Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 35

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Caly's POV

Caly was grateful when Aj took over and explained to Chiron what she had told him. She was never really comfortable with telling anybody ANYTHING about her but she knew she had to. After being excused from Mr. D (not that she was complaining of course) and being escorted to the big house, her mind was lost on what to say about the so called ''prophecy'' she had heard.

But thankfully, Aj stepped in seeing how nervous she was. As he was explaining things to the very concerned looking Chiron, Caly couldn't help but throw very grateful smiles towards her partner in crime standing beside her. Well, she wouldn't exactly call him her partner in crime since...he looked like a pretty clean kid unlike herself. But after all that was over, she just found herself staring at whatever could keep her at ease. It went from the live leopard head on the wall (it only made her feel sick), to her feet, to the ceiling, and then back at her feet. She waited patiently as Chiron thought this through and announced his decision.

"From what you two have told me, it seems a quest is in order. I myself am unsure of the entirety of your task, but it is easily understood 5 campers will unite to come together on the quest as stated in the prophecy. You two are definitely apart of that." Chiron paused for a moment, before continueing with a tired sigh. For now, i will ask you return to your normal camp activities, until tonight. I will call for the cabin leaders to meet in the meeting room after the bonfire, but until then, you two must say nothing of this to anyone, do you understand me? Oh and Caly. Keep your head up my dear. It'll come in handy" She had no idea what he meant by that but the two of them both nodded in unison, before excusing themselves to leave.

She walked out of the huge brown door, and followed Aj to his cabin, seeing that he wanted her to. Once inside, Caly sat down across from him and looked around at the sea-blue decors, and pretty pimp modern technology. She raised an eyebrow, with her mind immediately racing to see how she would be able to get that nice boombox outta the room without getting caught. Caly frowned. She shook her head to get those thoughts out of her head. She needed to stop thinking like that.

'Dammit mom." she muttered under her breath, only to look up and see that Aj was staring at her rather peculiarly. A loud howl was heard not far from her cabin after she said that, but she ignored it."Uh...sorry. Talking to myself, haha." Her eyes went back to her feet.

"I-...I really don't want to go on this quest thing." She bit her bottom lip without meeting his eyes. She didn't know why she was telling him this but she had no one else at camp. So far, only Aj had been a really good friend to her despite everything that had happened. Derek, Jacov, and the others that she had met back in the Hermes cabin were ok, but they just didn't seem like they would understand her. She was somehow drawn to Aj. But she knew her mom would be a major skeptic about her dating. She didn't even think the great lady artemis would even let her talk to a male.

With a scoff, she snapped out of her trance and looked up at Aj, his eyes glowing with worry. "I'm just...scared." She sighed. What a loser, she was at the moment. The only daughter of Artemis. The goddess of the hunt, maidens, wildlife and moon. Scared of leaving a little camp. She had a feeling she was gonna end up being the laughing stock of the entire camp, if Aj were to tell the aphrodite kids. It already seems like they hated her guts. As they talked, time seemed to pass by within seconds. The horn blared, notifying everyone that it was already time for dinner, and then after that was the bonfire.

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