Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 50

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Aj's POV

‘DON’T LET GO!’ Aj thought to himself, as the gripped the edge of the bronze, and wooden, ship for dear life. ‘I. HATE. AIR. TRAVEL.’ He wanted to scream aloud, but he knew if he even opened his mouth he’d start blubbering like a freaking baby! He was scared waterless to be..well entirely honest. ‘Haha..waterless…sheesh, im so punny.’ He thought to himself jokingly, and would’ve laughed had the ship not jerked, and nearly sent him flying off.

Well, it probably wouldnt’ve, but Aj hated heights, and air travel so to him, this WAS hell. Which was pretty coincidental, since Hades was down under, and no not Australia.

Aj smiled, or tried to when Caly walked over to him, with a worried look in her eyes. He wanted to tell her he was just fine, but he couldn’t move, much less open his mouth to speak clearly. He wanted to take her hand, and pull her back to sit down next to him when she moved away, but again, he couldn’t. He looked around the deck, and tried his best to tune out the blue skies surrounding them, and to just take in the beauty of the ship.

When they’d said the Argo III Aj had thought they meant a BOAT. As in a boat that sailed on WATER. That would have been much more to his liking, and to his brothers aswell it seemed, from his antagonized expression. Annabeth had tried to calm Percy down, but it appeared she’d had no luck. At least he had experience riding on the Argo, so he seemed alot better off than Aj was.

Aj started to stand up, and made it onto his feet, holding himself up by using the side rail of the vessel, when Piper popped up infront of him.

“How about we take you two to go lay down in one of the cabins below?” She asked with a worried, expression. Aj nodded, and tried his best to smile.

“That’d be great.” He said weakly, threw clenched teeth. Annabeth helped Percy up, and together, the two girls helped the two, air sick boys to the cabins below deck. Aj lay down on the bed, and shook his head at Piper when she asked if he wanted anything. Aj looked to his left to see his brother lying still, his chest moving up and down at an even pace, concluding Aj’s theory that he had fallen asleep.

How he managed to do that when they were 13,000 Ft in the air, being a son of Poseidon, Aj would never be able to figure out, but he decided to let that thought slip away. Aj stared at the ceiling of the bunk bed for a while, feeling the ship shift back and forth in the wind, eventually getting his mind set right, to imagine it was being rocked back and forth by the soft ocean swells. He knew that wasn’t the case, but it did help his air-sickness. After a while, Aj heard footsteps, and a few loud plops on the ground outside the cabin. Curiousity getting the best of him, he got up and peeked his head outside the door, to find Jason with his back turned to him, heading up the stairs, and a newly dumped pile of luggage sitting neatly in a stack near the bottom of the staircase. Aj laughed softly, and sighed, looking up at the closing door to the ship, and deciding it might be best to get some sleep. He didn’t know what all else he could do at 13,000 Ft in the air. He walked back to his and his brothers cabin room, and lay down on the lower bunk, closing his eyes, and eventually being lulled to sleep by the “Ocean swells” shifting the boat back and forth.

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