Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 31

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Caly's POV

Caly listened to his every word, taking in as much useful information as possible, until he came to the part about Artemis.

"Whoa whoa whoa." She put up both her hands, making a 'no effing way' gesture. " I don't know the first thing about slaying monsters and from what Chiron told us...were gonna get killed if we even step foot outside of the camp border lines." Tilting her head, she stared at him.

He was really cute when he frowned and being all worried about he-...Ok. That stone that she wanted to bash her head with before seems really tempting right now.

"Well..." She just sighed and sat back down repositioning herself the way she was before, and looked over at him. "I'm fine. Just a little...oh c'mon." she rolled her eyes at him, but laughed softly afterwards.

"Don't tell me your not a little freaked out by this? Were children of gods." Caly hesitated a moment to let this all catch on to him but when he barely showed any signs that this might be a little freakydeeky, she had to admit she was a bit impressed. Greatin was more freaked out about their situation than he was, and he's half goat.

"And...Yea I guess your right about the Child of sea, moon, and fire thing. But a sparrow is one of aphrodite's animals. That I know for sure." Caly didn't exactly know HOW she knew for sure, but she did. Maybe it was from all that reading her dad made her do, or the extra classes of ancient history she had taken back in sixth grade. "Do you think we should tell Greatin? Or chiron? I mean they could help..." Caly glanced back over at Aj with a very pitiful look, one only a small child would know how to master. Don't ask. Let's just say she had alot of practice being a mischevious child. But this time it felt real. she really was scared. Mentally, she was praying to whatever god was watching over them at the moment to magically poof up another Artemis child. She may be some what cunning but she was no where near as good a fighter like Aj was.

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