Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 11

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Caly's POV

After having a talk with Chiron, about all the "big threes," and "Grave dangers" and such, Caly went back to the cabin she had been assigned to, and got dressed.

She threw on an orange camp half-blood tee, and a pair of shorts, before unpacking some of her stuff. She didnt' really bring much with her, even though she left house with a purpose after all. But she thought her mom would've had some decent clothes for her to borrow. Guess not.

Caly turned her attention towards the front, when Bryan did a high whistle, and introduced another new kid. Turns out, he was the boy from before, and she couldn't help but give him a slight sympathetic smile when he caught her gaze. She knew exactly what he was feeling at the moment. Despair, nervousness, anger, why not try and make friends if she was gonna be stuck here for the rest of summer right? Then it hit her. She didn't have anywhere to go once summer was over. Her dad tends to travel alot on business and she can't turn back after running away from home.

Ah well, she thought to herself. She'll hot wire a car and drive to florida or something. She looked out the window near her bunk and saw that the sun was about to set. The Satyrs(Greatin explained earlier along with Chiron) were cleaning the dining hall, that only had a netted roof over it. She guessed it doesn't rain here often. Caly turned around, with a sigh, and nearly toppled over a girl who looked about 11, bent over on the ground right at her feet.

"What the- er can I help you?"

The girl, with blonde ringlets, looked up and flashed a smile, showing 2 missing teeth, "I'm Mika. Hermes daughter. Nice to meet ya!" Caly smiled, and shook the girl's hand that she held out. Wow. Kids are alot more mature here apparently.

"Its my job to keep my bunk nice and clean so i thought id scrub the floor around it too! Before supper starts and catch the flag of course." Mika grinned.

Caly just tilted her head, confused and nodded, "Alright well...I'll see you at dinner..i guess." Caly shook her head and walked past the others, and took one last glanced at the boy who slayed the demon bird.

He seemed to be doing alot better, she thought to herself, and shrugged heading outside. She can't be expected to be stuffed in a crowded cabin. She pratically gasped for air, once she got outside, taking in every breath. Caly loved the outdoors. After a moment, she went over to the fireplace as it automatically lit up.

"Hestia's gift when the camp first opened." A satyr said, carrying a bunch of trays. "Not the best but hey! it keeps us from having to light the thing every night!" he bleeted out a laugh and she grimaces and laughed as well. She was definitely having a hard time getting used to this.

"Nice to meet you?" She said trying be nice, and he replied with a grin, as he snuck a soda can and bit the top off and chewed. Gross.

"I'm grover. You must be new!" Caly nodded. "Well dinner starts in 5 minutes and then its Capture the flag. Bet you'll have fun with that one." He winked and continued chewing on his can, as he made his way into the mess hall to bring out some more trays. She sat there staring into the fire, waiting through the longest 5 minutes of her life. Hell, this might as well be the longest summer of her life.

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