Chapter 5

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Your P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of walking on the deck. I looked out the window, and it looked to be about 8:00 in the morning. I yawned before getting out of bed and climbing the ladder to get into the sunlight. "Mornin'." I heard Katelyn say. "Good morning to you too." I said before jumping onto the shore. I felt around my mouth, and realized that the fang was still there. I'll deal with it later. I was walking around the forest when I saw a clump of chickens. There are families. I saw a few separate groups of chickens up ahead and thought about them. They look so happy and at peace. Like they have no care in the world... I felt wetness on my cheeks and touched my face. Why am I crying? I wiped my face off and started to walk away. "Please, cherish the time you have with your family before it's gone." I mumbled to the chickens before wiping another tear from my face

When I finally got there, everyone was packed and completely ready for the trip. "So, where have you been?" Aphmau asked. "I was... just taking a walk." I said with a smile. She nodded before directing the group to follow me.

I led the way. Chad wouldn't stop bugging me for more answers to questions he kept pestering me about, and I eventually had to use a gagging spell to shut him up. "Are your wings made from leather? Or your own ski- mm. MMMFMMPH." He yelled as he tried to speak. The spell I put on him made it so that his lips could not separate for 5 minutes. "Just shut up already!" I yelled back. He stopped and went to the back of the group for the rest of the hike. When we finally got on top of the hill, we could all see the village. I heard gasps from behind me, and I quickly twirled around to look at them. "So, what do you think?" I asked them. Aphmau's eyes lit up. "Maybe we can find some answers here! This place isn't on the maps, and there's a structure over there that looks a whole lot like the chapel in the Irene dimension! What do you think Chad?" Aphmau said as she looked over at where Chad was standing. Was. We all whipped around only to see Chad running through the crumbling gates of the village and vanishing into the rubble. "Oh my Irene." Katelyn said. "Well, you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat. But in this case, it's curiosity killed the Chad. Let's go before he gets crushed under a bolder." I said as I slid down the hill. Everyone eventually caught up after cautiously climbing down. "Oh come on! Have some fun!" I said as everyone slowly climbed down. I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the gate, my sword clanking against my leg in the way.

When we all finally met up at the gate, Laurence and Aphmau agreed to split up. I was with Travis. Joy.

We had walked into an old looking library when he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a closet. "What are y-" I started but was cut off when he put his hand on my mouth and put a finger over his lips. We stayed quiet for a bit before hearing footsteps. They sounded like high heels, and they walked across the rubble before fading into the distance. We took a peek, but all I saw was a small glance of reddish pink hair. Weird. "I think we're clear." I said before we both left the tiny room. We walked a few more steps when I felt the ground shaking. "What is that?" I asked. "I was hoping you were just really hungry." Travis said before the floor beneath us broke through.

We were falling and I shut my eyes extremely tight. I felt my body thump down onto a surface. It felt... soft and warm. I opened my eyes to see myself on top of Travis. Oh my Irene no no no no no... I quickly shot up, my face redder than a goddamn tomato and I brushed myself off. "Are you okay?!" I asked while being extremely embarrassed. "I'm fine." He said after having a coughing fit. I sighed before we looked around. "So... how are we getting out of here?" I asked him. "You could fly." He said. "Yeah, but I don't have enough energy to do so." I replied. He looked at me with a confused look. "Oh my Irene, it's almost as if you know nothing about demons." I said while face palming. "I need an energy source in order for my power to be efficient, or at least to work. My energy source is humans being negative, humans suffering, or humans having negative emotions. As you can tell, we're in a hole, and there isn't a lot of human negativity here." I said while crossing my arms. He made an 'O' shape with his mouth and nodded. "Hey, what's that?" He asked while pointing to a pile of rocks. "What?" I said before turning my head to see what he was pointing at. There was a pile of rocks blocking something. "Help me out." He said as he ran up to the pile and started to pull and rip the rocks away. I sighed before walking over to the pile of rubble and tearing rocks away. When we were done, we saw a door. "Okay then." I said before we started to push on it. It eventually opened and we stumbled into a very long hallway. It was underground and there was very little light. "Wow..." I trailed off. "Yeah, I know." Travis replied. We were walking a few more steps when we started to here muffled voices. I whipped my sword out and Travis did to. We got closer to the source and heard what they were saying. "This place is incredible Laurence!" We hear a familiar voice say. Aphmau. We both breathed out in relief and put our weapons back before walking into the room they were in. "Hey guys!" Aphmau said in excitement when she saw us. "Hey Aphmau." Travis said. We walked in and Aphmau continued to talk about how cool something was. "What's up?" Travis asked before we saw what she was talking about. There was a beautiful mural on the wall, and on it, there were a bunch of symbols and some really complex drawings and designs, but I saw something that caught my eye the most. D-Daddy...

I hung my head low and felt tears escape my eyes and fall to the floor. My face was covered by my hair as I left the room. I swiftly climbed the rubble until I was out, and started to walk around the city until I found a pretty stable building that was a good distance from the room we were in.

Just let it out here.

Travis' P.O.V

We were studying the mural when I saw (Y/N) look really depressed and walk away. Aphmau was too busy making theories and looking at the drawing with Laurence to notice.

I followed her out of the room and up the pile of rubble until she eventually stopped in a building that was pretty far away from where we originally were. I hid behind a pillar and watched her whip out her sword. She was quiet and pretty still for a few minutes before charging at a pillar and she cut it right in half. She started to punch, kick, stab, and slice multiple things, sometimes all at once. She was crying and screaming at the same time. After a while, I couldn't take it and tackled her to the ground. "What's wrong?!" I yelled at her.

Your P.O.V

Travis followed me and saw me throw a tantrum. "Get off!" I yelled back. "Not until you tell me what's wrong!" He said in a softer tone. I struggled to get out from under his grasp, but he was too strong. "(Y/N)..." He trailed off. I looked away from him in shame. He let go with one hand and gently push my cheek to look at him. "Please tell me what's wrong..." He begged. I opened my mouth to speak, but the tears came out instead. He got off and let me sit up. I started to cry uncontrollably, and he watched me for a minute before wrapping his arms around me and engulfing my body in warmth. I started to calm down and just silently let the tears continue to pour. "(Y/N)... please." Travis calmly asked. I sighed and backed up to look him in the eyes.

"When I was born, I never met my mom because my dad killed her before I was old enough to create memories. When I became old enough to walk, my dad put me through rigorous training in order for me to live up to what he was. Whenever I did something wrong, he would... hurt me. I was scared to be in the same room as him, and I was horrified when he became drunk. He was terrible to me. No better than a tyrant. When I got older, I started to have thoughts of leaving. Of being good and not evil. He found out by reading my journal, and he was furious. He was a demon after all. He tried to... burn me. To death one night. I've never been more scared in my life. The whole night, I was running from room to room in our house, trying to hide while he would yell things like, 'I'm coming for you...' or, 'You're not gonna like what happens when I find you...'. I was horrified and scarred both physically and mentally. That's why I have terrible trust issues... I eventually ran away from him, and into the Overworld. I found that island that we used to be on, and lived there. But you were the first person I'd talked to in years." I finished with a small sniffle. My head was still hung low, and more tears fell from my eyes and glistened in the light. "Whenever I see a picture of him, whenever I hear about him, I get triggered so badly, and I lose it sometimes. I usually just get really sad or angry, but it can get bad." I added. Travis cupped my face and made me face him. My face got as red as a cherry and the tears subsided. "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. Just trust me. Please." He said, his eyes full of promise. I grabbed his hand and held it before nodding. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he snaked his arms around my waist. We stayed there for a while, and I never wanted his warmth to leave me. But sadly, we separated. I slowly got up and put my sword back in its holster. It was dark when we made it back to the camp. Aphmau was telling us all about how we needed to map out the island as soon as possible, but I zoned out and looked at the stars.

I hope you can keep your promise Travis.

I'm sorry that these take 187 years to write but a lot of effort goes into these chapters and I hope you like them.

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