Chapter 19

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Your P.O.V

It's been about a month since Eliot left to live with Zoey. He hasn't come back to visit, and I haven't talked to Travis either.

I just can't bring myself to doing it.

Along with all of this, Aaron left with a special orb Aphmau had found. When we discovered where he went, we found out that he had died whilst trying to kill a terrible person and bringing a guard back to our dimension. Aphmau was so depressed for about a week, but came out of her house with an almost completely different attitude. The guards name was Garroth, and he had bleach blonde hair and icey blue eyes. Aphmau met up with everyone, including me, and is currently in O'Khasis with Katelyn and Garroth.

The voice still whispers. It never stopped. When it starts speaking, I stay emotionless, and I listen.

I haven't slept in days, because I feel scared when I close my eyes. Like something's gonna hurt me.

I've kept my hood up this whole time, not letting anyone see my face. No one can't tell I'm upset, and and no tries to talk to me.

Everyday is boring, and everything just kind of... hurts.

Travis and Isabelle talk to each other all the time. They crack jokes, do cool things together, and have even pulled pranks on each other.

It makes me sick.

I was slowly trudging around the forest because of my tiredness and hunger when I heard the voice again.

Nothing's getting better.

"I know." I said with depressing eyes.

Everyday just gets lonelier, and lonelier.

"I know..." I said again.

Why do you keep trying?

"I... I don't know..." I said, finally changing my answer.

Does it hurt?

"A lot." I replied with my voice breaking.

When will it end? All this pain and suffering?

"I..." I couldn't bring myself to answer the question. I felt my eyelids falling. It was as if they each had a hundred pound weights tied to them.

That's when it happened again. I heard a heart beat. I heard heavy breathing. The heart beat was getting faster. It sounded horrified. It only got louder. The breathing became more uncontrollable. As if the person it was connected to was running. The heart beat only got faster. The person it was connected too was scared out of their mind. The noises were getting louder. The darkness was consuming me. Their blood was rushing and adrenaline was pumping. The heart beat got louder, and louder, and louder, and louder, until...

I heard something get stabbed.

My eyelids shot open and I was breathing like crazy as sweat fell from my face. I was still standing like before, but I guess I just got really tired for a minute.

That's a good girl. We wouldn't want you sleeping in the middle of our conversation, now would we?

I swallowed hard. "I-I... No. We wouldn't." I said, knowing that that was what it wanted to hear.

Oh. Look at that.

The voice said. I looked up as I held my clenched hand over my heart. My eyes widened and my mouth became slightly open.

Travis and Isabelle were hugging. Isabelle kind of pushed away a bit to get a better view of his face, and She was getting her face closer to his.

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