Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 43

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Caly's POV

As Caly gently shut the door behind her, the smile on her face broke out immediately after being held in for so long. When Aj touched her hand that night she felt something…something that she knew her mom would blast her behind off if she mentions it.

But somehow Caly knew Aj had felt something too, because he had stopped in his tracks not moving until she poked him in the side.

‘Probably nothing.’ she mentally thought. She quickly changed into a white tank top and a pair of black sweats, and made her way over to the comfort of her own bed when suddenly a dark figure caught her eye. It came from her window, and as she made her way over, peeking through the silver curtains, she spotted a bobbing figure making their way to the Apollo cabin.

”Who the…” she muttered softly, still eyeing the strange being. Caly frowned, willing her eyes to extend beyond the limit of normal human sight and then she pulled back, after realizing who it was.

Ajax. But who was that with him? Caly refocused herself until she make out a dark haired figure who she soon identified to be Andria. ‘

Tsk.’ Figures.

Caly shook her head but shrugged. Oh well. “Happy ma?” She plopped backwards onto her bed and lays there looking up at the ceiling as she spoke. She could’ve sworn her mom had asked Aphrodite to set up their little relationship or something. ‘Forever alone’ she thought, as she slowly drifted off to sleep



Calt opened her eyes. She sat up and stretched her arms high above her head, ”Greatin…?” she asked but got no answer, except some random chirpings and hootings from who knows what. Oh wait. Owls.

Caly rose immediately and stumbled over a log that her head had been laying on. “uh….” She could’ve sworn she went to sleep in her bed last night.

“Calysta.” A soft, echoing female voice rang through her ears. She looked around her once more, finally taking in her surroundings.

There were trees everywhere. Literally, the small area she had been sleeping in was only big enough to fit the log and herself since the tall oaks and willows had taken up much of the secluded space.

“Whos there?” Her voice bounced among the trees. She could feel herself shaking.

“Your mother.” The stranger’s voice said again, a bit annoyed, and this time when Caly went to dive behind the log (heroic isn’t she?) a bright glowing figure caught her eye.

It was a young woman about 18 or possibly even younger, dressed in fine fabric that seemed to wrapped itself in a tight but yet devine way around her body. Her figure changed as she moves and Caly couldn't help but stare. She shifted from a young child to an average teenager back to a woman in her early twenties or so. Never older than that though. She had a bow in hand and a casket full of arrows clinging onto her back. But as the woman transitions closer, Caly could see that there were only 5 arrows with her. 1 of them was golden and the other 4 was a shining silver.

“M-..Mo-” She couldn’t bring herself to say it. After all these years, she had finally come face to face to the woman who claims to be her mother. A goddess. “I-..”

“No need to speak, my dear.” Artemis didn’t seem very happy to see her only daughter at all. Her eyes gleamed with a kind but somewhat nonchalant look to it. As if she didn’t care who stood before her.

“Mom.” Caly spoke as calmly as possible but she could hear her voice crack.

“Yes.” The woman smiled and took a step foreward. “I haven’t seen you in a while Calysta.” Caly’s shoulders starts to shake. She wanted to snap at this ‘goddess’ but something inside of her wouldn’t let her. It was like she expected her to be mad or something.

“I know your upset with me. But I made the mistake of having you and I couldn’t bare to send you off on this quest without a mother’s guidance.” Caly tilted her head. Her mother seemed to portray a sad expression just a moment ago. But then Caly understood her words. She was a mistake. She knew it from the beginning of course but she didn’t think it would hurt that badly hearing it from her mother, who didn’t have any trouble at all saying it to her face.

But Artemis did seem genuinely sad.

“Don’t speak.” The goddess said and Caly strangely obeyed. Her voice will probably betray her emotions anyway. As her mom was about to say something, the trees shook around Calysta and the floor seemed to be sucking her in.

The goddess sighed loudly and muttered something in greek that sounded like a curse to zeus or something. “Keep your head up Calysta. I named you after one of my strongest hunters for a reason.” Within seconds, Caly woke up with her forehead beaded with sweat. Her hands were shaking profusively and clutched in her hands were a pair of matching arrow heads. One was gold. The other was Silver.

She automatically shut her hands, firmly.

And why do people keep telling her to keep her head up? She wasn't the happiest camper around, but she doesn't go around moping either. Gods, everything was annoying.

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