumped off and landed about fifteen feet away.

"What the-" the short one said while rubbing the back of his head. I made a 'Hmph' noise and waited for them to charge again. But to my surprise, the fat one was the only one to advance towards me. He held a weapon I had only ever heard of. I think their called, nunchucks? I don't know.

He charged at me while swinging them around like a crazy person. I sighed and met his eyes with my own, then swiftly caught the other side of his weapon and yanked it out of his grasp.

He looked at me with a shock as I threw his weapon into a nearby lava pool. "Is that it?" I asked him. He grunted and stepped back to let the short guy charge. He held a series of throwing knives in each slit of his fingers, and started to throw them at me like a maniac.

I raised my sword and felt the world go into slow motion. A knife that was coming for my face missed when I moved to the side, and a set of three knives that we're going for my torso were all smacked out of the air by my sword, and the rest of the daggers that were coming for me I swiftly dodged by doing a aerial.

The short boy stepped back with fear on his face as the leader came at me at lightning speed. He held a katana as well, and we clashed swords instantly. This wasn't going to be easy.

He had a scrawny figure, but it sure didn't seem like it when we were fighting. While we both struggled against the force of the other person, we both pulled back and swung again. I took the opportunity to take my leg and kick him front behind his leg, thus making him fall to the floor. His sword clattered a few feet away, and grabbed it and snapped it in half with my knee.

"We done here?" I asked as I turned around, but as soon as I did, I had the biggest headache ever. I gripped the sides of my head and fell onto my knees. Potion of nausea and sleep combined. What a jerky move. I thought to myself as it got worse. Before everything went black, I saw my sword on the ground, a few feet away from me.

Help. Someone help me.

And with that, everything went dark. But I realized something. I basically just went back in time.

I never changed. I'm still crying in my fathers shadow. Begging for help that's never gonna come.

I was listening to Lindsey Stirling,
Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, and The Band Perry during this, all of them are awesome tbh.

Now don't kill me (yet).

The next chapter gets better. I don't know if you could notice, but I decided to try a new format for my story, so tell me what you think. Thanks for reading!

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