Chapter 7

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Your P.O.V

We got back after dark, and parted ways. I decided to sleep in the same spot where I slept the first night I stayed in Phoenix Drop. I climbed up the winding, oak steps of the giant tree, and found the same patch of leaves as last time. I curled up into a little ball, and rested my head on my arm. Just staring at the stars made me tired all on its own. Thinking about them only multiplied its effect. You know, it's funny. The stars remind me of something... no, someone. Travis. I looked back up at the twinkling lights in the sky, and thought of Travis' emerald eyes. Whenever I see his eyes, I see the stars in them. I smiled and let out a breath of sweet laughter. I had flashes of him. I saw little memories of him laughing, smiling, making fun of me in a cute, friendly way, me shoving him in annoyance... they were all cute and made me smile even wider. Then I saw the image of him crying. My smile started to fade. I can't believe he cares that much. About me... of all things. I felt my eyes water, and a single, emotion filled tear rolled down my cold face. It fell on the leaves beneath me, and plopped on a branch. I smiled again. But this smile, it was a smile of something I don't remember ever feeling. I don't know what it's called, but it feels amazing.

Travis' P.O.V

I can't get her out of my head. Her
(E/C) eyes were practically glowing with happiness, and her smile... oh my Irene... her smile. I don't even know how to describe it. It makes me happy. It's so beautiful on her. Her
(H/L) (H/C) hair is so soft, and her
(S/N) skin makes me want to hold and protect every inch of it. I can't take it. She makes me so nervous when I'm around her. I try to act casual, and I usually can, but on the inside, my stomach is practically fluttering and I'm sweat dropping so much. And her laugh, it sounds like a hundred people are happy and accepting. She's like my own little heaven on earth. I feel complete. Gah! I sound like a girl! But there is no other way to describe her. She's just so perfect.

What is she doing to me?

Your P.O.V

It was dark. I couldn't see. I tried to move, but soon realized that it was almost as if I had no physical body to move. I was basically two eyeballs in nothing but never ending darkness. A scene started to slowly form in front of me. It was hot. Very very hot. I soon realized that an entire village was on fire. It looked familiar. I shook off the feeling and looked around. I felt a tingling sensation and looked down. I had a body. It just wasn't my body. The hands were tiny, and everything looked so big. I noticed something else. The arms and legs were tattered and bruised. The clothing was a brown nightgown which was about as comfortable and stylish as a potato sack. After walking around a bit, I realized my hair was really long. It went to my knees. Was this kid freakin' Rapunzel? After walking a few more steps, I heard screaming. It scared me at first, but filled me with determination as I ran for the sound. When I got to the source, I was in front of a library that was on fire. The building looked like it was going to cave at any second. I shook off my chances of living and ran inside to save the unknown person. When I got inside, I looked around, only to find a small child in the corner of the library. It was a she, and she was huddled into a ball, crying for her mother. I ran towards the heap of sadness and reached for her arm. As I was about to grab it, my hand went through it.
"W-Wha-?!" I looked up only to see the small child being picked up by an older looking man. "No! Let go!" She screamed. The tears pouring out of her eyes. My eyes widened. That's why it's so familiar. That (H/L) (H/C) hair and those (E/C) eyes couldn't be a coincidence. This was a flashback. The man ignored the child's protests and walked out of the building. He stepped into the fire and acted as if it didn't effect him. When he'd left the building, I heard a crack. I looked up only to see the building falling. A section of the roof started to crumble above me. Fear built up inside of me as I realized that I was trapped in a ring of fire and rubble. Tears flowed down my face as the ceiling fell. I let out a blood curdling scream and crouched down while holding my head. The scene went black, and all that was heard, was a splat. The screaming stopped.

I was the little girl who got carried away.

I practically shot up out of my sleep and grabbed my chest. Nightmare. Nightmare. Just a nightmare. I breathed in and out before looking to the side. All I saw was emerald green before shooting backwards in fear. "Travis?! What the hell?!" I said as he let out a big laugh. I wasn't smiling. He looked at me with a confused look. "Are you okay?" He asked. I stayed silent and looked away. He sighed before I heard rustling. I looked back towards his direction, but I saw a dahlia instead. It had a dozen little petals, each with an ombré. It started out as purple at the top of each petal, and then went from blue to a light green, and finally to a beautiful bright yellow. I opened my mouth a bit to say something, but nothing came out. It was so pretty. "I thought I should get you something, but I didn't think you'd want a book or something dumb like that, so I got you this." He said with a smile. I blushed and hesitantly took it from him.
"Th-Thank you." I said. "No problem." He answered with a cute smile. I smirked and looked back down at the flower. "I got you that flower cause it reminded me of you." Travis said. I looked at him in confusion. "I found it in a patch of primroses. The other flowers were white and yellow, and then there was that." He said while pointing to the flower I was holding. "Than how does it remind you of me?" I asked him. "Because your just like it. You really stand out, and you're really beautiful." He said with a small chuckle. I blushed a light red, and looked back at the flower. I smiled and looked back at him. I engulfed him in a big hug and wrapped my arms around his neck. He let out a small 'oof' sound before returning the embrace. "Thank you." I whispered into his ear. "You deserved it." He replied. We let go and shared a small smile before we climbed off the branch.

When we finally got out of the tree completely, Aphmau was in the plaza talking with someone. I didn't know who it was, but I also saw her with Emmalyn, and they were reading a lot of books. "Hey (Y/N)!" Aphmau waved as she noticed me. I only waved back and walked up to her. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Oh, we're looking at all these books of Irene to see if any of them say anything about the relic or the island we found." She replied while staring at the books with a bored expression. "Can you help?" She asked me. I stepped back. "Sorry, books aren't really my scene." I replied as I walked away to the sound of her giggle.

Travis eventually caught up to me, and we walked to the old Phoenix Drop. "So, what have you been up to lately?" I asked him. "Well, I've been trying to truly harness the power of my book, but so far it's been a pain in the butt." He replied. I nodded. "I know how that feels. Try harnessing two wings with a mind of their own. The only way to train them was to jump off of a cliff and hope that they would come through for me. If not, splat." I told him with a nervous laugh. "Wait, your wings have a mind of their own?" He asked. I nodded. "How does that work?" He asked again. "Well, it's basically a friendship kind of relationship. I can't control them, but I do give them instructions and they usually carry them out. The only times they don't or do something different, they are usually right. All I know is that they've never dropped me." I finished. He made an 'O' face and nodded in understanding. "So what's up with your book?" I asked him. He sighed. "Parts of the map won't show up. I keep trying to focus my power as hard as I can to the spots of the map that are blank, but the only thing I succeed in, is getting a huge headache." He answered. I chuckled and pat him on the back. "You know, the best way to make the whole thing show up, is to not focus on parts of it, rather the whole page." I said. He gave me a weak smile and hung his head in disappointment. "If you're right about that, I'm gonna feel like an idiot when I try again." He said. I let out a genuine laugh and wrapped one arm around his shoulder. I brought his head into a headlock and gave him a noogie. "Aw, will little Trav-Trav feel stupid?" I said in a baby voice and a fake little pout. "Gah! (Y/N)! STAHP!" He said/quietly yelled. I laughed before letting go of his head.

"You'll get it eventually, I know it." I said as I walked out of the gate.

I finished this at midnight because I finally watched the Conjuring. It was pretty good! I wasn't super scared, but it was very very anxious and cringy at times! Good movie tho! Hope you enjoyed, and please tell me what you think! Byeeeeeee!

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