Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 9

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Caly's POV

Caly groaned as she was lead into a cabin filled with a bunch of other kids. Except they looked alot more...ok, well when she figures out what to call children who seemed to be loaded on steroids, she'll get back to you.

"Ok." The guy, whos name was Devin, stopped in front of the room and did a high whistle with his forefinger. Caly raised a brow. This guy has dark blonde hair, that ran a little past his ears, and he had deep blue eyes, and he looks about 16 or so. "Ok guys this is Caly. a newbie so obviously we don't know her godly parent yet so....treat her nicely!" He said with a grin.

The other campers passed glances and then set their glares on Caly, who just stood there like an idiot, and waved. They always look at you like that Caly, don't freak out, she mentally told herself. 5 minutes ago, she had been told that she was a demi-god and from the looks of her(bright grayish blue eyes) and her shameful past, Devin figured she would be a child of the goddess of theives. Artemis. Ohh gee, something to look foreward to. Although Chiron and the smart blonde argued about how she swore off men, they had a hunch that she wasn't exactly the child OF the goddess. They mentioned something about her also being the goddess of maidens therefore she could have blessed the foresaken child for someone else to raise. What the actual hell. 

She only laughed a little crazy like when he told her, and he ruffled her hair like she was a little kid, and said "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

Snapping back to reality, Caly stepped in front of the door, when Devin tried to make his way out, "your not actually gonna leave me in here...are you? Isn't this your cabin too?" She said hopefully.

Devin just shook his head, "Naw kid, I'm with the Apollos." flashing yet another smile. Caly wanted to smack it right off his face.

With a huff, she threw her bag down on an empty bunk and plopped down on the side of it, burying her face in her hands. For about 10 minutes, she was lost in her thoughts, about what had happend in the last few hours. She hadn't even left home for a full 24 hours!

"Welcome to Hermes cabin." A voice had cut through her thoughts, and she looked up to see a decent looking boy with dark hair and charcoal eyes.

"Thanks..." She muttered, trying to smile politely. Honestly, right now. Everything seemed to annoy her.

"I'm Bryan." He said sitting on the edge of the bunk next to her. "I'm guessing your new. You a child of Hermes too?" Caly shook her head and sighed, "Nope. They think im Artemis' "kid". Crazy huh...hahah.." She quote marked the word 'kid' hoping that he would at least tell her 'no of course not' or 'nah, if you were that'd mean you were a mistake and that could possibly cause chaos among the gods, because you were born!' but then just frowned when the guy just bobbed his head. "PLEASE tell me i'm crazy."

Bryan, just stood up and gave her a sympathetic kinda look, "If i did, then id be lying. If ya need a tour of the place, id be happy to show ya around."

Caly sighed then nodded and thanked him. Annoyingly, she pulled her brown hair back into a ponytail, and got up heading outside. Might as well get used to things around here right? She looked around, seeing kids with bows and arrows shooting at targets, really pretty girls(aphrodite she guess?) riding unicorns around the strawberry feilds, and then her gaze landed upon the goat from earlier.

"Uhm hello??!" She shouted towards them. She looked to see who he was with, and surprise surprise, there was a half man half horse guy waving at her to come over. haha...ok. She'll play along.

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